Chapter 907 Things Are Exposed

If one day he can be caught, he must be chopped up to relieve his hatred!
Back then, when Quan Fangzi gave birth to her, she had a dystocia, passed through the gate of hell, and never gave birth again.

Xin Ying is the only seedling in the Xin family.

Although she is a daughter, her grandparents, grandparents, and grandparents love her very much, and she has been loved by thousands of people since she was a child.

She is the princess of the Xin family, she is afraid of melting in her mouth, and afraid of falling when holding her in her hand.

However, who would have thought that one day the princess of the Xin family would have such a tragic experience.

Quan Fangzi burst into tears on the spot, crying so sadly.

Xin Jun clenched his fists, a big man could only knock out his teeth and swallow his blood.

Anger is anger, parents still love her after all, accepting the fact that she was pregnant out of wedlock.

What does it matter if you don't know who the father of the child is?
It's not like the Xin family can't afford a child.

If the daughter wants to marry in the future, and her husband's family dislikes her, at worst, she will return to her mother's family. The Xin family has a great career, so are they afraid that they will not be able to support their daughter and grandson for the rest of their lives?

In today's society, daughters from ordinary families and even divorced women are very sought-after, not to mention the excellent conditions of the daughter of the Xin family.

On the spot, the two took Xin Ying to the hospital to check the child's health.

In fact, Xin Ying herself has been going for regular pregnancy checkups, and the doctor also said that the baby is very healthy.

Quan Fangzi and Xin Jun were not relieved until they heard the doctor said that the child was healthy.

The Xin family only hoped that Xin Ying would give birth to a healthy child.

Later, Quan Fangzi and Xin Jun gradually saw the way. They saw that she didn't seem to hate the man who spoiled her, but also loved the child in her belly, so they began to ask her who the child belonged to.

Of course, she clenched her teeth and refused to let go.

However, at noon today, Quan Fangzi called her and asked her to go home.

After arriving home, Xin Ying found out that her affairs had been exposed.

Quan Fangzi said that she received a call from Zhong Shaoqing at noon.

Zhong Shaoqing revealed everything on the phone, saying that what was in her stomach was the flesh and blood of You Haoze, the president of You Group.

As soon as Quan Fangzi told Xin Jun about this, the entire Xin family exploded.

After Xin Jun heard the news, his whole body was like being bombarded by five thunders. Xin Ying will never forget his exaggerated expression.

Perhaps, Quan Fangzi would only think that Xin Jun was angry, and would not think too much about it.

But Xin Ying knew what her father Xin Jun was afraid of.

The same is a daughter, I don't know who my father will help?

Will he be on Lin Zitong's side, or on her side?
She herself was also shocked. Under pressure from her parents, she had to admit that the child belonged to You Haoze.

Mother Quan Fangzi was furious, and she was about to go to You Haoze to settle the score.

However, her father, Xin Jun, agrees with her and refuses to go.

Xin Ying grabbed her mother: "Mom, I beg you not to go to him. I insisted on giving birth to the child myself. I can't blame him for this."

What a joke, You Haoze didn't want to see her in the first place, if they run around like this again, it will be completely over.

She kept in mind what Lin Zitong said to her that day, it doesn't matter how much she and You Haoze fight in private, it's not good to involve her family.

She played a little tricky in front of You Haoze, used her words, and told some insignificant lies, but he might not take it to heart.

But if things get bigger, it won't end well.

Mother Quan Fangzi asked: "Who is that You Haoze? Why do you defend him so much?"

She replied honestly: "He is my ex-boyfriend. We were in love for a few years before we broke up."

(End of this chapter)

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