Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 95 I Forgot, It's Enough for You to Brag.

Chapter 95 I Forgot, It's Enough for You to Brag.

Hearing this, he pressed her shoulders, looked straight into her eyes, and said very seriously.

"I don't know if they are upset. I can't bear them talking about my wife like that, and I don't allow them to be angry with my wife. Even if they are bullied, my wife can only be bullied by me."

In the end, she couldn't hold him back, so she returned the piece of paper to him, and said with a smile, "Then you can figure it out."

When You Haoze walked out of the conference room with Lin Zitong's waist in his arms, he once again received strange looks from many employees secretly.

Lin Zitong pretended not to see it, and smiled calmly: "Mr. You, I have heard a very interesting point of view, but after seeing your words, I think this point of view is not valid."

"What point of view?" You Haoze's eyes lit up, and his voice was as soft as the wind in early spring.

"It is said that the uglier a man's handwriting, the more handsome he will be; the louder a girl laughs, the more beautiful she looks. That's because no one will pay attention to his handwriting for an ugly man, and no one will pay attention to an ugly girl. Someone made her laugh."

You Haoze was amused by her words, for a while, their whispers and chuckles echoed around.

The corners of his eyes and eyebrows were full of spring, and he deliberately put his tone lightly: "Honey, you can just praise me for being handsome and beautiful."

She still didn't change her smile, and joked: "Oh, I forgot, it's enough for you to boast."

"No, no, I still like to hear you praise me." He quickly put away his smile and said in an understatement tone: "However, I think that point of view is very reasonable, after all, a handsome and beautiful man like me is on the verge of Extinct."

She has seen thick-skinned people before, but she has never seen such thick-skinned people. She smiled and didn't care.

Back in the president's office, You Haoze sat back at his desk and read through the documents sent by various departments for approval, while Lin Zitong sat on the sofa and flipped through magazines.

Suddenly, her gaze fell on an entertainment daily.

Suddenly seeing a photo published on it, she held her breath for an instant.

The background of the photo was the lobby on the first floor of the Imperial Capital International Hotel. Zhong Shaoqing put his arms around her waist, and in front of many fans, he kissed her passionately on the forehead.

Although she was wearing Zhong Shaoqing's sunglasses in the photo, covering nearly half of her face, people with discerning eyes could still easily recognize that the woman was her.

The most scalp-numbing thing is that Zhong Shaoqing in the photo looks affectionate and intoxicated, and the look in her eyes is even more incomparably hot.

She only remembered that she felt at a loss, her heart beat faster because of inner panic, and her brain went blank.

However, judging from this photo, her cheeks were flushed, her head was lowered shyly, and she looked like a little woman immersed in happiness.

This photo fell into the eyes of outsiders, and the two were a real couple.

Why did the photos of her and Zhong Shaoqing embracing/kissing come out and even make headlines on the front page of the newspaper?

Obviously yesterday his bodyguards and manager stopped people from taking pictures.

Judging from the camera angle and pixels of this photo, it doesn't look like it was taken with a mobile phone, but more like a professional photographer took it with a video camera.

You Haoze glanced towards the sofa inadvertently, and noticed Lin Zitong's complexion changed, he immediately put down the document in his hand, and walked towards her.

"what happened?"

This very normal question made Lin Zitong's body tremble slightly, she suddenly came back to her senses, and hastily turned the newspaper over.

She forced a calm smile: "Nothing."

"let me see."

(End of this chapter)

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