Chapter 96 Surprise, what a big surprise.

You Haoze is too shrewd, he can't hide even a little trouble from his eyes.She wanted to cover it up, but he snatched the newspaper from her hand without any explanation.

Unexpectedly seeing the scene where his wife hugged/kissed another man, You Haoze felt a rush of blood rushing to the top of his head.

Those swarthy/black eyes were staring at the photo, with raging anger burning in their eyes.

That gaze made Lin Zitong's heart tremble, and for no reason he felt that the air pressure in his body was much lower.

The headline on the front page of this entertainment daily has a striking headline "National male god Zhong Shaoqing's love affair is exposed, and her crush is actually her!" ", the accompanying illustration is that photo.

You Haoze closed his eyes forbearance, opened them again, and patiently read the article briefly.

This article is mainly about the drama "Marry Love". It doesn't specify who the woman in the photo is, but only shows that the woman participated in that drama. The specific role can only be known by interviewing Zhong Shaoqing himself. .

Fuck, what does Zhong Shaoqing want to do!You Haoze cursed in his heart, the newspaper in his hand was crushed into a ball.

His eyes were slightly cold, which made her feel a little flustered inexplicably.

The air around him seemed to be silent.

"I think it's necessary for you to explain to me what's going on."

He has tried his best to restrain his emotions, and what he said is still in a gloomy tone.

Lin Zitong was stunned, and looked at him blankly: "Didn't you know yesterday?"

"I know what a bird!" You Haoze was so indignant that he couldn't help but swear.

Didn't he see that scene yesterday?Then why did he have such a big reaction yesterday?She thought he...

Such a dull atmosphere made people feel a little breathless.

After deliberating for a moment, Lin Zitong bit his lip and looked at him with shining eyes.

She explained seriously at a very slow speed: "Yesterday you left suddenly. I wanted to sit in the lobby and wait for you. Who would have thought that I would be entangled by fans. When I was about to escape to find you, I bumped into Zhong Shaoqing. I didn't Expected him to do that in front of fans."

The jealous You Haoze couldn't listen to her explanation at all, looked down at her for a while, and suddenly sneered: "Surprise, what a big surprise. I only left for a while, and you gave me such a big surprise."

The vinegar smell in the words was almost sour.

Under such circumstances, You Haoze still threw stones at her, slapping her face every word like a slap, he didn't know whether it was anger, shame or anger.

She stared at him blankly, her ears filled with his sarcasm, suddenly, grievances flooded her heart like a tide, and she immediately showed a hurt expression.

"Mr. You, are you blaming me? Obviously I'm the victim!"

She didn't know how this photo appeared.As soon as this photo was published in the newspaper, Zhong Shaoqing's tens of millions of fans still scolded her behind her back.

She has always kept a low profile and was afraid of getting into trouble. This time she really got into trouble.

"Victim? I think you are eager to have an affair with him." You Haoze was clearly furious, but he couldn't bear it.

He sneered and said, "It's not enough to have an affair with me, but it's fine to be with him, right? Do you think he's famous, and you can get popular by relying on him?"

These harsh words made her heart palpitate, and even her internal organs were ironed.

Her pupils shrank, and her body trembled unconsciously: "Is this how you look at me?"

(End of this chapter)

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