Chapter 97 You Beg Him, Better Beg Me!
She wanted to turn around and leave, but her legs seemed to be filled with lead, so heavy that they could no longer be driven by her will, she stood there fixedly, unable to take a step.

"If you don't want to have an affair with him, why didn't you tell me about it yesterday?" You Haoze smiled angrily, the smile on his face became wider, but his eyes became colder: "Now, your intimacy has been photographed in the newspaper Headline, are you satisfied?"

When such a thing happened, she didn't tell him immediately.If she had told him yesterday, he would definitely find a way to settle it, and it would be impossible for that photo to be published in the newspaper.

The culprit was Zhong Shaoqing, and she was an accomplice.What's even more exasperating is that when such a thing happened, she actually endured it silently.Doesn't she dislike Zhong Shaoqing's behavior?

Does she know that she is his wife!

A thought flashed through his mind quickly, and he caught it just in time.No wonder the employees of the company looked at her like that in the morning.He thought...

So many people know about it, but he is still belatedly aware of it.

They probably secretly joked that their president was greened.

Lin Zitong's thoughts were chaotic, excited by his words, he nodded unexpectedly: "Yes, I am very satisfied. Now, I can take advantage of Zhong Shaoqing's popularity and make a small fire."

You Haoze was in a fit of anger, but he didn't hear what was wrong in her words, and his face was extremely gloomy for an instant.

There was a fire burning in his heart, he stepped forward and squeezed her chin, the strength was heavy and he was a little bit reluctant.

Seeing her frown, she finally let go of her hand.

"Lin Zitong, if you want to be hot, just tell me no? You don't have to rely on him, I can help you as much as you want." He glared at her viciously, gnashing his teeth: "Beg him, why don't you beg me!"

Being confused by him, it was as if she deliberately hooked up with Zhong Shaoqing.

She couldn't stand such slander, and her face sank: "You Haoze, do you have to fight me in this way? The reason why I refrained from speaking is because I don't want to cause conflict between you and Zhong Shaoqing. Why are you being aggressive."

For whom did she choose to settle down?
These words made You Haoze less angry, but still angry.

Exhaling a breath, his attitude has eased a lot: "Am I a person who is afraid of causing trouble?"

Frowning helplessly, he asked softly, "Do you really regard me as your husband?"

Which man would be indifferent to being 'green'?The more angry he is, the more he cares about her, she understands this truth.

Her expression suddenly changed, she stared into his eyes, and smiled softly: "Can't you feel it?"

The conversation suddenly changed, her tone became tough, but her eyes were full of innocence: "If you are tired of me, just tell me clearly, don't show me the face."

You Haoze's eyes widened, okay, the villain actually filed a complaint first.

He inhaled, endured and endured, and forced a smile: "Am I tired of you? Why am I angry, don't you know?"

Lin Zitong gritted her teeth, tiptoed to his ear and whispered a long paragraph of words.

You Haoze raised his eyebrows and smiled, as if he had been taken in by her.

He leaned close to her and attached her ear, and his low smile came from his ear: "Well, okay, you said it yourself."

Oh, Lin Zitong blushed, what about her man, she can't coax her?

The tense atmosphere relaxed, but the flame of anger was still burning You Haoze's heart.

Just when Lin Zitong breathed a sigh of relief, he suddenly heard You Haoze asking in a strange tone: "Honey, why do you think Zhong Shaoqing did this?"

(End of this chapter)

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