end ninja world

Chapter 1002

Chapter 1002
However, the girl had no fear on her face, and opened her scarlet Sangouyu Shulunyan, dodging Baijue's attacks one by one.


click -

The Yuqie sword in his hand slashed left and right like firewood, and Bai Jue's corpse beside Zuo Ji was piled up like a mountain in a short while.

And at this time.

"Flounder -"



A huge lightsaber plowed a road of flesh and blood, and Uchiha Haru, Saki's mother, rushed in, with a pair of three-shaped jade writing wheels with bright eyes, and a huge double-knife flounder on her shoulder.

She saw her daughter rushing into the enemy line, and she was a little worried about Zuo Ji's safety.

All mothers are like this, even though Uchiha Haru knows very well that her girl will not be in any danger, she is still worried.

So they also followed and killed together.


When Zuo Ji saw his mother rushing in, a little joy appeared on his face.

Her behavior just now was a bit frivolous and bold, and she left the front directly, but fortunately, her mother followed up in time and rescued her.

"You're being careless, Saki."

However, Uchiha Haru stuck the flounder on the ground with his shoulders on his shoulders, but his face was serious and he didn't show a good face to his daughter.

"Think about your father, you can't be so frivolous anymore."

Because of the lessons learned by Uchiha Tatsumi, and this is also the eternal pain in Uchiha Haru's heart, she certainly does not want her daughter to go back to her father's old path.

But maybe it is the inheritance of father and daughter, the girl Zuo Ji has the same temper as her father, too confident, even conceited.

After being scolded by his mother, Zuo Ji's face was slightly embarrassed.

"Okay, Mom, I know I was wrong."

Then Zuo Ji hurriedly admitted his mistake and begged for mercy.

She has been like this since she was a child. She also knows her mother's temper. Her father is a good-tempered man, but her mother is very strict with her.

So the girl liked to cling to Uchiha Tatsuo when she was young, and avoided her mother.


Seeing that her daughter's attitude of admitting her mistake was quite good, Uchiha Haru gave a slight snort, her black hair fluttering.

The woman was dressed as a Konoha ninja, with the Uchiha family's crest embroidered on her cuffs, her white legs were stained with unknown blood, and she wore a forehead guard with the word 'nin' from the coalition forces on her forehead.

She leads a special operations team, the number is not very large, only about 2000 people, and there are many ninjas from the Uchiha family, who are responsible for roaming on various battlefields for support at any time.

Coincidentally, they followed the second army's flank, and now they directly killed them after receiving the order from the headquarters.

Then Uchiha Haru looked left and right with a pair of three-god jade writing sharing eyes.

The area that had just been directly killed by their mother and daughter was once again filled up like a stream of water.

Bai Jue had no fear in the face of the invincible enemy, and directly let out a strange cry and killed Uchiha Haru's mother and daughter.

"Kaleidoscopic Sharingan—"

But this time, Uchiha Haru's eyes transformed into Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

The three gou jades turned quickly and converged inwards.

The three-point starburst formed in Uchiha Haru's eyes like a complex formation, like a star in the sky.

Immediately, the left eye glowed slightly.

"The Heaven of Clouds."

In an instant, the white mist filled the air, and in the eyes of all Bai Jue, it became a white cloud and smoke-shrouded holy land of the fairy family, with carved railings and jade, and a golden roof.

These Bai Jue are soulless puppets. After being cut off from the order, they stood there blankly, and then slammed around like headless chickens, completely unaware of what happened.

And in the outside world.

All the Bai Ze within tens of meters around Haruu Uchiha stood still in place, as if they were directly and forcibly dragged into a world of illusion.

This is the ability of Uchiha Haru's left eye, a domain ability, which can create an illusion world covered by the fairy domain without restriction along with Uchiha Haru's movement.

"All right."

"Now, everyone follow me!"

Uchiha Haru closed his left eye slightly, and the black hair fluttered on his forehead, unable to hide the beautiful face of the woman.

Then his eyes narrowed slightly, and he unfolded the double-knife flounder in his hand, cutting the sleeping Bai Jue in half like cutting melons and vegetables.

Flounder and flounder pointed straight into the distance.

"Kill all these disgusting things!!"


Uchiha Haru suddenly exerted strength, and a Konoha elite Jōnin went all out, and the form of the local battlefield changed instantly.


The ninjas of the Uchiha family and the other ninjas of the coalition mobile team who followed Uchiha Haru were slightly shaken, and the morale that had just been hit rebounded quickly.

"So strong."

Uchiha Saki followed her mother, and she felt the power of the kaleidoscope Sharingan for the first time, and a large piece of white leaves fell down like mowing grass.

The rain in Zuo Ji's hand was as smooth as a piece of dust, and she turned her head slightly to look at her mother beside her.

And the coalition ninjas who followed Uchiha Haru's mother and daughter along the way were also imposing, tearing the formation of Bai Jue's army from the flanks.It greatly relieved the pressure on Huang Tu, the captain of the second army.

Let Huang Tu and his daughter take a breath.

"very good."

Huang Tu blasted a Bai Jue away with one punch. Seeing the frequent victories on the flank battlefield, he wiped the sweat from his brow, and then shouted loudly to the rear.

"The flanks have already opened up the situation, and our main force should not hold back!"

"Understood! Lord Huang Tu!"

The main force of the second army was also imposing like a rainbow for a while, and they responded loudly in unison, suppressing Bai Jue to retreat steadily.



Whoosh whoosh—

Countless clay birds shuttled through the forest, hit the trees and then burst out with a huge explosion.

The fire blazed into the sky.

The elite troops of the Ninja Alliance and the elite squad of the enemy Reincarnation of the Dirty Earth encountered each other. This was a battle based on their own abilities, and Bai Jue did not interfere with other ninjas.

The huge forest connecting the country of fire and the country of Tian is the battlefield for the two sides to fight.

clang clang-

The fierce collision between Taidao and Kunai, Uchiha Itachi kicked Scorpion's chest, and kicked Scorpion flying.


Scorpion flew upside down, then pulled the string with both hands, and the ninja controlling the two reincarnations of dirt stood firm.

Reincarnation of the Dirty Earth cannot fully display the full strength of the caster, and the weakened scorpion is particularly serious.

Because he is a puppet master, but Reincarnation of the Unholy Land does not include his puppets, and his puppets are still in Konoha's warehouse.

A puppeteer without a puppet is really helpless, and can only use the chakra line to control other ordinary ninjas reincarnated from the dirt to use as puppets.

not far away.

Uchiha Shisui is still in a fierce battle with Didara.

Kankuro faced his younger brother, and the rest of the raid team members helped.

(End of this chapter)

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