end ninja world

Chapter 1003 Command

Chapter 1003 Command
And at the same time.

The headquarters of the Ninja Coalition.

"The elite team and the enemy's team encountered each other."

The fourth generation of Raikage was sinking, analyzing the current intelligence, and just got the news from the surprise attack force. The surprise attack force was attacked by Jinchuriki Gaara, the Red Sand Scorpion, and Didala.

If the two sides are at war.

"The second force intercepted part of the enemy's main force."

More than 2 Baijue troops are fighting against the second army. Without the support of other troops, the battle is inextricably fought, but the battle situation has gradually tilted towards victory.

It's just that these white people have no fear and will not admit defeat. They must be killed as soon as possible, otherwise the situation of such casualties has already collapsed.

And the second army, as the ninja coalition, has not collapsed until now, which is already a brilliant result.

After all, human beings are panic-stricken. If the loss exceeds [-]%, the general army will collapse, and even the most elite troops will surrender if the loss exceeds [-]%.

"The battle situation of the second unit is acceptable."

Speaking of the first battlefield where the outbreak broke out and the only main battlefield today, Ai's face looks much better. Gaining an advantage in the first battle can boost the momentum of the entire coalition.


Shikahisa Nara also nodded.

"The second unit is indeed brave."

"And the war strategies since ancient times cannot escape the use of superior forces to annihilate the enemy's weak forces."

Nara Shikahisa stood in front of the map and said in a deep voice.

Not far away, the huge blisters are still rippling, and the joint perception system technique composed of the most elite perception ninjas from the five major ninja villages.Any huge chakra fluctuations on the entire battlefield can be monitored.

Now there are waves everywhere.

The coalition commanded and dispatched troops, and the enemy was also mobilizing on a large scale, which promoted the rapid escalation of this battle, and finally reached its climax.

"So I think that the third unit closest to Kakashi should be mobilized to support Captain Huangtu."

Shikahisa Nara was still talking, while Ao, who sensed the troops on the other side, frowned and raised his hands, trying his best to perceive something.

"We need to end this battle as soon as possible so that there are no complications."

"The enemy may also increase their personnel here."

The baton in Nara Shikahisa's hand was pointed at the battlefield where the Second Army is currently located. Two thick arrows collided, and a red cross sign indicated that the encounter between the two sides was breaking out of war.

Next to the second unit is the third unit led by Kakashi.

The fastest advancing speed of the fourth army has extended to the Gobi, from the Gobi directly to the mountain cemetery.

We haven't encountered the enemy yet, and we are waiting for the follow-up friendly army. If the fourth army led by Jiraiya goes deep for too long, it will be easy to go deep alone.

"very good."

Ai nodded slightly while listening to Shikahisa Nara's analysis of the battlefield situation, and then spoke to the ninjas of the communications unit at the headquarters.

"Order the third army to reinforce the second army's Huang Tu!"

"and also!"

"Where did this guy Darui go?!"

Lei Ying asked in a loud voice. At the beginning, the people in the headquarters were still a little uncomfortable with Lei Ying's voice.But after such a long time, I can accept this kind of loud voice now.

"Roger that!"

The ninja in charge of communication immediately responded, and then passed the order down.

Restricted by the level of technology in the ninja world, it is a bit crooked. Although there are electronic screens, surveillance cameras, and even miniature missiles and other technologies.

But in the field of communication, there are only tiny wireless headset devices, but no telephones.

Now it has gathered the top technologies of the five major ninja villages and the mental ninjutsu of the Yamanaka family, which can connect several local area networks and rely on manual wiring to quickly transmit the technology layer by layer.

To issue an order from the headquarters of Leiyunxia, ​​it takes about three to five artificial base stations set up along the way, so that the order can be sent to the team leader immediately.

And the time consumed in this is only a few minutes, no more than 10 minutes.

Kakashi's side hadn't received the order yet, and the Sensing Ninja heard Raikage's words and hurried to investigate the progress of the Darui Division of the First Unit.

"Master Darui has not encountered any enemy attack, and has safely arrived at the predetermined location."

Neither Jiraiya nor Darui were attacked by the enemy, and they safely arrived at the preset location, stationed by the sea.

Jiraiya, as the captain of the alliance, led the main force to meet the enemy's main force.

However, the enemy's mobility is very strong, bypassing Jilai and directly attacking the loess of the second army, and now the center and rear have become the main battlefield.

"After the support of the third army has passed, the special combat force led by the three ship generals of the fifth army may also be mobilized there to encircle and suppress these Baijue."

Shikahisa Nara touched his chin slightly, thinking about the next plan.

However this time.


Kirigakure Ninja Ao, who presided over the perception system, suddenly frowned slightly, and the muscles between the eyebrows twisted into a knot.

"This is…"

He sensed large-scale fluctuations above the blisters, which was a sign of the appearance of a large number of enemies.

"Master General, we have sensed that tens of thousands of Bai Jue are passing under the battlefield of the second army, and their intentions are unknown."

"Tens of thousands of whites"

Tsunade, the chief of staff, sat on the command table without saying a word. He couldn't help frowning when he heard this sentence, and glanced at Shikahisa Nara.

If this continues, this place will become the main battlefield, and Nara Shikahisa's previous strategy will all come to nothing.

It seems that the enemy is also not a simple person.


When Nara Shikahisa heard this sentence, his eyes narrowed slightly, and then he immediately raised his head to look at the map to observe the situation of the entire battlefield, and quickly figured out the opponent's intentions in doing so.

What is the purpose of this white army.

However, Nara Shikajiu stared at the map and only pondered for three seconds, then quickly had an idea and said.

"Immediately mobilize the generals of the fifth army and three ships to intercept this Baijue army. The mission of the third army remains unchanged."

The ninja in charge of communications at the headquarters looked at Raikage with some hesitation when he heard Shikahisa Nara's words.

"Do it!"

Lei Yingai said with a serious face.

"Roger that!"

The communication ninja responded immediately, and then this order was quickly issued.


There isn't just one piece of bad news.

"General, the first unit has encountered an enemy!"

Qing suddenly shouted again.


Everyone in the entire headquarters looked sideways, not knowing why Qing's reaction was so big.

(End of this chapter)

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