end ninja world

Chapter 1004

Chapter 1004
But the next second.

The water polo of the entire perception system suddenly began to move on a large scale, and bubbles continued to bulge like boiling water.

If people with trypophobia see this scene, their scalp will probably go numb.

Larger bubbles represent more powerful Chakras, and the Chakras that appear near the First Unit are very dense and of high quality.

In the command post, although the other staff members did not know the specific details of the perceptual ninjutsu, they could understand that something had happened.


Qing brow furrowed tightly.

"Suddenly a large number of filthy reincarnated ninjas appeared on the side of the first army, suspected"

"For the enemy's main force!"

With her eyes closed tightly and her hands raised high, Qing was trying her best to perceive the situation on the side of the first unit.


As the general of the Ninja Alliance, Ai suddenly stood up when he heard these words.

Darui is his favorite general, and he is now being trained by him as his heir. He doesn't want Darui to be compromised here, and from a strategic point of view, the ninja coalition can't afford any defeat now.

"Could it be that the enemy is attacking east and west?!"

"They want to concentrate on eating the first team?"

Ai sounded like thunder, and turned his head to look at Shikahisa Nara, who was called the staff officer but was actually the commander-in-chief of this war.

But he didn't blame Shikahisa Nara. After all, these enemies can walk through the ground. They are too mobile and fearless, and there are more people. They don't know how to win against such enemies.

Being able to gain an advantage at the beginning has made Ai very satisfied.

"The root problem... is still here with the ninja reincarnated from the dirt."

Nara Shikahisa sighed, slightly closed his eyes and touched the beard of his chin, his brain was running at high speed, thinking about countermeasures.

He didn't lose his cool.

But he is very clear that he must not go to rescue the first unit now, or he will only be led by the nose by the enemy.The allied ninja army does not have the mobility of the Baijue army, so repeated pulling can only consume the momentum and physical strength of the allied army.

At the moment, we can only rely on the first team to hold on.

Then quickly resolve the battlefield of the second unit, and transfer Kakashi's troops to support the first unit.

Now that the main force of the enemy has been dispatched, their headquarters may not have much power left, and Master Jiraiya can directly lead the most elite main force of the coalition army to attack the mountain cemetery.

It would be best to find out the caster of the reincarnation of the dirt and kill him directly.

Otherwise, the continuous reincarnation of filthy soil, which cannot be killed or destroyed, has indeed caused great trouble to the coalition forces.

A countermeasure quickly appeared in Nara Shikahisa's brain.

However, Nara Shikahisa has not yet opened his mouth.

On the other side of the perception system, Qing Gao raised his hands and suddenly shouted again.

"Master General!"

"It seems that Jiraiya-sama also encountered an enemy!"

Qing was in a bit of a state of distress at the moment, his back was drenched in sweat, and the perception force was divided into two teams, one was in charge of the perception system at the headquarters, and the other was scattered on the battlefield to continuously sense on the spot, and then send the news back.

They are fundamental to the functioning of the perception system.

Such a perception system is actually maintained by thousands of ninjas with perception expertise, and then summarizes all the information to finally present the results. It is not that Qing alone has the ability to monitor half of the ninja world, it is too strong.

And as a headquarters sensing unit that doesn't have to go to the battlefield in person, Qing is also under great pressure now, because he is the point of collecting news, and a large amount of news is for him to deal with as the core.

Moreover, perception ninjutsu is extremely brain-intensive, so much cold sweat broke out on Qing's body, and his brain couldn't turn around.

The enemy seemed to speed up the pace suddenly, and many enemies appeared in the perception system at the same time.

"There seems to be only one person."

"No, it's not a person. That person disappeared again."

"what happened?"

Qing suddenly became a little incoherent, but more importantly, there was confusion in the news, and he had no way of confirming how many people had appeared.

"No, there they are again, four this time."

"Only four?"

Hearing this sentence, Tsunade frowned slightly, her first thought was not to relax but to have a bad premonition in her heart.

The reincarnation of the dirty soil is not invincible, although they can't be killed, they can be sealed, and Tsunade knows that the commander of the other party is not an idiot after the war, and it is impossible to send a few ninjas of the dirty soil reincarnated to die.

So these four are.
Qing gritted his teeth slightly, cold sweat dripped from his brow, and several huge blisters swelled in front of the fourth unit, proving how powerful these people were.

"These chakras are very strong"

"Strong? Who are they?"

Tsunade's heart tightened slightly, Qing's words seemed to confirm her guess, and she quickly asked in a deep voice.

"Yes Yes."

At this time, Yamanaka Haiyi, who was wearing a communication device on his head and making a seal with one hand, spoke, his voice stuttered a little, as if he couldn't believe the news he received.

"What is it?"

Onogi Tsunade and Ai both looked over, it was the first time they saw such a stumbling Yamanaka Kaiichi, what kind of enemy actually scared him like this.

"It's the second generation of Dokagemu, the second generation of Mizukage Ghost Lantern and the Moon, and the fourth generation of Kazekage Rasa."


"It's actually no adult!"

Hearing these words, Ohnoki stood up abruptly, his white eyebrows furrowed tightly. Second Daime Dokagemu was the old man's tutor. He didn't expect Onoki to meet his teacher when he was dying of old age.

"and also."

Yamanaka Kaiichi swallowed slightly and spit.

"Third generation Raikage-sama."


The fourth generation of Raikage Ai's eyes widened like copper bells when he heard this sentence, and then he jumped up.

The second generation Tsuchikage is a teacher to Onogi, and the third generation Raikage is Ai's biological father.

"Ah!!! Damn Akatsuki organization!!"

The Fourth Raikage was furious and clenched his fists tightly. After the death of his biological father, he could not find peace. How could this make his son look good?

"Is it these four people?"

And Tsunade breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Yamanaka Kaiichi's words. Ao just said that only four very powerful chakras appeared, and now they correspond to the four shadows.


Her worst fears did not arise.

Otherwise, if her grandfather was also reincarnated by the dirt, she would not know how to win this battle.


And Kaiichi Yamanaka was still constantly communicating with the front line, with cold sweat breaking out on his forehead.

"No, it's not four people!"

"Tugagemu restrained his aura just now, and he was not discovered. There is one more, and one more."

"he is."

"Second Hokage, Hokage-sama!"

(End of this chapter)

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