Little fox, your tail is showing

Chapter 142 The Appearance of a Normal Human Being

Chapter 142 The Appearance of a Normal Human Being

"This... what's going on here, isn't it a new species, why did it become the daughter of the Su family?"

"I don't understand either. I haven't heard of any daughters in the Su family before. This is not at all the same as the rumors on the Internet!"

"Then what's going on with this photo, obviously this photo is not from P, it is obviously a new species that has never appeared on Earth!"


This news undoubtedly came as a huge shock to those who had already confirmed that Yi Yi was a new species.The "unknown creature" they were looking forward to turned out to be the daughter of the Su family!This fact made them unwilling to accept it anyway.

"That's it, everyone." Su Tunan raised his hand to prevent them from continuing to argue. "My wife and I also know that there have been a lot of false news about my daughter on the Internet recently. I, Su Tunan, hereby guarantee with my personality and dignity that those news are seriously inaccurate, and have been passed on to my daughter, myself and myself. My wife has caused a lot of trouble and harm! There are even people who set up courts privately and physically harmed my daughter. I, Su Tunan, am not a soft persimmon, allowing those who have malicious intentions to bully me. Seek justice for my daughter, everyone please come back."

"..." The people who came here looked at me and I looked at you. No one expected such a result, and no one wanted to leave empty-handed.

"Everyone," Mrs. Su said, "I know that everyone has a lot of doubts and reconciliation about this matter. In order to give you a reasonable explanation, our husband and wife will hold a press conference with our daughter tomorrow morning. At the same time, appeal to those who spread rumors and those who hurt my daughter, so that they will be punished as they should! If you have time, you can attend our press conference at Taiyue Hotel tomorrow morning."

Things have come to this point, even if the people who come don't want to, they have to leave the hospital first.

The news that Su's couple and Mu Nanxun are about to hold a press conference at Taiyue Hotel seems to have wings, and soon spread throughout the streets and alleys.

The people who paid attention to this incident in the past few days reached the peak of excitement. Countless people, including reporters, booked rooms in the Taiyue Hotel early, just to occupy a favorable location to watch the reception the next morning.

All the rooms in the Taiyue Hotel were fully booked, and even the small hotels near the Taiyue Hotel were full, and everyone was looking forward to it.


Finally, the next day came, the time for the reception to start.

The lobby of the hotel was already crowded with countless reporters carrying machinery and equipment, and many of them didn't even have a place to stand, but this did not hinder people's enthusiasm for attending the conference.

When Mu Nanxun, Yi Yi, Chen Dudu and the Su couple appeared together, the hall erupted.Countless cameras flickered, making Yi Yi almost unable to open his eyes.

Several people sat down in front of the stage together.

Everyone held their breath, looking forward to the next speech.Of course, what people are most excited about is finally seeing the rumored "unidentified creature" with their own eyes, but they are disappointed to find that she does not have furry ears, a pointy nose, and a furry tail like the photos they saw. Tail.

She looks like a normal human being, but she is much prettier than ordinary people.

(End of this chapter)

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