Little fox, your tail is showing

Chapter 143 Shouldn't I be hit by hooligans? !

Chapter 143 Shouldn't I be hit by hooligans? !

Su Tunan stood up and took the microphone with a humble and polite voice.

"Hello, friends from the media, and friends from all walks of life who have been paying attention to this matter for a long time. I believe that everyone knows the purpose of our press conference today."

"That's right, some false rumors and reports about my daughter Su Yiyi suddenly appeared on the Internet recently, which caused great distress and harm to my family. In this regard, I am here to make a clarification."

"The person in the photo is my daughter. She is just an ordinary 19-year-old girl. She is by no means an 'alien' or an 'unidentified creature' as rumored on the Internet. I hope everyone deletes articles about this matter, and Stop making rumors. Otherwise, I will take legal measures and swear to defend my daughter’s rights! That’s all for my explanation, if you have any questions, you can ask them now.”

After speaking, Su Tunan sat down.

Immediately afterwards, the reporters raised their hands one after another and couldn't wait to ask questions.

"Mr. Su, you said this is your daughter, but as far as we know, you have never disclosed that you have a daughter before, isn't it too strange? Also, what is going on with these photos circulating on the Internet, obviously , the photo is not P's."

The first reporter's question was sharp enough, and people were waiting to see the show.

"Please, can't our family keep a low profile? My parents love family harmony and don't need to ask for attention in public. Besides, since I was a child, my parents only wanted me to be an ordinary person, not to let me be exposed, and to send me to the countryside. Is it wrong to grow up?"

Yi Yi diss glanced at the reporter who asked the question, and answered calmly.In fact, Mu Nanxun had thought of this question as early as last night, and had already given her a standard answer.

So when the reporter asked a question just now, Yi Yi couldn't help but secretly gave Mu Nanxun a thumbs up.Amazing, this is all predictable!Of course, there were still more things they had prepared the night before.Fortunately, she memorized a lot of professional terms overnight.

"As for the second question you asked, it's even simpler. When I'm bored, I cosplay a vixen and get in your way? Do you understand cosplay? Do you understand props?"

A series of rhetorical questions forced the reporter who asked the question to blush.He originally thought his question was sharp enough, but he didn't expect to be slapped in the face in less than a minute.

The corner of Mu Nanxun's mouth twitched slightly. He was originally worried that Yiyi would not perform well because of nervousness, or that she would not be able to remember the answers he taught her.But now it seemed that he was overthinking, Yi Yi's performance was beyond his expectation.This acting and line skills can beat all the florets in the entertainment industry.

However, this is just the beginning of this press conference.

The former reporter fell down, and the latter reporter quickly stood up, "What happened to the man who fainted in the photo? Didn't he faint because he saw something scary?"

"It's not enough for you to ask such a question. How did you become a reporter? Did you go through the back door? If you were a woman and saw a hooligan following you into the women's bathroom, dare you say you wouldn't hit him ?! Not to mention knocking him out, even killing him is not an exaggeration."

Yi Yi's answer was flawless.It was the word "rogue" that made Mu Nanxun a little uncomfortable.How could he be a hooligan? He obviously followed her to the women's bathroom because he was worried that she would drink too much!
(End of this chapter)

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