Chapter 140
Keisha drank three bottles of baijiu in a row at a barbecue stall in Chinatown.

Isn't the angel descending to experience the world?
She retracted her wings, and apart from a little more outstanding appearance, she was just an ordinary girl in other places.

Keisha always asks the female angels around her to go to other planets for investigation. Other civilizations in the known universe call this behavior of angels "down to earth."

Liquor doesn't taste like much to her. The way angels improve their strength is the same as other civilizations. Angels don't advance slowly by improving their own strength. Angels become stronger by making gods through technology. Kaisa's powerful Reliance is the largest star-class computer in the known universe.

This promotion method has both advantages and disadvantages. In contrast, the promotion method of Earthlings is much more stable.

Constantly practicing, robbing resources, seizing good fortune, although the road to becoming a god is dangerous, every human being who is comparable to a god is an extremely powerful combat unit.

The "ascension" realm achieved by human beings' desperate cultivation is only the first stage of ascending to the universe. Human beings who have just broken through the shackles of the earth are only the strength of ordinary angels, but they can often leapfrog against them. Even guardian angels must be careful when dealing with them cautious.

The flow of time in Universe Zero One is much slower than that of Abyss. A day here is a few years in Abyss. She doesn't have that much time, so she needs to find the person in Kieran's prophecy as soon as possible.

Outside the atmosphere, she scanned the entire earth with her divine sense, and the only thing she could see was Mu Qing'an, but that man said he was not.

not what?
Even Kieran is not sure who is the son of prophecy, so Mu Qing'an can accurately say that he is not?
Keisha heard that cultivators on Earth have a kind of ability called "spiritual consciousness", which can vaguely feel things related to their own luck. Does that boy surnamed Mu already know something?
"Beauty, would you like to have a few drinks with my brother?" A guy with a cigarette dangling came to the side of Kesha, and put his hand on Kesha's lap unconsciously.

"Okay, please." Keisha smiled, not caring about the offense the gangster made to her, nor the choking smell of cigarettes.

Isn't the angel descending to experience the world?
Drinking with a few gangsters can also be regarded as part of experiencing the mortal world.

"Is your earth's technology so backward? Space doesn't even have defensive satellites, and I haven't seen a patrolling spacecraft after flying for so long." Xingjue put his legs on the bridge and complained in every possible way.

Wu Liuqi was fighting with Gudong and the others, and Xingjue's words were automatically filtered out by him. Previously, he seemed to be from Earth, but he never even came to Earth.

Although there are no defensive satellites, the detection function of these satellites is still good, and some big countries should have captured the influence of this spacecraft.

"Ah Qi, where are you going?" Mai Lin, who was at the helm, changed his address to Wu Liuqi, even if he was always called Kitty.

"Just give it to me." Wu Liuqi stuffed the cards in his hand to Groot, who was watching, while he got up and walked to the cockpit.

There are not many small and medium-sized spacecraft to operate. He has driven the Guangyan, and the Mark-17 is naturally no problem.

"New York, USA. It should be here." Wu Liuqi controlled the spacecraft and flew around the atmosphere. He had never seen the whole picture of New York in the sky, but he thought the location should be about the same. For some reason, there seemed to be something on the continent to the east. Attracted by him, Wu Liuqi resisted the urge to check it out and flew towards New York.

Phil, Xiaoyu, Delia, Sylvie, and that Adams who hasn't shown his face for a long time, I don't know what happened to them
"Ah Qi, you are from Huaxia, right?" Mai Lin asked.

"Yes what's the matter?"

Mai Lin whispered, "I just remembered that all my books are in Huaxia."

I am special!
Wu Liuqi cursed secretly.

Put it in Huaxia, you still ask me where to go?Wouldn't it be over if you just tell me to go to Huaxia? !
Mai Lin added: "Actually, it's the same wherever you go. Huaxia puts some ancient books, and now the ancient books are long gone, but you don't have to worry. In addition to ancient books, I also have a lot of books after the 18th and 19th centuries. If it is New York If so, you may be able to find a reprint."

Wu Liuqi suddenly gave up hope of finding any clues.

The reprints in the 18th and 19th centuries were basically changed out of shape. The most typical example is Grimm’s fairy tales, which are obviously fables satirizing the darkness of society, but were abruptly changed into fairy tales for putting children to sleep.

and many more
Grimm's Fairy Tales!

What the hell!

This book won't have anything to do with my master, right?Could it be that his old man felt that the Grimm's fairy tales were too dark, so he made up a beautiful legend of the Rainbow Sea?
My master is at least a million-year-level unit, who knows what he does when he is bored?Maybe the Brothers Grimm, who wrote fairy tales, was the trumpet played by his master when he was bored. Greenwood is also a master at teaching students.

Wu Liuqi recalled the content of the original version of Grimm's fairy tales. The plot of the king and the princess having an affair is indeed a bit of his master's sullen style.

As for turning around and going to Huaxia.

Come here, the Statue of Liberty is at your feet, how can there be such a sudden U-turn?
—— hiss~
Apparently it doesn't work either.
This Mark-17 flying from New York to China is just a matter of consuming some energy to open a wormhole.

"Just stop here." Xingjue put his legs down, and said with a resentful face: "Don't you want to see the birthplace of that song?" "Come and get you love",
Wu Liuqi didn't know this song at first, but Xingjue played his old-fashioned Mp3 in and out of the spaceship every day, and he was almost brainwashed.

I heard Xingjue say that this song was written by the Red Bones band and it was released in the 70s. When Xingjue said he wanted to sign it a few days ago, Wu Liuqi's face twitched.

For an album released in the 70s, you are awesome if you can find someone!
At that time, Wu Liuqi felt that Xingjue didn't know much about the earth, and he confirmed this idea even more when the spaceship entered the atmosphere.

Xingjue is a native of Earth, but he definitely didn't stay on Earth for a long time, and he was probably taken to the universe before he was sensible.

Wu Liuqi pondered for a while.

Xingjue seems to have an unusual life background. I heard that his adoptive father is Yondu, who can make a leader of interstellar predators come to the backcountry of the earth to snatch a child. It is absolutely wrong to say that he has no background in the known universe. I will believe it.

The Mark-17 landed steadily in the suburbs of New York. If you don't want to attract a crowd of people to watch and take pictures, the suburbs are the best choice.

Holding Gudong in his arms, Tony got off the boat before everyone else.

The moment his feet hit the ground, his whole demeanor changed. Tony really wanted to shout out, he's rich again!Finally, there is no need to build spaceships every day to make money!

Little Pepper!Your boss is back!
"Uncle, why are you so stunned? It's time to go." Xingjue immediately poured cold water on him.

Ha ha
Tony sneered in his heart, and immediately let this group of people feel the power of money!

 (Just vote if you have a vote, I already have this amount of updates and I have no face to ask for votes)

(End of this chapter)

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