Chapter 141
The sky in New York is still clear, and the Statue of Liberty towering over the clouds can be seen several blocks away.

Keisha looked at the boy smiling at her blankly.

He easily cleaned up those little bastards who were drinking with him, then sat down beside him consciously, and put an old-fashioned revolver in front of him.

Kesha thought to herself that this was probably a scene where the hero saves the beauty, but the "hero" is a lecherous hero, and he probably just didn't want those little bastards to get a share of the action when he saved himself.

In the United States, civilians can carry guns, but wouldn't it be ridiculous to threaten the King of Angels with a gun?
Keisha shook her head slightly.

Maybe I misunderstood, he put the pistol in front of him, there may be other meanings, after all, he is just a child, and he probably doesn't have so many dirty thoughts.

"I want to give you this gun," said the boy.

Send a gun?

"Can I not?" Keisha said with disgust.

The King of Angels has the largest arsenal in the known universe, a small revolver she really doesn't like.

"Of course, I'm just asking. If I don't send it out, I may have to find another person." The boy said.

"Why did you give me a gun?"

"You seem like a gun lover, I think you should be able to handle it well."

Keisha looked at the gun. She didn't know much about weapons on Earth, but she could tell that the gun was much older than the boy.

Does she look like someone who loves guns?Love guns can also be seen from the face?

The boy smiled, "If you don't want it, I'll take it."

"and many more!"

Keisha picked up the gun on the table, "I want, I promise you, to help you keep it safe, but you have to tell me why you gave it away?"

"Actually, there is no particular reason. There is only one bullet left in this gun. Originally, I hoped to use it to kill a person, but when I looked at that person from a distance, I hesitated. First, I might kill someone if I fired it." If you don’t kill him, if the last bullet misses, then there’s no point for me to shoot, and second, I don’t seem to be able to kill anyone anymore.” The boy’s hands trembled slightly, and he said helplessly.

Keisha's pupils are filled with white, which is the angel's prophetic eye, which can see the future between two people.

One breath,
Two breaths.

The Eye of Prophecy is over.

Keisha did not see any future, that is to say, the two people have never met in the future, and this encounter is the only time in their lives.

"This gun, I will put it away, can you tell me your name."

"Of course, my name is Adams."

New York, Anna Library.

"Hey! Why didn't you let us in?!" Xingjue slapped the front desk of the library with his palm.

"Sir, you need to apply for a library card first." The lady at the front desk smiled, not at all angry at Xingjue's impolite actions.

Tony coughed a few times, patted Xingjue's arm, and signaled him to move away, "Hello, I should have a senior member here, you can look up the name, Tony, Stark."

In America, there is only one Tony Stark!

And that Tony Stark has members in almost all the high-end places in the United States, including the library, a place he rarely goes to.

Wu Liuqi gave Tony a blank look.

It is true that people will start to float when they have money.

The lady at the front desk tremblingly entered the name into the membership system. A few seconds later, although her expression was still respectful, there was a little more worship in her eyes.

"Mr. Stark, welcome to the Anna Library, you can borrow five books for free at one time, I am your fan, can you sign it for me?"

Tony flashed his playboy smile, "Of course."

The young lady at the front desk seemed to be blessed by God, and immediately lifted up her blouse, "Sign here, no, not on the waist, a little higher, no, a little higher."

Xingjue took a step towards Wu Liuqi, "Is he rich?"

Wu Liuqi sighed in his heart, and replied: "No money, he is very poor, the poor only have money left."

A group of people entered the library.

"Mai Lin, do you still remember the title of the book? There is an inspection system over there, just enter the title of the book." Tony said.

"I remember one called "Wanderer's Tale" and another one called "Legend of the Canghui Galaxy". I can't remember the others at the moment."

Tony enters the names of two books on the entry system.

"The first book is on Bookshelf No. 3, Area D on the 26rd floor, and the second book is on Bookshelf No. 3, Area E on the 4rd floor."

Knowing the location makes it much faster to find the book.

Area E on the 3rd floor is the novel area, and all the antique novels of the 18th century are displayed, but the name "Legend of the Galaxy of Canghui" does not sound like the name of the 18th century, on the contrary, it has a light taste.

After getting the book, the first thing Wu Liuqi did was to read the author.

"Rogue fat man", reprinted into Chinese, probably means rogue fat man, did people still use this pen name in the 18th century?With his master's temperament, he should not have such a strange name. In Wu Liuqi's heart, his image is still very majestic.

He roughly flipped through the content of the book. It was a very boring useless novel. The hero lost everything for a place called "Canghui Yinhe", his lover, friends, family, and teachers, but he still couldn't find it at the end of the story. Canghui Yinhe, this kind of novel where the male protagonist is useless from beginning to end is really nothing to watch. The plot is just pure abuse. It may not be pleasing now, but maybe this kind of novel in the 18th century was easy to become famous.

The book mentioned the coordinates of Canghui Yinhe, Wu Liuqi entered him into the phone so as not to forget it later.

"Ah Qi, have you finished watching?" Mai Lin asked.

"Well, it's over, how about you?"

"I didn't read it. After all, I have already read it. If I remember correctly, there is a coordinate in these two books, and the location of the target is very similar. You haven't read the other one. Let me tell you briefly, this one Although the plot of "The Legend of Canghui Galaxy" is terrible, the way of recording the coordinates is indeed popular in the known universe. A planet in the pre-nuclear era like the earth has not yet connected with the universe. It is impossible to have such a clear way of writing the coordinates of the universe, so At that time, I wondered whether this book was written by people on Earth, and the person who wrote this book must have been to the coordinates in the book, and the hero who lost everything for Canghui Yinhe might be himself."

Wu Liuqi felt that what Mai Lin said made sense. He originally thought that Rainbow Sea was a pit created by Greenwood, but now it seems that there is something strange about this matter.

Xingjue came over with another book in his hands in an extremely displeased manner.

"What's wrong?" Wu Liuqi asked.

"This book eunuch!"

"The eunuch is fine, is there any coordinates mentioned in it? Or a place similar to Rainbow Sea."

"It's mentioned, but eunuchs are very important! This kind of author should be killed!!"

 ps: Ask for a ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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