Wu Liuqi in Marvel

Chapter 142 "The Story of the Wanderer"

Chapter 142 "The Story of the Wanderer"

There are three books in the known universe.

Kieran's "Time Secret", Keisha's "Book of Sacred Judgment", and "Wanderer's Tale".

Of course, that "Wanderer's Tale" is definitely not what Xingjue is holding now.

"Time Secret Codex" is a book of language, it is said that only one person can read it, it records the entire history of the known universe, who is Kieran?A supreme being like Greenwood would respectfully call Old Senior when he saw Kieran. As for his true identity, everyone knew. Some said he was a mage, some said he was a cultivator, and some said he was an angel.
Compared with these illusory and rumored identities, the identity of the "Secret of Time" seems to be more suitable for him.

Someone once wanted to spy on the future of the universe, but when he opened the secret book, his whole body suddenly evaporated strangely. It is said that his body could not withstand the erosion of the torrent of the future. The feeling of ordinary people opening the secret book should be the same as It's like falling into a meat grinder, thousands of future fragments will grind his body and consciousness together.

In addition, the other book is Kaisha's "Book of Sacred Judgment". The sacred artifacts lost in the turbulence of the universe can be exactly the same as those found in this book.

But Kaisa seldom uses this book because she doesn’t need it. Everyone knows that Holy Kaisa has the largest arsenal in the known universe, and all kinds of star-level strategic weapons can be drawn out at hand. Weapon, the king of angels, might really look down on him.

The last book is "Wanderer's Tale". No one has read this book, but this book does exist. It is said that this book records all the wild notes and essays of the known universe, and it goes down to Kaisha in the world before she became a god. All kinds of trivial things, up to the destructive melee of the gods, those absurd events that have not been recorded in the known universe can be found in this book.

The book Xingjue took was the story of the wanderer.

But this book does not contain wild essays, nor absurd cosmic events.

It's just a novel, and you can still see the $7 price tag and barcode on the back, and it's eunuch...

Wu Liuqi asked, "What's in the book?"

Xingjue said: "A ronin."


"Look for yourself, he is a eunuch, I don't want to say."

Wu Liuqi snatched "The Tale of the Vagabond", isn't he the eunuch?As for not even talking?When he was bored, he read too many eunuch books at a certain point.

The book describes a wanderer, Wu Liuqi flipped through it very quickly. This wanderer's parents died, and he has no relatives or friends. He heard that there is a place in the world called Quantum Sea, where he can revive his lost relatives.

Then it started. The male protagonist killed people, robbed resources, and took good fortune for the clues of the Quantum Sea. He became stronger and stronger, and finally he knew that the Quantum Sea was not on the land under his feet.

So the male protagonist continued to become stronger, and finally broke through the shackles, reaching a height that no one on this planet has ever seen.

The book is gone.

The humanities who wrote this book are excellent, and Shuang Dian is also very well created. This is not a eunuch, at most it is a bad ending.

Wu Liuqi looked at the author's name, "YUEXIABAILING."

What the hell is this?
The translation seems to be Chinese pinyin, Bailing under the moon?

Wu Liuqi slapped his thigh. When he watched it, he felt that the routine of both parents dying was a bit familiar. Yuexia Bailing sounded like a Chinese pseudonym. Did Chinese people in the 18th and 19th centuries even have the concept of quantum?
At the end of the book, the coordinates of Quantum Sea are mentioned. After comparing Wu Liuqi and Canghui Yinhe, I found that these two locations are surprisingly similar.

There are three possibilities for this situation.

First, the two books were written by the same author in two different vests.

Second, the two places in the book do exist, but the names of the two people are different.

Third, this is just a coincidence, they are thinking too much.

The first and third ones may be the easiest to rule out. It is very difficult to fake a person's writing style and writing style. I have read both books, Wu Liuqi, and they are definitely written by two different people. Besides, Mai Lin also said that There are other books besides, and in the book, intentionally or unconsciously, they will fabricate a place where "any wish can be fulfilled".

Then only the second one remains.

——The places in the book do exist, but the names of the two people are different.

"Mai Lin, think about it carefully, are all the books related to this coordinate from the same time?" Wu Liuqi asked.

"Yes, it should be."

Wu Liuqi rubbed the space between his eyebrows, what stage is the earth on 18 and 19?
At this time, there were frequent wars, and all kinds of colonies between the big powers were extremely dark. "Canghui Galaxy" in "The Legend of the Vagabond" was all science fiction novels. It seemed that science fiction at that time had not yet emerged. And at that time Do people in this world have such a big brain hole?

Rainbow Sea, Canghui Galaxy, Quantum Sea.

If these three places all refer to one place, then this place can realize any wish of a person, possess endless wealth, and bring the dead back to life.

Wu Liuqi looked at Gudong standing at the feet of everyone.

He also knows a similar place.

— Nibelungen.

The last pure land of the Dragon Clan, it is said that all the treasures of the Dragon Clan are there.

The Nibelungen has other names, "the burial place of the dragons." "the city of gold," "the land of the dead."

Among these names, Wu Liuqi thinks the last one is more reliable. Compared with the former, those illusory things, a place where no one has set foot for many years, I am afraid that no one will believe that it is full of gold, but the theory of the country of the dead is more accurate. appropriate.

Wu Liuqi took out the hula hoop from the small space.

It is said that this thing is the ring of the Nibelungen, the only key to open the Nibelungen, but the other side of this ring is Xander, a shining golden S-level administrative star.

Things seemed to go back to the far point, and it turned out to be Xandar again.

and many more
Wu Liuqi dragged his chin, as if grasping something important.

Xandar's architectural style is dominated by gold, and he still remembers the AT stand covering the entire Xandar, which looks like a golden ocean floating in the clouds from a distance.

The Ring of the Nibelungen, which was supposed to lead to the Nibelungen, instead leads to Xandar.

The Nibelungen is also known as the City of Gold.

The fleet that Mai Lin took to explore the Rainbow Sea was wiped out, and he was the only survivor.

The Nibelungen is also known as the city of the dead.

--hiss! !
Wu Liuqi took a deep breath, connecting all the clues together seemed to lead to a conclusion.

Xandar may be the Nibelungen, or have an inseparable relationship with the Nibelungen. The so-called Rainbow Sea is also vaguely pointing to the place called the Nibelungen.

 happy National Day! ! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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