Chapter 1 Preface
Having a personality is not a bad thing, let alone a bad thing. Every child is looking at the world around him with his unique personality.However, when we step into the adult society, being too individual will make us vulnerable, because others will no longer treat us like children who are innocent and sharp-edged.Our over-individuality and mavericks are a kind of stupidity in the eyes of others, and sometimes they become thorns and hurt others, and we will also pay the price for our over-individualized behaviors or thoughts.

This is a realistic society, which not only has light but also darkness, and of course also includes people from all walks of life who are mixed with fish and dragons.Facing some of these people and things, we must learn to adapt to them. When we cannot change them, we can only change ourselves and make ourselves work hard to adapt to this society.If you don't want to hit the wall everywhere, you must understand some "hidden rules" about society, and properly master some basic human experience, social etiquette and communication skills.

Innocence, childishness, fantasy, these simple words should gradually disappear with age, after all, survival is a cruel thing, and sometimes the state of the world is very cold.And how can we remain ignorant?How can you get along with adults with the unique sharpness of childhood?Just like a flower must always bloom undefeated, a tree must have luxuriant branches and leaves, it must be washed by wind and rain before it can thrive.And those excessive personalities and outstanding sharpness will be tempered by the reality of society to become flexible and flexible.

We need to know that an overly sharp personality will make people around you feel like sitting on pins and needles in your aura, and you will find that you will have fewer and fewer friends around you as time goes by.

Maybe some young people will ask, should we learn from some people's smooth world and no personality?Of course not necessarily, too impersonal, sometimes backfired.You must know that using a good personality in the right place can sometimes achieve more amazing achievements, and often have more and better innovative thinking.Moreover, a too docile personality will make people around you pay less attention to you, and in the long run, you will be crushed like soft dough.

Therefore, in terms of life, young people must learn to "live" and turn their personality into a kind of "harmony" that can be adjusted, measured, changed, and reconciled. .The world is round, everything is alive, thoughts are ethereal, and people's hearts are changeable.By flexibly using the way of being a human being, you can create a tangible self for yourself in this invisible world.

This book does not teach young people to cater to others desperately, lose their individuality, and forget themselves, but tells young people to learn to do things flexibly and smoothly on the basis of kindness, sincerity, and tolerance in dealing with the world. Do things with too much individuality and don't be too impersonal", and do things on the basis of protecting yourself and not hurting others.

Starting from both subjective and objective factors, this book will conduct a comprehensive cleaning of your character's dead corners, so that you can better understand yourself, your life, and the real world you live in, so as to lead you to better grasp your personality. work and life, better enjoy family, love, and friendship, better explore human resources, and pave the way for a happy life in the future.This book will be your good teacher and helpful friend, and it will inevitably leave a preaching impression on people. The book is told in a gentle tone, and this kind of earnest teaching comes from the heart.Fresh and lively cases are selected for each angle and different proposition, not boring rules and regulations, nor difficult and serious teaching and correction, but some suggestions and suggestions, hoping to help you solve some confusions and be helpful to you.

Of course, we have been exploring the issue of character.Limited to my own level, it is inevitable that there will be mistakes in the content presented to readers. I look forward to readers' criticism and correction.

(End of this chapter)

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