Don't be too personal, don't be too impersonal

Chapter 10 Don't doubt, this is the world you see

Chapter 10 Don't doubt, this is the world you see (6)
Ordinary, or mediocre, only differs by one word, but the meanings are very different.You can choose an ordinary life, but you must never choose to burn yourself in mediocrity.Although you don't have a good appearance or a lot of wealth, you have a complete and healthy soul.This soul makes every living body a unique existence in the world. Even twins with almost the same voice, appearance and appearance must have different inner souls.Those mediocre people have to rely on their predecessors to lead the way almost every step they take before they dare to take a step, and they have to look at other people's eyes when they do everything, and they have no thoughts of their own, or they don't think about them at all. Wealthy, no sense of crisis, but their roads are paved by their predecessors, there is no challenge at all, and they don’t need to think for themselves, and they are completely loyal copies of other people’s lives. Let me ask, how can such a life be worthwhile? What does that mean?

Be small but only you, have a good attitude, and don't lose your rationality because of anxiety.Work actively, and believe that you can break out a world in your own field.

[-]. The dream that is ridiculed is more valuable to realize

Dream is the personality that each of us should have, and it is also the most capable personality. Whether you are poor or rich, ordinary or great, we can all have our own unique dreams, which make us different and lead us to realize ourselves and surpass ourselves.

I remember that when we were young, we would all be asked questions about our dreams when we grow up. At that time, we would say that we wanted to be scientists, professors or engineers.However, as we grow up, we almost dare not talk about our childhood dreams anymore, because we are afraid of being laughed at by others.However, when you observe carefully, you will find that Jack Ma was ridiculed by countless colleagues. When his team faced disbandment again and again, he could only laugh at himself and said that those who didn’t want to leave would stay. In the end, they finally succeeded ;Many salespeople in the society are often ridiculed by others, and all walks of life in this society are inseparable from sales. The most popular industry also has sales, and many sales elites have also made extraordinary achievements.It can be seen that the dream that is ridiculed is more valuable to realize. The ridicule is only because you find something that others have not noticed, or it can be called a blank. Businessmen like market blanks very much.Therefore, don't be afraid of being laughed at, and be sensitive to your opportunity.

Realizing the dream of being ridiculed is not only an opportunity for you to succeed, but also an opportunity for you to prove yourself to everyone.First of all, you have to be clear, don’t be afraid of being ridiculed, ridicule is everywhere in this society, rich people laugh at poor people, villains laugh at gentlemen, corrupt officials laugh at honest officials, but we can’t be afraid of ridicule, we must adapt to ridicule, ridicule means someone pays attention to you; There are different situations of ridicule, there are ridicules of contempt, there are ridicules of jealousy, some people ridicule want you to give up your dream, because he knows that this dream has the value of realization, once you realize it, you will become better than him, He has more status than him, so he laughs at you, trying to frustrate you and give up on your dreams.Be sensitive to realize that the dream that is ridiculed is more valuable to realize, whether it is for yourself or for the dream, you should work hard to realize it.A dream that is not laughed at may be the saddest one, because no one cares about it, no one pays attention to it.

Don't even care about others laughing at your dreams because of your identity and status. You must know that "heroes don't ask where they come from." It will embarrass you and add points to you, otherwise there will be no "low diploma" business legends such as Bill Gates and Jobs who did not graduate from college.The best way we can resist the ridicule of others is to work hard to achieve your dreams.

Guo Wenhui was born in a remote mountain village in Chengdu, Sichuan. He has been engaged in selling shoes, building materials and agricultural equipment successively. Years of business experience has trained him to have a keen business vision. He treats people generously, has a big heart, and always keeps himself simple peasant nature.He is an ordinary person, but he has summed up extraordinary experience from ordinary life, and now he is still an ordinary businessman.

In the game of market economy for several years, Guo Wenhui not only won the first pot of gold on his entrepreneurial journey, but also experienced his ability to deal with things calmly.

Investing in betel nut production is a dream of Guo Wenhui's life.Because of an accidental experience, he was really moved by the betel nut business. One day two years ago, Guo Wenhui went to a friend’s house in the Xiangtan betel nut factory. When he passed by the factory, he saw all the scenes of betel nut production. He was attracted at that time. I got it, and I had an idea in my heart, investing in betel nut production is a good choice.At that time, friends believed that no one had worked in this industry before, and the market was unknown, and advised him to be cautious, and even directly ridiculed his views, saying that he was whimsical and wanted to succeed by doing things that no one else had done.In fact, he knew that none of these people developed by relying on the blank market. They were afraid that he would develop better and surpass them.He believes that when he sees an opportunity, he should seize it and implement it boldly.

Sensible, he did not immediately put his ideas into practice, but after many days of on-the-spot investigation and demonstration in Xiangtan, he further confirmed his idea of ​​starting a betel nut factory.Because there are almost no enterprises investing in betel nut production in his hometown, he wants to create this first.After some careful thinking, Guo Wenhui deeply imprinted this project in his mind.

Guo Wenhui was really in a hurry.Thanks to his active efforts to compete for funds, Xiangtan has gained a piece of geomantic treasure land.A betel nut production base with an investment of more than [-] million yuan and an area of ​​about [-] mu has sprung up.From a barren mountain to a modern commercial factory building, this is not only a leap of physical space, but also a leap of a great dream.Guo Wenhui devoted a lot of effort to that land, and it carried his glorious and great dream.In his view, investing in betel nut production is not only a business, but also a manifestation of his constant pursuit of ideals and self-realization.

In order to get the company on the right track as soon as possible, Guo Wenhui sticks to the production base day and night.He is always the first to arrive at the company before six o'clock every day, and he is busy until late at night before leaving.The key for a person to gain the respect and trust of others is to use his words and deeds to influence and infect others.

Guo Wenhui is very confident about the betel nut business that has been put into production.At present, although the company has just embarked on the track, the development blueprint has already been formed in Guo Wenhui's mind.In terms of being a human being, he believes that he should treat others with sincerity, no matter how others treat him, he will treat others with integrity.When asked about how the villagers laughed at him, he thought he was lucky at that time, because growing up in a poor mountain village, it was difficult to talk about the word dream. He had a dream, and the villagers laughed at him for giving himself A lot of spiritual encouragement shows that his dream has been noticed by others, and he thanked his fellow villagers.People should be considerate and understanding with each other. Only in this way can we gain the respect and admiration of others.

Don't be afraid of being ridiculed for your dreams. When the ruffian Liu Bang saw Qin Shihuang's car and shouted "This is how a man should be", I don't know how many people secretly laughed at him, but in the end he became the Han Gaozu admired by thousands of people. .Don't be afraid of ridicule, use ridicule as a kind of motivation, and use your own efforts to make others open their mouths into an O shape.In this way, the force that drives you to strive for success increases again.Only by working hard and proving yourself better can we avoid being ridiculed by more people.

Li Jun is a student who graduated from the physics department of a prestigious university. After graduation, he went to study in France.He has a happy family, his father is a university professor and his mother is also an associate professor.According to his father's idea, Li Jun, who has returned from studying abroad, can start teaching, and it doesn't take too long to evaluate a lecturer.However, Li Jun, who came back from studying in France, gave his father a blow: he wanted to collect garbage.

Li Jun, who has studied in France for several years, found that the French have a strong awareness of environmental protection. There are special environmental protection organizations on the street to prevent you from littering, and there are student organizations in schools that are responsible for environmental sanitation.Their environmental protection industry is also very developed, with many large garbage disposal companies, and there is almost no pile of garbage on the street.But in China, there is garbage everywhere and the stench is so bad. In the words of foreigners, China's environmental protection industry has no competitiveness at all. Li Jun is determined to change this situation.After returning to China, when he discussed with his parents, the parents disagreed no matter what, and even added salt and vinegar to cynicism.It was really hard for the old man to accept that his son had to give up his chance to become a professor to collect garbage. The two irrelevant jobs were so different, but Li Jun assured his parents that he would succeed.

The persistent Li Jun decided to open a garbage recycling company after various investigations. After negotiations, he has now contracted the garbage disposal of more than a dozen communities near his home. Every day, batches of garbage are transported from various communities to the garbage Li Jun is full of confidence in his business. He has discussed with shareholders and plans to buy a few more garbage processors to expand his business.

After seeing his son's achievements, Li Jun's parents also gradually understood him, jokingly calling their son the "garbage king".

Any industry has the right to survive and develop, and any dream has the possibility of success. No matter how dirty or tiring the industry you dream of working in, as long as you succeed, no one will laugh at you anymore.Li Jun's dream was ridiculed and irritated by his father, but he didn't care, he always believed that he was right, and his unremitting efforts made him today's success.The more ridiculed the dream is, the more valuable it is to realize. No matter how people laugh at you, don't give up your dream.

(End of this chapter)

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