Don't be too personal, don't be too impersonal

Chapter 30 If you do this, you will be like a duck to water in the workplace

Chapter 30 If you do this, you will be like a duck to water in the workplace (3)
On the vast African savannah, a zebra suddenly woke up from his dream. It realized that a lion was attacking it, so it ran desperately, because it knew that once it ran slowly, it would be caught behind immediately. lions eat.Running and running, the zebra group was awakened, so the leader of the zebras began to direct the zebras to move, they quickly formed a circle, let the zebra run into the circle, and then they all aligned their hooves on the circle Once the lion wants to rush in, it will be kicked out of the circle by the horse's hoof.After trying in vain, the lion had to walk away dejectedly.

In this story, the lion was originally a strong man in nature, but through united efforts, the zebras finally made themselves invincible when facing the mighty lion.Similarly, in the human world, there is no permanent weak.In the examination room, whoever has the highest score is the strong one; on the track and field, whoever runs fast is the strong one, and the weak must keep their eyes on the back of the strong forever, so that they can constantly surpass themselves, And surpass the opponent.And as a strong person, you should also recognize the eyes behind you, so that you can run faster and more steadily, and don't be surpassed by those behind you.

5. A strong player has a strong player, and a mountain is higher than a mountain.

As the saying goes: there is no strongest, only stronger.Indeed, there are stronger players among the strong, and when you become a strong one, don't forget that there are strong ones in front of you who are stronger than you.Just like the food chain in nature, there is no strongest invincible overlord in the world, and there is no beast that can surpass the food chain and surpass the top.No matter whether our career is successful or failed, no matter whether we are strong or weak now, we must remember that in all kinds of relationships, there will always be a key that can hold us by the throat. We must be modest and prudent, Self-improvement is the only way to achieve final success.

[-]. Don't be a "marginal person" in workplace relationships

We will always see some people who are at ease in the workplace. In fact, as long as you understand the rules of the workplace, you can also do well.Therefore, in the face of our career, we should give full play to our "professional quotient" and do a good job in those so-called workplace relationships.You know, no matter when and where, networking is the key to success.As the saying goes: "People are money, people are life, and people are business." The workplace is actually a relationship field, a small network of people.If you manage this network well, you will not be marginalized and become a "marginal person" in workplace relationships.

Maybe, when it comes to this, our inner "personality" will come out to make trouble again. Maybe you will feel that "being involved in the vortex of workplace relationships and conforming to the so-called workplace rules" means losing your personality and principles. , and then go beyond the rules, and finally be able to use the rules." Talents are truly capable, individual, and capable people. If you just blindly reject the rules, you will only make yourself a marginal figure in the workplace and be excluded from the competition.

Even if we are not used to those behaviors such as treating guests and giving gifts, we must gradually learn to face it and change it.

Cheng Yi is a sociable person. When he was in the army, he was often scolded by the captain for interacting with outsiders.One day, the team leader said to him: "Cheng Yi, you know nothing but hanging out with those people outside every day, and you know how to fool around every day." Cheng Yi was not angry at the team leader's criticism.Later, after Cheng Yi retired from the army, he stayed in the local area to develop. Because of the wide range of interpersonal contacts, he made a lot of achievements in the local area within a short time.There was a military gathering, and Cheng Yi also went there. He accidentally learned that a relative of the captain had hit someone with a car and was detained, but he himself could not be released on bail for various reasons.So, Cheng Yi approached the team leader and said, "Don't worry, I'll help you with this matter."

As a result, the captain's relatives were released on bail within two days. Later, when the army had many problems that could not be resolved, the captain would ask Cheng Yi for help, and Cheng Yi never let him down.

Some people have trouble in their lives because they have not done a good job in interpersonal relationships.They put themselves outside the social network, and in their view, relying on their own strength is the most important thing.In fact, this kind of thinking that is too absolute and does not know how to adapt is also wrong. In the real society we live in, "relationship" has gradually been regarded as a necessary way of survival.

Two female employees, A and B, came to An Qing's company. The manager called her to the office and said, "Let them follow you first. You are about the same age and it is easier to communicate." An Qing felt a little strange at the time, according to According to the normal procedure, no matter how highly educated the applicant is, he must first train at the grassroots level. It is impossible to be directly assigned to her department as soon as he comes in.Later, when she heard that employee A was a relative of the manager, An Qing thought that since employee A was a relative of the manager, she should be treated specially, and might be promoted because of this. Why bother.

One day, the manager called An Qing to the office and said, "Ah, An Qing, you have performed very well recently." An Qing thought that the manager was going to give her a raise or promote her, so she thought proudly, it seems that this time is the right medicine. .However, the manager went on to say, "But for some reason, the higher-ups decided to fire you." An Qing wondered if she had heard it wrong, so she asked, "Manager, what did you say?" The manager said shyly, "I know It's hard for you to accept, you are my most powerful assistant, and I am reluctant to let you go. But there is no way, this is the decision of the superior, and I can't change it." An Qing asked suspiciously: "Why? What did I do wrong? , why did you fire me?" The manager just shook his head helplessly.

Later, An Qing found out that employee B was a relative of the chairman.An Qing regretted that she did not understand the situation, which made her lose her job.

If An Qing treats employee B equally on the surface after learning about their backgrounds, and cares about employee B in private, then the two leaders will be more satisfied, and won't there be a chance for promotion?In fact, this can be regarded as the maintenance of a kind of interpersonal relationship.And An Qing made a wrong decision when she didn't have a thorough understanding of various interpersonal relationships, so that she lost her job.

For these rules, we may not be able to adapt now.Perhaps in your opinion, that is just a "mean" means.However, this is often the case.Leaving aside darkness and light, nobility and vulgarity, how can we realize our dreams if we cannot even guarantee our minimum living space?
Don't be like an innocent lamb, ignoring the rules in the workplace with innocent and ignorant eyes, and don't let others think you are arrogant and marginalized.For you who have just stepped into society, that will be the catalyst for your failure.

In fact, workplace relationship is something that every student who has just stepped out of campus should understand and learn.If we can get our workplace relationships straight, it can help us get what we want easily.Therefore, don't let yourself become a marginal person in the workplace circle, otherwise you will encounter more stumbling blocks and take more detours in your career.

[-]. Be ready to respond to opportunities

We often feel that our talents are underappreciated, that we are full of talents but not given the opportunity to display them.Seeing that those classmates who graduated with you have made some achievements, but you are still waiting for opportunities.However, we should know that "opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared", and we should not always wait needlessly.The ancients used their wisdom to tell us a truth: when you want to get something, you must first consider how to get it, not how to meet it.Because once the opportunity comes, it will never wait for anyone.You can't be sure when opportunities will come to you. Only by being ready to deal with the opportunities you are about to face and getting ready to get what you want can you succeed.Those who are not prepared cannot be favored by opportunities.Just like "the three armies have not moved, food and grass go first", only after preparing all kinds of materials can we start to fight. If you let yourself go to the battlefield without any preparation, the result can only be failure.

Being always ready to respond to opportunities will make us have a witty, vigilant, and accumulated personality, and it will make us more mature, stronger, and have a more attractive personality and personality.Because we are always preparing and arming ourselves, we will work harder than others, have more perseverance and spirit, and will not become "too personalityless" people in mediocrity.

"Prevent the future with clarity, and consider the future with wisdom", this is what everyone who graduates and enters the society should understand.In reality, many people always work with the mentality of "one day is one day", and live a life of nothing, and in the end they can only achieve nothing.Some people always seem to be very busy, but they are always unable to achieve any work results. They are "doing nothing".They're always hustling and hustling and end up with nothing.They always think it's because they were unlucky and didn't meet a good opportunity. In fact, it's not that the opportunity didn't come, but that he was never ready to meet the opportunity. Even if countless opportunities passed by him, he would Impossible to catch in time.

Li Yan once worked as an assistant for a success scientist, reading and sorting letters for him. At the beginning, her salary was the same as that of those who did related work.One day the success scientist dictated a maxim she asked her to type on: "Remember: Your only limit is the one you put in your head."

She handed the typed document to her boss, and said with some insight: "Your motto has inspired me a lot and is of great value to my life."

This incident did not attract the attention of success experts, but it left a deep imprint on the girl's heart.From that day on, she began to return to the office after dinner and continue to work, doing some work that was not her own without pay-such as answering letters for readers for the boss.

She has studied the language of success writers so carefully that these responses are as good as her own bosses', and sometimes better.She persisted, not caring if her boss noticed her efforts.Finally one day, the secretary of the success scientist resigned for some reason. When choosing the right candidate, the boss naturally thought of this girl.

Before getting this position, Li Yan was already in the position, which is the most important reason for girls to be promoted.When the bell rang for get off work, she still stuck to her post, training hard without any promise of compensation, and eventually qualified herself to accept a higher position.

The story doesn't end there.This young girl is very capable. After unremitting efforts, she finally founded her own company and made friends with many professionals. With everyone's help and her own efforts, Li Yan's company finally grew step by step.

In fact, no matter what job you are currently doing, be sure to give yourself an opportunity every day to perform some valuable service to other people outside the scope of your usual work.When you offer this help, you should know that you are not doing it for monetary reward, but to train and develop a greater sense of initiative.

You must have this spirit before you can be a great human being in your chosen life career.

Excellent talents are always needed by the society. The law of "survival of the fittest" is not just based on the cruel survival of the fittest, but based on fairness and justice, which is part of the principle of absolute fairness.If not, how can virtue flourish?How can society progress?Those who are not thoughtful and lazy are so different from those who are thoughtful and hardworking that they cannot keep pace with each other.

We must always enrich ourselves, make ourselves ready at all times, and be ready to meet opportunities at any time, instead of quietly waiting for opportunities to choose you. In that case, you can only do nothing while waiting.You must know that only those who are always ready to meet opportunities can be favored by opportunities.

(End of this chapter)

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