Don't be too personal, don't be too impersonal

Chapter 29 If you do this, you will be like a duck to water in the workplace

Chapter 29 If you do this, you will be like a duck to water in the workplace (2)
Xiao Jiang is a third-year student. Facing the upcoming graduation internship, she is very distressed.So, she asked a senior sister who graduated a year earlier than her to help her introduce a company for an internship.Soon the senior sister introduced her to a good friend's company, and the treatment was very good.On the day of the interview, the senior sister also specifically said: "This company is still relatively good. If you don't understand anything, you can ask your seniors for advice. The people here are very nice. Although everyone is friends in private, the requirements here are still high. Stricter." She listened, and said "I see" with some disapproval.

Not long after, the senior sister called her friend to ask about Xiao Jiang's situation.As soon as my friend heard Xiao Jiang's name, she said, "Don't mention her, our temple is too small to accommodate her, and she has already asked her to find another job. Lao Wang asked her to make a document and urged her for a long time, but she couldn't do it. , because of time constraints, Lao Wang asked her to do another relatively simple document. She patted the table and said, "You asked me to do this, and then asked me to do that, what exactly do you want me to do?" Wang was angry when she heard it, but because she was introduced by you, she didn't say anything. The next day, I talked to her, and I said, "You see, Lao Wang is your senior, no matter whether he is Right or wrong, it’s fine if you pour him a cup of tea.” In the end, do you know how she answered? She said: “Why should I pour tea for him? I would never do those things, but he kept urging, babbling like an old woman. 'You said that an intern dares to talk like this, do I dare to let her stay in our company?"

After the senior sister finished listening, she called Xiao Jiang.As a result, as soon as the call was connected, before the senior sister could speak, Xiao Jiang said: "Sister, the company you found for me is too unreliable. Who are they? They are here and there for a while. I'm so bored." The senior sister who wanted to have a good talk with her at first, heard Xiao Jiang's words, and said coldly: "I said, you don't look at your own strength, and you talk like that to seniors, who can tolerate it?" Can I let you go?" Later, Xiao Jiang came to look for that senior sister several times, but that senior sister never paid attention to her again.

Many college students who have just graduated are like this. They have no manners at all, thinking that they can do whatever they want in the company like a school, and others will tolerate and tolerate him.He didn't know the heights of the heavens and the earth, and thought that he could be reused with his academic qualifications.In fact, in many cases, education is not important, what is important is to know how to be humble and respect your predecessors, so that you can learn as much as possible, grow up as soon as possible, and be independent.

Wang Ming is also an intern. He has been loved by teachers, classmates, and parents since he was a child.During the internship, the teacher introduced a relatively large design company to Wang Ming.

On the first day of work, Wang Ming came to the company early to clean the office. When the cleaning aunt came and saw him cleaning, she quickly said: "Oh, let me do it." Wang Ming said politely: "It's okay. , Auntie. I’m a young man, and besides, it’s not time to go to work, so I just cleaned it by the way.”

People from the company came one after another, and Wang Ming greeted them one by one, and everyone left a good impression of Wang Ming.When working, Wang Ming humbly asks his seniors for advice when encountering problems he doesn't understand.If you are free and others are busy, take the initiative to pour a glass of water for others.At the end of the day, everyone was very satisfied with Wang Ming's performance, and they kept telling the boss that they had found a good seedling.And Wang Ming's own professional grades are very good, coupled with his hard work in private, no matter what the task is, he can complete it on time and with good quality.

After the trial period, the boss talked to Wang Ming and asked him: "Who do you think is the worst in our company?" Wang Ming thought for a while and said, "I think the worst is me." The boss said: "Why? Are you so unconfident?" Wang Ming smiled and said, "It's not that I'm not confident, but that I have too little experience. Everyone here has come here with you, so they are all excellent."

The boss smiled with satisfaction and said: "You are right, every employee in this company is excellent, including you, so you have been officially admitted."

We can see that the endings of these two examples are diametrically opposed, because the diametrically opposite attitudes of the two people lead to different results.In fact, when we were in school, the teacher often said a sentence: "Attitude is everything." Maybe you already hate this sentence, but in fact, whether it is study or work, this is a sentence that can inspire us deeply.

Of course, we may meet some difficult seniors in our new jobs. Don’t be tough. As long as you know how to be humble and respectful, even difficult people will be affected by your attitude.

[-]. Wander between the "strong" and "weak"

When someone asks you, "Are you strong or weak", you may say confidently, "I am strong!" or you may say shyly, "I don't know." Or you may simply say casually: "I am weak." Everyone's answer has its own unique character and personality. Those who answer "I am strong" may be because of self-confidence, and those who answer "I don't know" may be a kind of cunning. People who "I am weak" may be a kind of modesty or hiding clumsiness.

In fact, it does not matter whether you answer "strong" or "weak". What is important is that we know how to walk between the strong and the weak, and understand what is the real strong and what is the real weak.Only by understanding this can we allow ourselves to have a personality and strength, so that we will not be broken when we are strong, and we will not be trampled when we are weak, so that we have the ability and the opportunity to become stronger and stronger.

In real life, personnel changes, the world is impermanent, and the giant wheel of the times pushes everyone forward in the tide of history.In this wave, no one can be forever strong, as is the case with countries, enterprises, and people.Therefore, the strong cannot remain strong, and the weak cannot remain weak forever.

Some people may think that if you say this, will it appear too negative?In fact, no matter whether you are a strong person or a weak person, if you can understand and accept this point of view ideologically, then you will have a truly positive attitude.As a strong man, if he can realize this point, he can guard against the passing of time, be prepared for danger in times of peace, keep himself in the attitude of struggle and fighting, let himself keep pace with the times, develop and innovate in the tide of the times, and make his career Be more stable, let yourself go further on the road of the strong, and become stronger.And as the weak, if you realize this, realize that the strong will not always be strong, and the weak cannot always be weak, as long as you work hard, you can change yourself from weak to strong. Encourage yourself to work hard, let yourself continue to surpass yourself, and keep moving forward on the road of the strong, so as to become stronger and stronger.

The reason why we all walk between the strong and the weak may be analyzed from the following aspects.

1. The law of the development of things determines that the strong cannot be strong.

Turning the chapters of history and seeing the changes of dynasties again and again, we can know that no dynasty is always strong, and the law of the evolution and development of each dynasty is the rule of prosperity and decline; for us personally, the same is true, some People are proud and self-satisfied in their success, and finally go to failure; some people grow up slowly and develop stronger in the midst of difficulties and mud, which shows us that no one is always strong, not even the strong. May be forever strong.

Therefore, as a newcomer who has just entered the society, we should have a correct mentality, recognize all kinds of crises that may exist in reality, strive for self-improvement, and prevent them in advance. Only in this way can we go further in our career.When the moon is full, it gains and loses;We should humbly understand and explore this potential law, use history as a mirror, find better forms and methods from it, and make ourselves stronger.

2. The strong have the weaknesses of the strong, and the weak also have the advantages of the weak.

It was snowing, a tall and tall tree stood proudly in the snow, and a few short weeds under the tree swayed in the snow.The snow was getting bigger and bigger, and finally submerged the weeds under the tree. The snow continued to fall, and the big tree was covered with thick snow. Finally, the big tree was overwhelmed and fell down suddenly, and the broken branches fell crookedly on the mountain.Later, when the snow melted and the sun came out, people down the mountain found the fallen tree and carried it away.The few grasses under the tree slowly returned to their original appearance in the sunshine, and because of the moisture from the snow, they even grew better than before.

In fact, the strong are not always strong, and the weak are not always weak. Dripping water wears away rocks, and softness overcomes rigidity.Strong and weak, sometimes there is no strict boundary, and there is no strict set trend, the strong will have the shortcomings of the strong, and the weak will also have the advantages of the weak.

We often say that "it's not cold at a high place", just like a tree that is beautiful in the forest will be destroyed by the wind. For a big tree, the branches and leaves at the top will endure more hardships.Whenever there is wind, rain, thunder and lightning, the branches and leaves at the top will bear the brunt of the impact.And we should also understand this truth, and let ourselves be separated from the strong and the weak, so as not to be "the first bird".

However, because of this, we should see and accept these problems, gain some valuable experience from them, strive for self-improvement, and constantly alert and improve ourselves.

3. Be prepared for danger in times of peace is the kingly way.

Whether it is a country, a company, a team, or an individual, they should realize the importance of being prepared for danger in times of peace, keep themselves alert at all times, and constantly motivate themselves so that they can go further on the road of being strong.

Tang Taizong Li Shimin once said to his ministers: "Governing the country is like treating a disease. Even if you are cured for a while, you must pay attention to nursing and recuperating from time to time. If the disease recurs, it will be very difficult to save. Now I feel very lucky that the country can enjoy peace and tranquility, which is rare in ancient times. But I am more cautious every day, and the only thing I worry about is that I cannot This situation will last for a long time, so I hope you can give me more advice and put forward different views and opinions." Wei Zheng was deeply moved after hearing this, and replied: "Now the country can be governed in peace and harmony inside and outside, and the ministers also I think this is something worthy of celebration, and your majesty, you are able to be prepared for danger in times of peace, which really makes me feel very admired and moved."

When Tang Taizong faced the grand occasion of singing and dancing in the world, instead of showing the proud and complacent attitude of a strong man and an owner, he was able to reflect on himself from time to time and be cautious, lest this powerful dynasty would not last long, so he hoped that his courtiers I can often advise and give him opinions, and hope to govern the country better.I have to say that Taizong Li Shimin is a rare enlightened monarch, and his words are also very touching.It is precisely because of his attitude that the Tang Dynasty reached the most prosperous and glorious period in history during his reign.

4. The eyes of the weak are always on the back of the strong.

Just like the strong want to be strong all the time, the weak will definitely not be willing to be weak all the time. They will continue to create conditions to let themselves gradually catch up with or even surpass the strong, and finally make themselves a strong one.Therefore, the eyes of the weak often keep staring at the back of the strong, constantly measuring the distance between each other, and constantly shortening this distance, so as to make themselves stronger and stronger.There is no fixed situation between the strong and the weak. In many cases, this relationship is likely to be reversed.

(End of this chapter)

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