Chapter 110 I want to crack candy
Fans on the Internet couldn't help screaming crazily when they saw this promotional photo.

"It's over, it's over, I thought Jiang Chuxin wasn't good enough for my male god, but the recent group of beautiful pictures in the same frame really hit my heart, I kind of hope they are together!!!"

"Upstairs, me too! Oh my god, I'm getting more and more attracted to the woman's face!"

"Good match, good match, I will say it ten thousand times!"

"Lu Xiangyuan and Jiang Chuxin have made it public today! I want to crack candy~"


It was completely different from everyone's predictions. Not only was the clothing store opened by Livia not as deserted as they said, but it was so popular that people lined up to enter...

This day is also a day that surprises everyone!
Not only Lu Xiangyuan and Jiang Chuxin came to the clothing store to promote it in person, but even director Feng from the entertainment industry came to deliver flower baskets in person.

When the stars in the entertainment industry heard the news, no matter they were acquainted with each other or they just met each other, they all went to the news.

Of course, it would be even better if I could show my face in front of Director Feng!

Century Square was crowded with people, and was completely surrounded.

Luo Qinglan was standing at the door of the first encounter, entertaining the guests. Many former colleagues and friends heard the news and sent flower baskets to celebrate.

Jiang Chuxin and Lu Xiangyuan were surrounded by the crowd, and started fan signing...

The whole scene was very lively, and it was almost blocked.

"Aunt Luo, congratulations on your opening!" Jiang Wenxin, still in a long dress, led a group of people to bring a row of flower baskets.

When Luo Qinglan saw Jiang Wenxin, the smile on her face froze a little, and the joy in her expression also lost a little.

"Thank you." Luo Qinglan replied calmly, "Why are you here?"

Jiang Wenxin bit her lip and forced a smile, "I'm here to celebrate Aunt Luo's opening, my father couldn't come back because of something, so let me take his place..."

"You have a heart." Luo Qinglan interrupted Jiang Wenxin without waiting for her to finish.

She has nothing to do with that man, and she doesn't want to hear what she said.

If there were not many reporters around, she thought she would have thrown those flower baskets out.

"Do you see that girl looks familiar..."

"Hiss... isn't that Chairman Evna's daughter Jiang Wenxin?"

"It seems to be true!!!"

"Wait, Jiang Wenxin, Jiang Chuxin?"

The reporter seemed to smell some secrets.

Seeing those reporters taking pictures of them, Luo Qinglan pulled Jiang Wenxin in.

"You can watch the meeting inside first. I'm busy entertaining guests, so you can leave later!" Luo Qinglan said with a sullen face, and left after speaking.

Just when the reporter was guessing distracted, they were interrupted by an exclamation, and the road that separated automatically in the distance attracted their attention.

"Look, He Manman, the wife of the chairman of the Lu Group, is also here!"

"Hiss, who the hell is Livia, even she is here..."

The flashing lights kept on, seeing the middle-aged beautiful woman walking towards here followed by a group of bodyguards, everyone was shocked!
"Lan Lan! Congratulations!" He Manman stepped forward, and the two embraced excitedly.

"Thank you!" Luo Qinglan was very happy, "Come in and talk."

Jiang Wenxin's eyes flickered when she saw the wife of the chairman of the Lu Group and Luo Qinglan befriending each other.

After Jiang Chuxin and Lu Xiangyuan finished signing, seeing Lu Xiangyuan's mother also came into the VIP room, the two of them followed suit.

Seeing He Manman, Jiang Chuxin stepped forward to say hello obediently.

"Hello Auntie."

(End of this chapter)

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