Chapter 111 Calling Mom
He Manman frowned slightly when she heard Jiang Chuxin's address, and pretended to be angry, "Chuxin, you still call me auntie! Didn't you always call me mother before?"

Thinking of that time, Jiang Chu felt a little embarrassed, and smiled embarrassedly.

"You are a real kid, you haven't come to see me for so long!" Fortunately, He Manman didn't insist on calling her mother, otherwise she would be embarrassed.

"That son of mine is really true. How many times have I told him to take you home for dinner? He always said that you are busy and don't have time, but it pissed me off!" He Manman glared at Lu Xiangyuan after finishing speaking, Express your dissatisfaction.

Jiang Chuxin glanced at Lu Xiangyuan, and then said with a smile, "Auntie, I'll leave you a phone number. Next time I want to accompany you to eat, go shopping, etc., as long as I have time, I will definitely go."

Lu Xiangyuan was helpless, he was also afraid that his wife would be too tired and would not have enough time to spend with him...

"Okay, okay, Chuxin is still caring and knows what I like." He Manman happily wrote down Jiang Chuxin's number, and then added "daughter-in-law" as a note.

Seeing this wave of operations, Jiang Chuxin subconsciously looked at Lu Xiangyuan.

I saw him looking at himself with a smile on his brows and eyes.

"Lan Lan, you can't neglect me, you have to ask me out for dinner frequently!" After He Manman finished speaking, she looked at Luo Qinglan and said.

Luo Qinglan responded repeatedly, "Okay, okay."

When it was time to cut the ribbon, He Manman and Luo Qinglan stood in the middle, Feng Yuan, Lu Xiangyuan, Jiang Chuxin, and some well-known actors participated in it one after another. The scene was very shocking!
Chuyu's opening package was very successful. Not only did it appear in the newspaper the next day, but even the news was overwhelming about the grand occasion of Chuyu's opening.

Almost all the bigwigs from the entire industry in M ​​City went to congratulate, of course the most famous one is the Lu Group.

Even Jiang Chuxin and Lu Xiangyuan were on the trending topics, which aroused endless speculation from everyone.

Some fans also set up a cp alliance for the two, named Xiang Chu.

The various topics in it are beautiful photos of the two in the same frame, accompanied by text introductions, "The two are a perfect match."

"Another day waiting to be revealed!"

"Please sprinkle sugar!"

"Secret About You" also became a hot search.

The film has not yet aired, and it has aroused everyone's anticipation.

Chuyu opened smoothly and was almost sold out.

Although there was no direct confrontation with MAGIC, as soon as the news came out, MAGIC's shares fell a lot, and the angry MAGIC leader threw the table and cursed.

Jiang Chuxin returned to the crew and started filming.

Going back this time, those who usually gossip don't dare to talk behind their backs anymore, after all, they have witnessed their strength.


After the case was over, Xiaoyan and Mu Yang happily held their wedding anniversary at home. The two of them recalled the scene they met before, and still felt that the picture was as clear as yesterday.

At that time, Xiaoyan was still in college, and after returning home from summer vacation, he found a handsome neighbor, Mu Yang, who was always alone and didn't like to talk to others.

It looks very difficult to get along with, with a cold look.

But Xiaoyan fell in love with him at first sight.

When Xiaoyan saw Mu Yang, he couldn't hide the love in his eyes, so he directly confessed his love to him!

"I like you, can you date me?" Xiaoyan's first confession scared Mu Yang away.

But Xiaoyan did not give up, and would confess to Mu Yang every time he saw him.

Mu Yang was finally irritated one day, and he yelled at Xiaoyan, "Do you understand me? Do you know what kind of person I am! Just say you like me!"

(End of this chapter)

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