Chapter 211 Sprinkle sugar every day
"There are also many people who say it's Jiang Chuxin, but I don't think it looks like it. Maybe it's just hype to promote the new drama they collaborated on."

"That's possible, but they're a good match."

When the little assistant heard the fans say that sister Chuxin and the male god are a good match, she quietly raised her head, quite proud!
"I feel that they are more than just a good match, they are a match made in heaven, predestined." The little assistant answered enthusiastically.

They didn't know that the male god sprinkled sugar every day, so sweet that she almost got diabetes...

"Where is the match!" Just when the conversation between the few people was on the rise, a girl with a gloomy face suddenly walked over from the side, glared at the few people viciously, and shouted out, "What a perfect match made in heaven, isn't it just a woman who has passed away?" Xingtian tied up my brother! Shameless!"

"That shitty Jiang Chuxin, who keeps goingssip every day, may be so dirty, don't let anyone talk about my brother!"

"I don't care if that ugly woman is worthy!!"

When the little assistant heard this, he immediately became angry, and pointed at her and asked, "Who are you calling shameless and dirty! She doesn't deserve it, so you deserve it!!"

Although some fans may not like their idols having a relationship, she can understand this, but there is no need to belittle others like this, right?

Besides, male gods are human too, so why can't they fall in love?

When the girl heard that the little assistant said she wasn't worthy, she instantly blew up, "Why am I not worthy! I don't look much better than Jiang Chuxin!!"

"Pfft..." The little assistant couldn't help laughing, and glanced up and down at her, uh, it's really hard to say.

Her eyes are not as big as mung beans, her face is full of pimples, her thick lips look like two sausages are hanging...

"Look at your facial features, each has its own strengths, and no one agrees with the other." The little assistant came up with a summary after scanning.

The person next to him who was trying to persuade him to fight heard that he tried hard to keep himself from laughing, and his face turned red.There was a boy in the crowd wearing a black sweater, a peaked cap, glasses and a mask. He just heard, "Pfft..." and almost burst into laughter.

Tsk tsk tsk, I didn't see that the usually soft and cute little assistant is still a little bit poisonous.

The girl was so angry that she pinched her waist, "What's the matter. I have a distinctive look, do you understand the sense of luxury? You are just jealous of me!"

"Pfft..." The girl who was trying to hold back her laughter, laughed out loud, and was immediately stared at with blank eyes.

"I'm really envious of the skin on your face." The little assistant smiled and looked at the girl and said this.

When the girl heard the little assistant praise her, she happily took out the mirror to look left and right, and even touched her face with her hand.While admiring his own beauty, he cast a disdainful look at the little assistant, "My sister's beauty is something you can't learn, so you still have a little vision..."

"I haven't finished talking yet." The little assistant laughed out loud, "I want to say that the maintenance is really good."

The girl was taken aback, and after realizing that the woman in front of her called her thick-skinned, she immediately turned black, "You are the thick-skinned! Your whole family has thick-skinned!"

Facing the girl's panic, the little assistant just said lightly, "Tsk tsk, at a young age, you already know how to scare people with your face!"

The atmosphere instantly fell into a deathly silence, only to hear the BGM in my mind——KO!
"Hahaha..." An abrupt laugh broke the atmosphere, and everyone turned their attention to the source of the sound, only to see a boy who was fully armed and couldn't see his face, covering his mouth and laughing non-stop.

(End of this chapter)

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