Chapter 212
Seeing everyone staring at him, he said, "I'm sorry, I didn't want to laugh, but I couldn't help it..."

"Goose goose goose goose goose goose goose goose goose goose goose goose goose goose..." After finishing speaking, he even laughed a devilish goose smile...

"Wow..." The girl was so angry that she cried, staring at the little assistant fiercely while crying and said, "You ugly monster, wait for me!"

After speaking, he ran away crying.

The little assistant squinted her eyes and looked suspiciously at this boy who couldn't help laughing. Why did she feel that this voice was familiar?

But before she could speak, she was dragged by the sister next to her and asked, "Hahaha, it's so exciting, do you dare to ask if there are any quotes from sisters?"

The little assistant withdrew the realization, and put the familiarity in his heart behind him, "Come, come, I will share with you hundreds of pages of classic quotes!"

"I want me too!"

"And me and me..."

In order to quarrel with Su He, she searched for the treasure all night, but she didn't expect it to come in handy today!

Originally, she was still weak, but she didn't expect to win the first battle today. This made the little assistant make up her mind to train hard to become a teacher, and Su He would no longer be her opponent by then.


It was already 07:30, but the shooting samples hadn't been delivered yet. Li Minghai proposed the idea of ​​shooting p-pictures at that time, but she refused.

First of all, she said that the advertiser disagreed, but she herself felt that it was not feasible.

"That's really impossible..." Li Minghai let out a sigh of relief, scratching his hair but couldn't think of any solution.

Although Jiang Chuxin was very anxious, she still calmed down her emotions. She put her hand under her chin and thought about a quicker way. Suddenly, an idea came to her mind, and she stood up excitedly.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Jiang Chu stood up abruptly, Li Minghai asked nervously, maybe he was about to go on strike...

Jiang Chu looked at Li Minghai excitedly with a smile on his face, "I have a good idea, we can have the delivery boy deliver it!"

Li Minghai patted his head, suddenly realized, "That's right, why didn't I think of that."

After speaking, Li Minghai took out his mobile phone, made a call and went out to order this matter.

Jiang Chuxin's heart felt like a big rock fell to the ground, there should be still time...

While waiting anxiously, the courier brother lived up to expectations and delivered it on time. The makeup artist quickly helped Jiang Chuxin dress neatly, added some makeup, and immediately started shooting.

"Crack! Crack!" The shutter of the camera in the photographer's hand flickered.

Ink-like curly hair casually draped over her shoulders, Jiang Chuxin, who was wearing exquisite makeup, had a bright and charming smile, and the jewelry on her body reflected her fair skin, radiant and radiant, making people feel that she has an ethereal temperament on her body.

Jiang Chuxin's expressiveness is very strong, showing the brand just right, even the photographer praised it.

The first set of shooting ended smoothly, and the second set was quickly changed. The makeup artist made simple adjustments to Jiang Chuxin's makeup and started the second set of shooting.

Time passed bit by bit, and Jiang Chuxin finally finished today's filming.

Seeing that it was past nine o'clock, Jiang Chuxin quickly went to the locker room and changed. Li Minghai had already driven to the door and waited.

Jiang Chuxin got into the car, kept turning on her phone to check the time, and kept looking towards the front of the car.

In order not to be blocked on the road, Li Minghai changed the route on purpose, hoping to get her there smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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