Chapter 215 Meet Again

When Li Minghai heard Jiang Chuxin say that he was going to get out of the car, he immediately jumped up and objected, "No!"

"Do you know how far it is? It's not safe for you to get out of the car and walk. Let's not talk about this, even if you get there, the concert might be over!"

When Li Minghai heard Jiang Chuxin say that he was going to get out of the car, he was in a hurry, and wanted to persuade her to give up this idea.

Jiang Chuxin smiled and shook his head, "Don't worry, Brother Ming Hai, you'll be fine. I just noticed that there are some motorcyclists passing by on this road, so they won't be affected by traffic jams. I want to try my luck and see if there are any." Nobody wants to give me a ride."

Li Minghai had some hesitation on his face. After thinking for a while, he still felt that he couldn't let her go alone, "What if I meet some bad people? No, no, no, let's wait a little longer, maybe the traffic jam won't stop in a while."

After speaking, he looked at the long queue of convoys, and was a little dumbfounded. Obviously, the traffic jam will not be cleared in a while.

Jiang Chuxin had already made up her mind, no matter how much he persuaded her, she could not shake her mind. Seeing her so stubborn, Li Minghai sighed deeply and had no choice but to agree.

"Then you have to make sure you are the first to call me if you have anything to do!" Li Minghai looked at Jiang Chuxin with a serious face and confessed.

When Jiang Chuxin saw Li Minghai let go, he nodded happily and agreed, "Yeah, I'll send you a message every once in a while. I checked the route, and it takes about four or 10 minutes to get there."

Li Minghai got Jiang Chuxin's reassurance, and finally let her get out of the car. He also wanted to walk with her, but there was no one driving the car here, which really gave him a headache...

Jiang Chuxin happily got out of the car, waved goodbye to Li Minghai, and walked towards the route navigated on the phone.

After walking for a while, I happened to meet someone passing by on a motorcycle. Jiang Chuxin waved the motorcycle to a stop. The moment he saw Jiang Chuxin, there was a trace of surprise in his eyes, but he was quickly filled with a smile. Man, "What a coincidence, sister, we meet again."

Sunshine's voice, and the voice of "sister", Jiang Chuxin was taken aback for a moment, but when he saw his motorcycle helmet being removed to reveal his original appearance, he immediately remembered, and pointed at him excitedly, very happy, "You are Shen Shu! !!"

Seeing that Jiang Chuxin said his name accurately, Shen Shu smiled brightly, "It seems that my sister hasn't forgotten me." After speaking, he tossed his hair in a very natural way.

"Great! I didn't expect to see you here!" Jiang Chuxin sighed, but remembering that she still had business to do, she said anxiously, "Can you take me to the concert hall, I have something urgent."

Shen Shu grabbed the helmet hanging in front of the motorcycle, and handed it to Jiang Chuxin, "Let's go!"

Jiang Chuxin put on the helmet, and as soon as she got on Shen Shu's motorcycle, she heard his voice from the front, "Sister, are you seated yet?"

"Yeah, okay!" Jiang Chuxin held the shelf behind the car with his hands, Shen Shu smiled and started the car and started speeding towards the destination, the whistling wind came from their ears.


As the accompaniment sounded, Lu Xiangyuan began to sing today's first song.

"My miss for you is a recurring decimal, over and over again, obsessed with obsession..."

Lu Xiangyuan's deep and magnetic voice rang out. Just the first sentence he sang made the hearts of the audience tremble. Following the melody of the singing, he held up the light stick and waved it continuously...

(End of this chapter)

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