After I fell in love with the actor, I became popular

Chapter 216 Lock the door in broad daylight?

Chapter 216 Lock the door in broad daylight?
"Hold your hand tightly, give you all the tenderness"

"Live in your heart, accompany you forever"

"In the days to come, I just want to be with you forever"

"Looking at you, holding you, loving each other forever..."


"My you."

After a song came down, the audience in the audience were intoxicated, and a feeling of being in love rose in their hearts...

When Jiang Chuxin arrived, the concert was already halfway through.

"Thank you today, I'll treat you to dinner another day!" Jiang Chuxin got out of the car, took off the helmet, looked at Shen Shu and said with a smile.

Shen Shu hung the helmet on the front, raised the mobile phone in his hand, and said with a smile, "Okay, then I'll wait for my sister!"

Jiang Chuxin nodded, "Definitely!"

After the two said goodbye, Jiang Chuxin called Lu Xiangyuan's manager, and Li Jingtong took her in quickly after receiving the call.

In order not to attract the attention of others, Jiang Chuxin didn't go to the auditorium. He listened to Lu Xiangyuan's hearty singing on stage behind the scenes, and heard the enthusiastic response from the audience. He was happy for him from the bottom of his heart.

Until the intermission, Lu Xiangyuan stepped off the stage and saw Jiang Chuxin who was sitting behind the scenes waiting for him at a glance. He seemed a little surprised.But in an instant, he put away his expression, a light flashed in his deep eyes, and he strode forward, "Why are you here? Didn't you say you were busy with work?"

Jiang Chuxin handed over a bottle of water and said with a smile, "I wanted to give you a surprise, but I'm still late. I'm sorry I didn't hear the first song..."

Lu Xiangyuan took the water, raised his head and drank a few sips, his Adam's apple rolled up and down with the movement of swallowing, looking down the slender neck, he seemed to be able to vaguely see his collarbone...

Looking at it like this, Jiang Chuxin suddenly felt a little dry, and she subconsciously pursed her lips...

Seeing Jiang Chuxin looking at him with such hot eyes, Lu Xiangyuan let out a chuckle, took Jiang Chuxin's hand directly, came to the lounge where there was no one, and locked the door.

Jiang Chuxin pressed against the door, but Lu Xiangyuan supported the door with one hand, and under her surprised gaze, he leaned over and kissed her.

"Did you want to do this just now?" His voice was a little hoarse and dull, but it passed through his heart like a feather...

Jiang Chuxin lowered his head, how could he dare to look up at Lu Xiangyuan, his fair skin was slightly flushed, and he argued with some lack of confidence, "No, I didn't think so..."

"Oh? Then what do you think?" Lu Xiangyuan looked down at Jiang Chuxin, his tone slightly raised, and a cunning flashed in his eyes.

Jiang Chuxin thought of the evil thoughts in his mind, bit his lips nervously, and his face was a little redder than before.She wouldn't say that she wanted to strip him naked...

"Dong dong dong..." There was a knock on the door, which rescued Jiang Chuxin from his embarrassment.Jiang Chuxin was just about to open the door, but was grabbed by Lu Xiangyuan, this time the kiss was even more intense...

"Is anyone inside?" Li Jingtong's voice came from outside the door, "A Yuan, are you inside? Why are you still locking the door in broad daylight?"

Hearing Li Jingtong's voice through a door, Jiang Chu was so nervous that if this was discovered, it would be too embarrassing...

Feeling Jiang Chuxin's distraction, Lu Xiangyuan gently stroked her head with his hand to make her concentrate.

It wasn't until the people outside the door didn't respond for a long time, and they pulled the doorknob angrily, that Lu Xiangyuan let her go.

(End of this chapter)

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