Chapter 217 My Girl
Just when Li Jingtong thought the door was broken and was about to smash it, the door suddenly opened.

"You're inside, why don't you say something..." Li Jingtong saw Lu Xiangyuan frowned slightly, his eyes were sharp, and with just a light glance, he felt that the surrounding temperature had dropped a little.

Why does he feel like he's disturbing other people's good deeds?

"Well, I came here to tell you to get ready to play..." Li Jingtong bit the bullet and said resentfully.

Lu Xiangyuan nodded slightly, indicating that he knew it, and when he passed by Li Jingtong, he gave him a meaningful look, and then settled the score with him later...

After Lu Xiangyuan left, Li Jingtong wanted to stretch his head to look into the room, but Jiang Chuxin just came out of the lounge, which surprised him.

"Why are you sneaking around at the door?" Jiang Chu asked preemptively, pretending to be calm.

Li Jingtong scratched his head, and smiled a little embarrassedly, "I just want to see if anyone is still in the house, by the way, why did you lock the door when you were in the house just now?"

As if he had grasped the point suddenly, Li Jingtong put away his smile, squinted his eyes and looked at Jiang Chuxin, only to see that her complexion was still a little crimson, and after a little association, he knew that they must be booing in the room, "Oh~ "

Li Jingtong looks like I see it through!
Jiang Chuxin twitched the corners of her mouth, saw the gossip in Li Jingtong's eyes, and coughed lightly in embarrassment, "Well, I'm going to the concert."

After speaking, the footsteps were windy, and he left as if fleeing.

Li Jingtong put one hand on his arm and the other on his chin, and took a meaningful look at the lounge, knowing everything.

Caught by him!

The atmosphere in the second half of the concert was still very lively. Lu Xiangyuan sang one song after another, and the audience in the audience unconsciously started singing along...

The concert was very successful, Jiang Chuxin didn't dare to come out until all the audience reluctantly left.

The staff had already packed up their things and left. Lu Xiangyuan pulled Jiang Chuxin to sit at the front of the auditorium, picked up the microphone and began to sing a cappella, "My miss for you is a recurring decimal, over and over again, obsessive..."

"Hold your hand tightly, give you all the tenderness"

"Live in your heart, accompany you forever"


After singing a song, Jiang Chuxin applauded in the audience, her heart was filled with love, and she asked with a smile, "Is it me, your girl?"

"Well, only you."

Looking at each other, Jiang Chuxin's heart skipped a beat.

Lu Xiangyuan walked down from the stage slowly, looked into Jiang Chuxin's eyes, his voice was a little hoarse but with a different charm, "So - my girl, are you willing to hold my hand now? I can't wait .”

"Willing." As soon as Jiang Chuxin finished speaking, her palm was already wrapped in a warm palm. At this moment, it seemed that the world was quiet.

only them.

"The car has been arranged, let's go?" Li Jingtong came in and sighed when he saw pink bubbles around the two of them.

Lu Xiangyuan took Jiang Chuxin's hand and followed Li Jingtong to the garage.

When he got to the front of the car, Lu Xiangyuan opened the door of the back seat first, and kindly let Jiang Chuxin go up, and then sat in by himself. Li Jingtong left the concert venue through a special passage in the nanny car.

And outside the door there are still some fans who don't give up, still waiting hard, hoping to see their idol one more time.

(End of this chapter)

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