Chapter 220 Is this what people do?
Inside the box.

Lu Xiangyuan ordered some Jiang Chuxin's favorite dishes, and Jiang Chuxin saw that there were a lot of dishes on the table, the two of them probably couldn't finish it, right?

Looking up, I saw Li Jingtong staring at the dishes on the table, his eyes straightened, and his stomach even let out a "gurg..." Jiang Chuxin smiled, looked at him and asked, "Why don't we sit down and eat together?" ?”

Li Jingtong had been coveting the food on the table for a long time, and wanted to leave directly, but the food was so delicious that he couldn't move his legs.With such an invitation, Jiang Chuxin sat down happily without even thinking about it, "Okay, okay."

"Are you okay later?" Seeing that Li Jingtong sat down so blankly, interrupting their time together, Lu Xiangyuan frowned slightly, pursed his lips, and there was a trace of coldness in his voice.

Li Jingtong didn't smell any danger at all, and thought that Lu Xiangyuan was asking him about his arrangements for the afternoon, so he replied casually, "I'm fine this afternoon."

"Why do I think you have something to do?" Lu Xiangyuan narrowed his eyes, suddenly cold.

It was only then that Li Jingtong noticed that there was warning in Lu Xiangyuan's icy eyes, and his eyebrows twitched fiercely when he saw it.

"Okay, do you have something to eat in the afternoon?" Jiang Chuxin saw Li Jingtong was a little embarrassed, and opened his mouth to break the delicate atmosphere.

Li Jingtong looked at Lu Xiangyuan's scrutinizing eyes, stood up hurriedly and shook his head, "Well, I'm not hungry, you guys eat, I'll go outside and wait."

"It's cold outside, since you're not hungry, just stay here and watch us eat." Lu Xiangyuan said with a hint of laziness in his tone, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

Jiang Chuxin was a little dumbfounded by Lu Xiangyuan's performance. No matter what, he felt that he was a pig's heart with shrimps and pigs, and he was too black-bellied...

Li Jingtong: "..."

It was only at this moment that he realized that Lu Xiangyuan must have deliberately targeted him because he had ruined his good deed just now.

Lu Xiangyuan picked up a shrimp as if nothing had happened, skillfully peeled the skin, and put it in Jiang Chuxin's bowl. His voice was very different from just now, extremely gentle, "Eat it quickly."

Jiang Chuxin gave Li Jing the same look that you are asking for blessings, and started to eat silently.

When Lu Xiangyuan picked up food, he always passed Li Jingtong intentionally or unintentionally, and then he ate it calmly. He watched them eat so deliciously, but he had to stand here and watch with hunger. This is what people do. ?

"This little stir-fried yellow beef is good, you should eat more." Lu Xiangyuan's dishes had piled up into a hill in Jiang Chuxin's bowl, and Li Jingtong swallowed as he watched.

Lu Xiangyuan didn't really think about it, so he let Li Jingtong look at him like this. Seeing his unlovable expression, he chuckled, "Sit down and eat together."

Li Jingtong was taken aback for a moment, wondering if his ears had misheard. Seeing Lu Xiangyuan had a pleasant smile on his face, he sat down reassuringly, "Haha, I just happened to be standing a little bit hungry."

"Pfft..." Jiang Chuxin laughed amusedly by Li Jingtong, this man changed his face really quickly.

After dinner, on the way back to the crew.

Jiang Chuxin and Lu Xiangyuan chatted one after another, because he was a little bored Jiang Chuxin habitually took out his mobile phone, wanting to check Weibo.

As a result, the phone ran out of battery, so I had to put it away.

Seeing this, Lu Xiangyuan took out his mobile phone from his pocket and handed it to Jiang Chuxin, "Here."

(End of this chapter)

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