After I fell in love with the actor, I became popular

Chapter 221 The Little Sheep Entered the Trap

Chapter 221 The Little Sheep Entered the Trap
Jiang Chuxin took Lu Xiangyuan's cell phone, and saw her photo on the desktop at a glance. She looked at Lu Xiangyuan with slightly raised eyes, as if a little surprised that Lu Xiangyuan even secretly took pictures of herself.

The picture was taken in a strawberry field, and she was completely unaware.

Jiang Chuxin raised the tail of her eyes slightly, and glanced at him, "Why do I feel that you have premeditated against me? I seem to have fallen into your trap like a little sheep."

"If you're a little sheep, I'm a shepherd dog." Lu Xiangyuan slowly raised his brows and eyes, and said leisurely. After speaking, he lowered his head slightly, and a slight smile escaped from the corner of his lips.

Jiang Chuxin frowned, as if she didn't understand, "Huh?"

Li Jingtong, who was driving, understood it, and made a "tsk tsk..." sound, "I seem to be a lemon essence at this moment."

Jiang Chu thought for a long time, and finally figured out what Lu Xiangyuan meant.

Shepherd dogs protect lambs.

Just when Jiang Chuxin was about to say something, Li Jingtong's phone rang.

He reached out to connect the phone, and there was a hurried voice in the carriage, "Brother Jing Tong is not well, Brother Xiang Yuan was secretly photographed!"

"What's the content of the photo?" Li Jingtong asked the specific situation calmly and calmly.

The male voice over there quickly explained the situation on Weibo in a simple and clear manner, and Li Jingtong replied calmly, "Understood." Then he hung up the phone.

When Jiang Chuxin heard that it seemed to be related to him, he clicked on Weibo, and saw the viral headline at a glance, "#惊热! Mysterious girlfriend live at the actor's concert!!"

In the photo, Lu Xiangyuan opened the back seat door first, with one hand still covering the roof of the car. The girl in casual clothes with her peaked cap pulled down was so low that she couldn't see her face clearly, and she was stepping into the car with her legs up.

The comments even blew up the pot directly.

#Ah...I'm crying, how do I feel that the "my girl" mentioned in the male god concert is the girl in the photo...

#? ? ?I don't believe it, I don't believe it!

#Sisters, let's get her out together! !
#Could it be Jiang Chuxin?

#男神 said that he has no girlfriend anymore, I really don’t know what kind of rhythm these unscrupulous paparazzi lead every day!
#That's right, the male god is just a gentleman, so it's enough to just talk nonsense about being a girlfriend.

#Upstairs, impossible, I can tell you responsibly, Jiang Chuxin is still rushing to shoot commercials in the morning~
#Then who else?


Jiang Chuxin twitched the corners of her mouth, it's not good to be too famous, it's possible to be secretly photographed wherever she goes.

"Do you want to suppress this hot search?" Li Jingtong asked Lu Xiangyuan through the rearview mirror while driving.

Lu Xiangyuan raised his eyes, and said unhurriedly, "Yes."

Li Jingtong quickly contacted the relevant personnel and arranged for the hot search to be removed.

Sending Jiang Chuxin to the crew, I ran into Che Qing who was looking for the director to discuss the episode of the TV series. As soon as Che Qing saw Lu Xiangyuan, she ran over and praised him, "Brother Xiangyuan, I listened to the concert. Awesome!"

Lu Xiangyuan gave a casual "hmm" and raised his eyebrows, "When did you sneak away too?"

"Yeah?" Che Qing was taken aback for a moment, then she came to her senses in an instant, and suddenly realized, "I see, did Xiao Chuxin sneak away too? The hot search today is indeed Xiaoxin."

"I also said that if it's not the case, I will sue my little Chuxin!" Che Qing blinked and looked at Jiang Chuxin after speaking, and said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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