Chapter 223
Jiang Chuxin casually flipped through a few pages, then returned the phone to the little assistant.

"Look at what the netizens posted, and that Miss Che was at the concert in the morning, isn't it too coincidental?" The little assistant looked at Jiang Chuxin with worried eyes after analyzing the photos in frustration.

Jiang Chuxin: "..."

Jiang Chuxin was baffled by the little assistant's look. He looked at the little assistant with the tail of his eyes slightly raised, and said with a twitch, "The photo posted on the news in the morning is me, didn't you see it?"


The little assistant exclaimed, "Miss Chuxin, aren't you filming an advertisement? Why did you go to the concert?"

Jiang Chuxin blinked her eyes, "I'll go after the filming."

"..." The little assistant thought that because Sister Chuxin couldn't make it to the scene, she specially recorded a video of the male god's concert for Sister Chuxin. It turned out that the clown was herself...

While talking, Jiang Chuxin's cell phone rang. She picked up the cell phone and found that it was Lu Xiangyuan calling. She swiped the screen of the cell phone to answer the call.

"Are you going to surrender yourself!" Jiang Chuxin teased slowly.

A low laugh came from Lu Xiangyuan on the other side of the phone, "I maintain my innocence."

Jiang Chuxin was amused by Lu Xiangyuan's serious tone, "The claim is invalid, unless—" At this point, his tone paused.

"Unless what?" Lu Xiangyuan raised his eyebrows slightly and asked.

"Unless you bribe me by sending me an ugly photo right now." Jiang Chuxin thought that Lu Xiangyuan still had so many ugly photos of himself on his phone, and he must delete the photos by routine today.

After a while, Lu Xiangyuan on the phone sighed softly, Jiang Chuxin put away the smile on his lips, and asked with some doubts, "What's wrong?"

"You're embarrassing me." Lu Xiangyuan seemed distressed, "No matter how I take pictures, I don't look ugly."

Jiang Chuxin: "..."

"Why don't you take pictures for me?" Lu Xiangyuan had a smile on his lips, just when Jiang Chuxin was wondering what he meant when he said that, the doorbell rang.

When the little assistant heard someone knocking on the door, he went straight to the door and took a look through the cat's eyes, and opened the door with an excited expression.

Lu Xiangyuan handed a handbag to the little assistant and signaled with his eyes, "Dinner."

"I understand!" The little assistant took the bag, smiling like a flower, looked at Lu Xiangyuan and said with a wink, "Thank you senior, then I'll take it back and eat!"

After speaking, the little assistant held the handbag in both hands, and walked away happily as if holding a baby.

Jiang Chuxin looked at the bribed little assistant, and twitched the corners of her mouth, this guy is really easy to bribe.

"Why are you here?" Jiang Chuxin looked at Lu Xiangyuan in surprise and asked.

Lu Xiangyuan put the dinner on the table, with an aggrieved expression on his face, "You don't reply to my message."

Jiang Chuxin looked down at the phone, and Lu Xiangyuan sent several messages on WeChat. She was reading the script just now and didn't look at the phone, "I didn't hear it just now..."

"I will reply to your message in time next time." Seeing Lu Xiangyuan's pitiful expression, Jiang Chuxin had no resistance at all, and his heart softened immediately, thinking that he really shouldn't not reply for so long.

"Do what you say!" There was a hint of coquettishness in Lu Xiangyuan's tone, who could resist it.

Jiang Chuxin nodded again and again, "Okay, okay!"

Lu Xiangyuan was happy when he got Jiang Chuxin's assurance, he pulled Jiang Chuxin to sit down at the dining table, and began to arrange the packed meals.

Jiang Chuxin looked at the various meals on the table, and said with some resentment, "You feed me like this every day, I'm going to get fat!"

(End of this chapter)

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