After I fell in love with the actor, I became popular

Chapter 224 I Still Have This Confidence!

Chapter 224 I Still Have This Confidence!
"Where's the fat?" Lu Xiangyuan frowned slightly, thinking that her body seemed to weigh little when he hugged Jiang Chuxin last time, so he wanted to let her eat more and grow a little more flesh.

Hearing what Lu Xiangyuan said, Jiang Chuxin asked happily, "Really? A little fat is obvious in front of the camera. I'm still worried that I'm too fat."

"Eat more, you're not fat at all." Lu Xiangyuan opened a bowl of porridge, and handed it to Jiang Chuxin.

Hearing what Lu Xiangyuan said, Jiang Chu felt relieved. After a hearty meal, he touched his slightly bulging stomach and fell into regret again...

"Aren't you jealous?" Lu Xiangyuan finished clearing the table, looked at Jiang Chuxin with a slightly raised brow, and spoke contemptuously.

Jiang Chuxin knew that Lu Xiangyuan was talking about hot searches, and shook his head, "Why am I jealous, it's not true anyway!"

"I still have this confidence!" Jiang Chuxin smiled.

A calm smile melted in Lu Xiangyuan's eyes, and the brows slightly curved, "Really?"

"Yeah!" Jiang Chuxin replied simply.

At that moment, as if their hearts were connected, the two looked at each other and smiled.

Eyes full of drunkenness, the galaxy is yours.


Lu Xiangyuan's public relations team was very efficient. Early the next morning, the trending searches for Lu Xiangyuan's girlfriend had been removed from the trending searches on Weibo, and there were only a few sporadic news.

Lu Xiangyuan's studio also issued a clarification document, confirming that the two are just friends, not girlfriends.

The filming of "My Secret About You" is also drawing to a close.

The next day, Jiang Chuxin and Lu Xiangyuan reviewed the script together, and today they were filming the scene where Mu Yang surrendered himself.

After everything was ready, the official shooting began.

Xiaoyan finally rescued Mu Yang. It turned out that Mu Yang had been secretly helping Xiaoyan solve the case and find the murderer. The reason why he was arrested by Li Dazhuang this time was also his own initiative.

After the case was over, Mu Yang came to the police station and surrendered.

Xiaoyan watched her husband being handcuffed with her own eyes, without saying a word, and even put a smile on her face.

At the moment when Mu Yang turned to leave, the tears burst instantly, but the silent tears showed rich psychological activities, and the crying made people feel moved.

The people at the scene fell into silence, infected by the emotions of the two, as if they personally experienced the reluctance, struggle, and love between the two...

Some people even cried so hard at the scene, even Feng Yuan, who has always been strict, had his eyes a little moist, looking at the video just shot behind the monitor, he was full of praise.

"this is amazing!"

Lu Xiangyuan and Jiang Chuxin cooperated very tacitly, and the two of them only took one photo and passed.

Jiang Chuxin came down from the camera, and Lu Xiangyuan stepped forward and took out a tissue, gently wiped away her tears, watched her red eyes hug her, and comforted her softly, "Okay, okay , don’t cry.”

Jiang Chuxin's emotions really collapsed, as if she had deeply experienced Xiaoyan's love for Mu Yang.For a moment, wanting Lu Xiangyuan to leave her, the feeling of powerlessness came to her heart, making her almost unable to breathe...

After a while, Jiang Chuxin's mood stabilized. Seeing her crying eyes red, Lu Xiangyuan felt distressed, as if he knew what she was thinking, and said softly, "Don't worry, I won't leave you."

"Yeah." Jiang Chuxin sniffed, and nodded a little embarrassedly.

(End of this chapter)

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