Chapter 235

Jiang Wenxin was slightly taken aback, and a trace of embarrassment flashed across her face, "Sister, I know what happened last time, it was my mother who was wrong. She has already reflected on her impulsiveness..."

"Stop, stop..." Jiang Chuxin stopped her when she heard her trying to explain, "I'm not interested in what you said, and I don't want to hear it. She is just a stranger to me, and I don't care about it at all." care."

Jiang Wenxin bit her lip hard, and spoke in a whisper, but didn't know what to say.

"Now I have nothing to do with the Jiang family. You can be your eldest daughter of the Jiang family with peace of mind. You don't have to bother to ask me to forgive them, because it is impossible to forgive them in this life!" Jiang Chu frowned. Pursing his lips, his eyes were cold.

After finishing speaking, Jiang Chuxin turned around and wanted to leave...

"Father misses you very much." Jiang Wenxin looked at Jiang Chuxin's back and called out to her.

The footsteps stopped.

A few seconds later, the sound of footsteps sounded again, Jiang Chuxin didn't look back, turned around and left with strides.

Jiang Yuanhao called her privately and sent text messages, but Jiang Chuxin never responded.Because I hurt someone, I can't act as if nothing happened after apologizing, and reconcile as before...

Before the "Crazy Design Show" program group started recording, the participants were kept secret, so Jiang Chuxin didn't know that Jiang Wenxin had also participated in this program. If he had known, he might not have accepted it.

She doesn't want to have too much contact with Jiang Wenxin, and she can't be completely relieved now.But now that things are like this, it can only go with the flow.

Jiang Chuxin didn't think about it anymore when she left the house. After she went back and took off her makeup, she called her assistant, made another phone call to Shen Shu, and made an appointment for a place to eat.

After the three of them ate together, they went back to rest.

On the second day of filming, Jiang Chuxin got up and came to the dressing room. Xu Lan waved at her, "Sister Chuxin, good morning!"

"Morning." Jiang Chuxin looked at Xu Lan and responded with a smile.Then he walked to Xu Lan's side, the makeup artist opened the equipment and began to put on makeup for Jiang Chuxin.

When the makeup is done, the time is almost up.

The participants gathered together, and the host began to introduce the theme of this issue of design, "Good morning, everyone~" After finishing speaking, he swept across the faces of everyone, and said with a smile, "Your challenge will start from now on. It's started~"

Everyone stared at the host seriously, listening to her announce the design theme of this issue.

"I believe that it is the dream of many designers to let a star walk down the red carpet in the clothes they designed, right? So our theme today is——"

The host paused for a while pretending to be mysterious, and then said enthusiastically, "Design a red carpet dress!"

After listening to the design theme of this issue, some people shouted excitedly, while others were frowning. It seems that they have reached an area where they are not good at.

Jiang Chuxin looked at Shen Shu subconsciously, and Shen Shu just happened to look over. Seeing Jiang Chuxin looking at him, he blinked at her with a confident look on his face.

"It seems that you are very confident!" Jiang Chuxin looked at Shen Shu and said with a smile.

Shen Shu patted himself on the chest without humility, "Don't worry, we will definitely win!" Jiang Huaiyue, who was standing aside, just heard these words, she looked at the two and let out a sneer, laughing in her heart , Just this looks like a kid, how high is the design ability, it looks like an inexperienced stunned young man.

(End of this chapter)

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