Chapter 236

The next step was for each team to conduct design communication. After Jiang Chuxin told Shen Shu about his ideas, Shen Shu began to draw drafts on paper based on his own design experience.

He looks quite different from his usual appearance when he enters the working state. He looks very stable and reliable, and the appearance of drawing seriously is particularly attractive. Jiang Chuxin watched Shen Shu randomly swipe on the paper with a pen. Fluent lines appeared, and after the combination of several lines, a gorgeous costume appeared on the paper.

"I think this skirt has some volume, it doesn't need to be too exaggerated, what do you think?" Jiang Chuxin looked at the artwork, thought for a while and expressed her thoughts.

Shen Shu glanced at Jiang Chuxin, his brows stretched, and he looked at Jiang Chuxin with an excited smile and said, "Well, if you say so, I suddenly have a better inspiration." After finishing speaking, he read it quickly I took a blank drawing and began to draw with concentration and seriousness.

Jiang Wenxin was also thinking very seriously. Jiang Huaiyue has a very good figure, so she wanted to design a dress that was tighter and show her figure. She drew her idea and handed it to Jiang Huaiyue, asking her Views.

Jiang Huaiyue didn't understand this, she glanced at it and nodded, "I'll just listen to you." Hearing that Jiang Huaiyue said she had no objection, Jiang Wenxin nodded. She had been sitting for a long time just now, so she wanted to stand up and move her body As soon as he looked up, he saw Shen Shu's handsome side face. He was seriously drawing a draft on the paper, and from time to time, he turned his head and looked at Jiang Chuxin with a smile on his face...

For some reason, Jiang Wenxin suddenly felt her heart skip a beat.

"Jiang Design, we must win the competition this time! I believe in you." Although Jiang Huaiyue couldn't understand the artwork, she still had ambitions to win the competition, so she spoke out to cheer for the designer.

I saw Jiang Wenxin had been staring not far away, not listening to what she was saying at all, Jiang Huaiyue pulled Jiang Wenxin's sleeve and turned up the volume, "Designer Jiang, what are you looking at? ..."

"'s nothing." Jiang Wenxin nervously withdrew her realization, and then made up a random reason, "I was just thinking about what needs to be improved in the group, and I got absorbed in thinking about it for a while."

"That's it, it's really hard for Jiang Design!" Jiang Huaiyue didn't have any doubts, heaved a sigh of relief, and said happily, "Jiang Design, we can win, right?"

"I'm still sure!" Jiang Wenxin showed confidence when she heard Jiang Huaiyue's question. She will go all out this time and must win this game.

Jiang Wenxin finished speaking with a smile, her eyes flicked over Shen Shu, and then she immersed herself in revising her design draft.

"Sister, you are indeed the daughter of Senior Livia, you have a unique vision!" Shen Shu looked at the design draft in his hand with satisfaction, and started the boasting mode, "You mentioned it like this, I feel that today I have continuous inspiration in my mind! "

Jiang Chuxin smiled embarrassingly, "It's not as exaggerated as you said, I don't know how to design, the most important thing is you, I just beat it."

"Sister, you are so humble." Shen Shu suddenly looked at Jiang Chuxin seriously and said, "Seriously, sister, you can introduce me to my aunt some other day, she is my idol."

"It's easy to say." When Jiang Chuxin heard that Shen Shu said that he was his old mother's idol, he was very happy and agreed without thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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