Chapter 509 Clarification
"Then don't drink so much, the public relations team is already thinking of a way." Sister Wang persuaded.

"Mr. Ji is very concerned about you. He called you and you didn't answer. If he called me, I would tell him that you are here." Sister Wang looked at Jiang Xiaowan and said in a deep voice.

Jiang Xiaowan gritted her teeth, narrowed her eyes slightly, and suddenly thought of something, the anger in her heart subsided a little.

After a while, there was a knock on the door.

Sister Wang went out and opened the door for Ji Feng, then left, and closed the door for the two of them by the way.

Jiang Xiaowan was lying on the table, obviously drunk.

Ji Feng stepped forward and patted Jiang Xiaowan on the shoulder, Jiang Xiaowan raised her head in a daze, looking at Ji Feng with blurred eyes.

"Woooo..." Jiang Xiaowan stretched out her arms and hid in Ji Feng's arms, and said aggrievedly, "I told you I'm not Xinya anymore, don't believe me."

"The news at that time was the reporter's own subjective consciousness. I..."

Jiang Xiaowan cried like a child, and Ji Feng felt distressed when he saw it.

Thinking that Jiang Xiaowan did say that she was not Xinya at that time, she felt a little guilty for a while.If he hadn't taken Jiang Xiaowan to the nursing home by himself, he wouldn't have been photographed by the reporter in this dilemma.

"Why don't we hold a press conference to clarify?" Ji Feng said with a slight frown.

With tears in her eyes, Jiang Xiaowan asked worriedly, "Then will they believe me..."

After finishing speaking, he said in a depressed mood, "Let's forget it, everyone only wants to believe what they want to believe, so I don't want it..."

Ji Feng frowned slightly, as if thinking of something, he suddenly said excitedly, "What you said in the car that day should be recorded by the driving recorder."

Jiang Xiaowan stopped crying suddenly, looked at Ji Feng with tears in her eyes, "Really?"

Ji Feng nodded heavily, and Jiang Xiaowan smiled when she heard that she hoped to clarify, and happily kissed Ji Feng on the face.

Ji Feng was stunned, and after realizing it, his face showed a shy look. She was the first girl to kiss herself in so many years...

Thinking of this, Ji Feng's face had already started to heat up, and he didn't dare to look at Jiang Xiaowan.

But after waiting for a while, Jiang Xiaowan didn't make any further moves. Ji Feng looked at Jiang Xiaowan, only to find that she had already fallen asleep lying on the table at some point.

Seeing Jiang Xiaowan getting drunk, Ji Feng didn't dislike her smell of alcohol, leaned over and carried her to the bed, and brought a wet towel to wipe Jiang Xiaowan's face.

After finishing all this, Ji Feng went out, explained to Sister Wang, and then went back to find the recorder in the car.

Waking up early in the morning, Ji Feng brought breakfast.

Jiang Xiaowan was originally pretending to be drunk, but Ji Feng gently wiped her face and hands, and she fell asleep without knowing it because she was so comfortable.

Seeing Jiang Xiaowan wake up, Ji Feng brought hangover soup, looked at her anxiously and said, "Hurry up and drink some hangover soup, you must have a headache today after drinking so much wine yesterday."

Jiang Xiaowan took the bowl blankly, drank the hangover soup in one gulp, and said with a satisfied smile, "Brother Ji Feng, thank you."

"It's so early in the morning to trouble you."

"I'm sorry, I won't drink so much alcohol in the future..."

Seeing Jiang Xiaowan drinking so happily, Ji Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's okay, you can get up first, I will accompany you to the press conference later." Ji Feng said after packing up the tableware, looking at Jiang Xiaowan.

After finishing packing, Ji Feng walked out of the room with the lunch box.

(End of this chapter)

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