Chapter 510 Surviving the Crisis
When the news of Jiang Xiaowan holding a press conference came, many reporters rushed over.

At the press conference, Jiang Xiaowan released the video of the driving recorder in the car, which showed that Jiang Xiaowan did not admit that she was Xinya.

Regarding her acquiescing that she is Xinya, Jiang Xiaowan explained that the reason why she didn't deny it was that she didn't pay attention to the news at the time. By the time she knew it, the popularity of Weibo had gone down, and she didn't want to respond to the trending search again. No clarification.

Seeing that there was nothing interesting about this matter, the reporters focused on the relationship between Jiang Xiaowan and Ji Feng.

"May I ask what is the relationship between Miss Jiang and Mr. Ji?"

This time Jiang Xiaowan held a press conference, and Ji Feng was always by her side.

The reporter with a keen sense of smell has already smelled the tricks in it, and unabashedly asked the question in his heart.

When Jiang Xiaowan heard the reporter's question, she was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Ji Feng shyly, bit her lip, "I hope everyone will ask questions about pretending to be Xinya."

But the reporters were still relentless, Jiang Xiaowan's attitude just now was very problematic.

Ji Feng's eyes were firm, watching the reporter who asked the question moved affectionately, then picked up the microphone and said slowly, "It's exactly what you think, she is my girlfriend."

"We're a couple."

Ji Feng unabashedly announced the relationship between the two, and after speaking, he held Jiang Xiaowan's hand in full view.

Jiang Xiaowan didn't struggle. Seeing Ji Feng being so public, there was a trace of excitement in her eyes, but her heart was a little complicated.

In such a short time, Ji Feng really did a lot of things that touched her, such as the warm bowl of hangover soup this morning, and his willingness to introduce himself in public.

But what Jiang Xiaowan was struggling with for a while was that after the two announced their relationship, it would affect her fish farming...

There is also concern that some donors will be unhappy.

There was a flashing light and the sound of pressing the shutter. Jiang Xiaowan and Ji Feng intertwined their fingers, looking extraordinarily sweet.

Immediately afterwards, the reporter raised several questions one after another based on the relationship between the two.

After the press conference, Jiang Xiaowan clarified that the news of her relationship with Jiang Xiaowan was exposed on Weibo.

Everyone still agrees with Jiang Xiaowan's explanation and evidence, and the matter of pretending to be Xinya is over.

Everyone focused on the exposure of Jiang Xiaowan's love affair. Seeing the two people interlocking fingers in the photo, many people sent blessings.

"The two are quite a good match, I agree!"

"Jiang Xiaowan seems very shy, I have to say, the two of them together are really eye-catching!"

"It turned out to be like this. Jiang Xiaowan never seemed to admit that she was Xinya. The journalists these days are becoming more and more immoral, which caused the young lady to be scolded before?"

"Did those clamoring black fans open their eyes and see clearly? They didn't admit that they were Xinya at all. It was clearly those unscrupulous reporters who made up the news. Why did Xiao Wan pay for the mistakes?"

"I just said how such a kind, long and good-looking girl would do such a thing. I really misunderstood."


Seeing the rapid change in Weibo's trend, Jiang Xiaowan narrowed her eyes in satisfaction.

"Our public relations team is already controlling the comments, and we have also found a lot of comments from the navy. It is estimated that the direction of public opinion should completely change in a few hours."

"The crisis has finally passed smoothly." Sister Wang said happily with a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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