I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 173 The Misguided Fathers

Chapter 173 The Misguided Fathers
Upon hearing this, the beggars hurried to the back door of the restaurant.

Xiao Tuantuan took this opportunity to help his little brother up: "Are you alright?"

Half of the little brother's face was swollen, and he politely saluted her:

"Thank you for this lady, Nie Fuan is very grateful."

Xiao Tuantuan grinned, stretched out his claws to pat himself, and gestured to Yan Gui:
"My name is Tangtang, this is Brother Yangui, are you hungry, can Tangtang treat you to dinner?"

Nie Fu'an blushed and shook her head, and said in a low voice, "I don't have any money, and I bought medicine for my sister. I, we haven't eaten for two days, so..."

He moved his legs and retracted the toes protruding from the broken shoes.

Xiao Tuantuan hugged his little head and whispered:

"There are a lot of bowls and dishes in the restaurant that haven't been cleaned. Brother Nie Fu'an, can you help? Tangtang can pay you two taels of silver."

Nie Fuan was pleasantly surprised for a moment: "Really, really? Two taels is too much, two money is enough."

Xiao Tuantuan grinned and took out two taels of silver from his pocket:

"Brother Nie Fu'an, you can wash the plates and bowls when you have time, don't forget."

Nie Fu'an took it with trembling hands, lifted up his neat robe and was about to kowtow to her: "Thank you, Miss Tangtang."

"Oh, why don't you kneel down to Tangtang."

Xiao Tuantuan was terrified, and hurriedly knelt down and knelt in front of him.

Yan Gui pulled him back, and the expression on his small face was very unusual: "Are you going to pay homage?"

Xiao Tuantuan was puzzled by Tuan Tuan: "Worship?"

Nie Fuan's face was blushing, she lowered her head, and whispered:
"I'm sorry, Fu An knows that he offended Miss Tangtang, Young Master Yan Gui, Fu An didn't mean it."

Yan Gui bent the corners of her thin and cool mouth, and a layer slowly covered her eyes...


Then his face was covered by one of his sister's paws, covering it tightly.

Yan Gui: "..."

Xiao Tuantuan pressed his face, crooked his moon eyes: "Tangtang knows, I won't visit the hall next time."

She secretly giggled, then pushed Yan Gui up: "Rough hair, go dig the dirt, brother Nie Fu'an, see you next time."

"See you next time, Tangtang...sister."

Nie Fu'an rubbed the silver in his hand, this time even his ears were red.

When he saw Tangtang, his ears and neck turned red.

When Yan Gui saw that he had discovered this problem within two times, his face became even more grim.

In order to learn how to make longevity noodles, Xiaotuanzi ran to the restaurant after kindergarten. When he came, Nie Fuan was helping in the back kitchen.

Either cleaning or washing the dishes and bowls, when Tangtang came, he left a lot of delicious food for her.

Every time I silently watched her finish eating before leaving.

Xiao Tuantuan is obsessed with learning how to make longevity noodles. To her, Nie Fu'an is a little brother who helps out at the restaurant.

And it's a scholar brother who couldn't even take the exam for a scholar because his father was dismissed from office and ransacked his home.

Xiao Tuantuan felt more sympathetic to him, and begged the shopkeeper's uncle to give him ten taels of silver a month to help him in the restaurant.

Nie Fu'an is a man who knows how to repay his kindness. Apart from doing chores, he also helps the accountant to settle the accounts, helps the clerk to run the hall, and has done all the work he can do.

Within a few days, everyone knew that there was a handsome and elegant guy from Wugu Restaurant.

When scholars come to eat, they always try to oppose Nie Fu'an's poems, and there are many girls of the same age who always want to see him.

As a result, Wugu Restaurant has more and more customers.

In less than a month, the income has doubled several times compared to before.

When the shopkeeper brought the account book in front of Xiao Tuantuan and asked her to look it over, he beamed with joy and kept praising the little Patriarch for his foresight.

"The little patriarch is really the little lucky star of the Su family. The patriarch must be happy to know."

Xiao Tuantuan flipped through the ledger, blinking his big eyes:
"Brother Nie Fu'an should be a lucky star. Tangtang and Rich Daddy are all in the honor of Brother Fu'an."

Nie Fu'an Qingjun's face flushed again, and he shook his head embarrassedly.

The shopkeeper uncle rubbed his palms excitedly: "The little Patriarch doesn't quite understand this ledger, the villain can explain it to the little Patriarch."

Xiao Tuantuan shook his little head: "Tangtang understands it, Master taught Tangtang to read the ledger."

"It's just that Tangtang thinks that keeping accounts separately like this is not comprehensive. Uncle shopkeeper, it's better to use two ways to keep accounts."

Xiao Tuantuan dipped in the ink, and in an account book, the incoming items were written on the left and the outgoing items were written on the right.

Whenever there is an increase or decrease, both sides record the accounts at the same time, so that when the account is settled at the end of the month, it will be clear.

The shopkeeper and the cashier had never seen such a method, and they couldn't understand it.

Unexpectedly, Nie Fu'an understood it all at once.

Quickly changed this month's account book to the way Tangtang said, and pointed out several outstanding accounts that were not recorded in the account book.

Only then did the cashier remember that there were a few regular customers who hadn't paid the restaurant at the end of the month.

In this way, the people in the restaurant took a higher look at Nie Fuan, and he became the most trusted accountant directly from a clerk.

The day Xiaotuanzi was going to move out from the palace coincided with school holidays.

Early in the morning, after practicing the magic circle, he was caught by the golden father who fell from the sky: "Little Tang, do you want to have a rich father?"

"No wow."

Xiao Tuantuan stomped his short legs hanging in the air: "Tangtang has money too, 5000 taels of silver notes."

All the banknotes sent by the villain prime minister went into Tangtang's pocket.

Su Qingyun: "...You have no heart, you little sweetie. Thanks to Daddy who was so excited that he stayed up all night, he came to pick you up as soon as he opened his eyes."


Xiao Tuantuan patted his paws, grinned his small mouth and smacked a big mouthful of fragrance: "I really want to be rich, Daddy, Tangtang was a bad Tangtang just now, she lied to Daddy."

The young master said in his heart: beauty.

He picked up Tang Xiaoguai and flew over the eaves and walls.

Xiao Tuantuan groaned and covered her little face: "Rich Daddy, Tangtang hasn't eaten yet."

"It's ready outside, and the restaurant has been moved here for you."

"I haven't said goodbye to Daddy Meiyan yet."

"Don't even think about leaving after I tell you, just go!"

"Where are you going?"

At the gate of the palace, Feng Hanchu led the guards to block the palace gate tightly: "I will shoot down this golden flying dog."

The heavily armed guard let out a haha, stood up with a spear, took out a slingshot from his arms, and pointed it neatly at Su Qingyun.

Young Master Yun: "...Don't you want to lose face, you have agreed to put Tang Xiaoguai back to Qinyuan today!"

Feng Han's face was not red at the beginning, and he was out of breath: "There is still an hour, not even a moment less."

Su Qingyun: "..."

Come, come, I'll give you the seat of a profiteer.

His hair was about to stand on end: "It's an amazing hour, I'm having breakfast at your house with my sweet boy."

"Come here, bring the food to the little Patriarch."

Xiao Tuantuan watched eagerly, and suddenly his big eyes sparkled, and he flew over with his little claws: "Brother Fuan..."

Gongzi Yun: "..."

Feng Hanchu: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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