I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 174 The Super Fierce Brother Yangui

Chapter 174 The Super Fierce Brother Yangui

A group of flaring teeth and claws, before flying to brother Fu'an, was grabbed by the rich father:
"Aren't you going to introduce it to your parents?"

Xiao Tuantuan was held by the small belt, spun half a circle in mid-air, and came back again, patted his small chest proudly:

"This is the little accountant of Tangtang Restaurant, brother Nie Fu'an, he is very knowledgeable and smart... Oh, rich daddy, you're picking up Tangtang again."

Su Qingyun's peach blossom eyes narrowed slightly: "Say, who is smarter, Daddy or him?"

Xiao Tuantuan pressed his fist against his little cheek, and his little mouth was always reluctant:
"Rich dad is rich and smart, brother Fu'an is learned and smart, it's different."

Feng Han was not afraid of big things when he saw the excitement at the beginning: "My daughter said that you are stupid and have a lot of money."

Su Qingyun: "..."

As long as you have a mouth, you can babble all day long.

Xiaotuantuan was as anxious as a bunny, one after another:
"Oh, no, it's just that daddy is daddy, brother Fu'an is older brother, it's different."

Feng Hanchu: "What's the difference?"

Tangtang: "..."

Xiao Tuantuan spun around in his father's hand, scratching his paws: "Tangtang is hungry, I can't think of anything different."

Nie Fuan held the food box high with both hands, knelt straight on the ground without saying a word.

Su Qingyun: "..."

You are arrogant, boy.

Who gave you the courage?

Unable to stand his daughter's big dark eyes and pretending to be pitiful, Gong Ziyun took the food box with a cold face and became a wooden man who only knew how to feed his daughter.

"Hey, Tangtang's mouth can't eat so many cakes."

"Hi, choke... Hip, Rich Daddy, hi..."

Feng Hanchu was so distressed that he hurriedly stepped forward to pat him, staring at Su Qingyun: "Why are you a father?"

"My daughter was choked to death by you, how can I trust my daughter to you? Little Pastry and Daddy will continue to live in the palace."


Su Qingyun was also frightened: "It's okay, little boy Tang, Daddy is not good, Daddy will please you."

Xiao Tuantuan, who choked on his tongue, stretched out his claws to pat Feng Hanchu's hair:

"Meiyan Daddy, don't worry, Tangtang eats too fast. Also, Qinyuan is going to hold a peony flower party, so Tangtang has to show up."

Seeing Daddy Meiyan's expression tense for a moment, Xiao Tuantuan continued to follow along:
"But glamorous daddy, as the most beautiful daddy, must appear at the flower festival, and he will overwhelm everyone else."

His Majesty the Emperor was satisfied: "I agree."


Sugar candy is too difficult.

She pawed and pawed at her paws and claws: "Rich daddy is not angry, grandma handed over the restaurant to Tangtang, there are so many brothers and shopkeepers and bookkeepers, Tangtang has to manage the restaurant well."

"Brother Fu'an is very smart. He has no way to take the No. [-] Scholar exam. He can definitely go on the road of doing business. He can't waste it."

"Not everyone is as lucky as brother Jingyun, who has a brother who is willing to give everything for him."

Brother Jingyun's elder brother was in the Xuanwu camp, and his military exploits with his own life allowed him to enter the juvenile school.

"Brother Nie Fu'an can only live with his sister, and he can't go hungry, right, so Tangtang can make his own decisions."

Nie Fuan, who was kneeling by the side, had red eyes.

Su Qingyun smiled dotingly, pinched the tip of her little nose: "Little Tang is the little head of the family, you have the final say on all the business of the Su family."

"Hee hee, rich dad—"

Xiao Tuantuan hugged Rich Daddy's neck sweetly.

Feng Hanchu: "..."

What about the glamorous father who overwhelms everyone?

Falling in love so quickly?
The stinky pastry that is always on the move, don't go!

"Beautiful dad--"

As soon as the little claws were stretched out, Feng Hanchu squinted his handsome eyes and leaned over, asking very arrogantly:
"You have a rich father, what do you want me to do?"

"Because Tangtang's beautiful dad is unique, Tangtang can't be filial."

Thus, His Majesty the Emperor, with mixed emotions of joy and entanglement, sent the stinky cakes to the carriage of the Su family, and stood on the wall of the palace gate to watch them leave.

Xiao Tuan Tuan tugged at the small curtains, watched the bright yellow figure of the beautiful father turn into a little ball, and then retracted his little head into the car.

Nie Fu'an followed by the car, and Yan Gui, who was expressionless.

Qian Shuang rode a horse to clear the way ahead, as well as several masters of the Forbidden Army, all of whom received the imperial decree to protect the safety of Princess Liang.

When I arrived at Qinyuan, it was almost noon, and I could smell a faint fragrance before I entered the door.

Qinyuan has been dressed up, and there are rare plants and rare treasures everywhere.

The whole garden is like a treasury of endless treasures.

There are also gardens and promenades filled with blooming peonies, the red is delicate, the yellow is rich, the white is elegant, the purple is beautiful, and the pink is gentle.

Among them, the most conspicuous one is a cruise ship made of peonies in the summer garden.

Thousands of pots of precious peonies decorate the city, a boat that can accommodate several people, and even the lifelike masts are planted with peonies.

Looking at it from a distance, it is beautiful.

There is also a red carpet laid down from the flower boat, which leads to the garden and veranda, as well as the waterfall rockery deeper in the yard.

Hundreds of maids and servants came and went, doing their final make-up.

In two days, the peony flower banquet in Qinyuan will be held.

At that time, all the celebrities and merchants in the world will gather in Qinyuan, as well as the royal family and nobles, as well as the young gentleman who came all the way from the Emperor's Palace.

Shaozun's accompanying army totaled 10 people, and they had already approached the capital yesterday.

Although there was no movement, it also brought a trace of uneasiness to the capital.

If it wasn't for Qinyuan's big banquet here, as if no one was there, the capital would have been in chaos.

However, Zhenxi General Xuan Mo had already led the Xuanwu army to set up camp in a favorable terrain, and sent out smart spies every day to observe the actions of the young master accompanying the army.

The capital city is also protected by the forbidden army, and the nobles are all here, so there must be no accidents.

Although Tangtang didn't know the specific situation, the young scholar and the teacher looked at her with worry and fear.

Xiao Tuantuan was sitting under the flower boat, holding her little chin in her hands, touching the bamboo flowers:
"Brother Xitong, do you think the Shark King's bone can still be found?"

Zhu Shenghua lighted up lazily: "You still need to think about how to get rid of the young master's idea of ​​getting married, little glutinous rice balls."


"Don't be afraid."

Yan Gui came over, touched her little head, with a firm look in her eyes: "Brother will protect you."

Nie Fuan also came over, clenched his fists, and stammered, "Me too."

Yan Gui: "Have you settled the accounts for the preparation of the Peony Flower Banquet?"

The atmosphere instantly collapsed.

Nie Fuan lowered his head: "It will take half a day."

Yan Gui: "Why don't you go soon?"

Nie Fuan ran away all the way, as if fleeing for his life.

Tangtang: "..."

Wow, Brother Yangui, so fierce!
(End of this chapter)

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