I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 23 The Super Fierce Little Fireball

Chapter 23 The Super Fierce Little Fireball
call out--

Xiao Tuantuan, with big eyes still a little dazed, had already rushed to the scouting horse, startled the young soldier, jumped off the horse and patted Xiao Tuan Tuan's head: "Did the villain wake up Miss Tangtang?"

"No, Tangtang is so happy to know that the general's father won the battle." Her bright eyes widened, and Xiao Tuantuan danced happily, "Is the general's father coming back?"

Tanma nodded: "Yes, soon."

"Thank you for the news, Brother Tanma."

Xiao Tuantuan saluted with his fists in his arms, and then rushed back to the handsome tent on short legs.

The general's father is coming back soon, Tangtang wants to wear a beautiful little dress, which one should I choose?Recently, the general's father bought her a lot of dresses, which are very beautiful.

Xiaotuanzi sat in the pile of clothes, picking and choosing, and picked out a bright red dress.

Wrapped in a small belt embroidered with gold thread, and deliberately stepped on the stool to look in the bronze mirror to see if he looked good, then sat happily at the gate of the camp and waited for Xuan Mo to come back.

From dawn to dusk, she was not in a hurry, she smiled and bent her big eyes, and the clouds in the sky were very beautiful.

I felt the ground shaking under my butt, and the movement was getting louder and louder.

Xiaotuanzi's eyes lit up immediately, he crawled up to the tallest boulder and stood there, stretching his neck to look into the distance.

The wind blew up her dress, and she became the most dazzling presence in the loess-filled wasteland.

"Ouch, Miss Tangtang stands so high, be careful."

The soldiers who also came to wait for Xuan Mo and the army to return to the camp formed a circle under the stone, raising their arms nervously to protect them, for fear that the small groups would bump into each other.

Tangtang clenched her small fists: "Uncle General, don't worry, Tangtang stands firmly and won't fall...Look, it's Daddy General's handsome flag, Daddy General is back!"

In the afterglow of the setting sun, the banner with Xuan characters fluttered in the wind, with arrogance and awe-inspiring awe, making people daunting.

"Daddy General, Tangtang is here—"

Xiaotuanzi was so happy that Xiaojiu was about to stand up, with two chubby paws open to his mouth, shouting loudly with all his strength.

In the dust flying in the distance, the noble horse king of the Western Regions came galloping with his majestic generals on his back, with thousands of troops behind him, like a mountain falling, unstoppable.

Xuan Mo, who was riding the horse, saw the fiery red dumpling standing on the stone pile at a glance. Wrapped in the wind, it was about to fly up.

Immediately, infinite tenderness appeared in his cold and narrow phoenix eyes. When he passed by Tuanzi, he stretched out his long arm and took Xiaotuanzi to the back of the horse by the waist, hugged him in his arms, and patted the horse back to the camp.

The Tuanzi who was intercepted halfway was not afraid at all, and landed on the horse's back, and hugged Xuanmo tightly with his little hands excitedly: "Daddy General, Tangtang misses you so much!"

"Daddy also wants Tangtang." When he stroked her chubby little head with his big hand, Xuan Mo's heart seemed to be completely relaxed.

"Really, hehehe."

The fleshy little dumpling was almost standing on Gai Feng's back, trying to cover Xuan Mo's face.

Once back at the camp, Gai Feng raised his front hooves, let out a long cry, snorted loudly and stopped.

Xuan Mo flew down, holding Xiao Tuantuan with one hand and entering the tent, countless voices shouted behind him: "General Pingxi, you are invincible!"

When Xuan Mo took off his armor, the sharp-eyed Xiaotuanzi immediately noticed the medicine cloth wrapped around the general's father's arm, raised his chubby hand to cover his mouth, and asked nervously, "General's father, are you injured?"

"Small injury, was slashed."

Xuan Mo didn't care, walked over and pinched her little fleshy face: "Daddy is fine, look, didn't you still hug you just now?"

"No!" The little milk voice shouted very loudly, fiercely.

Xuan Mo was almost stunned, and looked down——

The red ball beside her legs was frowning, with her waist crossed, and her big black eyes were about to pop out, quite scary.

"What are you doing? I haven't seen you for a few days. You've got a big temper. Are you trying to bite your father?" Xuan Mo was even amused by her.

Xiao Hongtuanzi's temper became serious, and she stamped her little feet with a bit of aura, "Until the general's father's injury is healed, Tangtang is not allowed to hug you, only Tangtang is allowed to hug you."

Xuan Mo raised his eyebrows: "..."

The generals who followed behind lowered their heads and laughed sneeringly. As expected of being the daughter of General Pingxi, she is so domineering!
Seeing that Xuan Mo didn't pay much attention, Tangtang clenched her small fist and waved it non-stop: "General Daddy, if you are disobedient and dare to hug Tangtang, Tangtang will spank your ass!"

Xuan Mo: "..."

The generals laughed out loud as if they had been punctured.

Invariably, they were thinking about how to get the general to hug the young lady, because everyone had a friend who really wanted to see the general get spanked.

Xuan Mo's phoenix eyes froze.

The general standing at the front immediately became serious: "If you go back to the general, the last general's horse has run away, and the last general is going to tie the horse."

Another general said: "The last general's knife is rusted, and the last general has to sharpen it."

Anyway, everyone found an excuse and ran for their lives.

Xuan Mo looked down at the angry red-faced little thing, snorted, and sat in front of the desk: "I don't want to hug you, come over and hug dad."

Xiao Tuanzi was quite unhappy, and ran over aggressively. Before he opened his little hand, he saw Xuan Mo was about to use his injured hand to pick up the sword, and immediately shouted: "Daddy General, don't move."

What's the matter, the little thing is about to rebel after changing into red clothes?
Xuan Mo watched helplessly as the little fire ball rushed over.

He snatched his saber and dragged it away with a grunt. Then, tiptoeing with his white teeth bared, he stuffed the sword weighing several dozen catties into the sword stand.

Ouch, this fleshy pier is not in vain, and it has quite a lot of strength.

Xuan Mo rested his chin and squinted his eyes to watch the excitement.

Xiao Huo Tuan, who had placed the sword, didn't hug her father immediately, but asked someone to bring hot water over, poured hot tea and put it in his big hands; then washed the kerchief, and carefully wiped the general's father's face and hands.

General Pingxi, who has never been taken care of like this before, is so happy in his heart, he can't wait to let everyone come in to show off in front of his face, to see how well-behaved and cute my daughter is.

In the next few days, Xuan Mo fully enjoyed the family happiness.

Xiao Huo Tuan hurried in and out, served tea and water, carefully supervised him to take and change his medicine every day, and threatened him with grinning teeth when the time passed.

In the end, General Pingxi could only sit idle at the door of the handsome tent, playing with Xiao Huo Tuan poking ants with twigs.

Until the decree officer in the capital entered the Xuanwu Camp to announce the decree.

"By heaven's blessing, the emperor's edict said: General Pingxi, Xuanmo, has made meritorious service in protecting the city. He will be promoted from the third-rank general Pingxi to the second-rank general Zhenxi, and he will return to Beijing to face the saint today to receive the reward."

Xiao Tuanzi, who was kneeling beside the general's father, blinked his big eyes, and pointed his finger secretly, "General's father, is this a promotion?"
(End of this chapter)

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