Chapter 24

"Daddy General, have you been promoted?"

As soon as the messenger left, Xiao Tuanzi rushed to Xuan Mo's leg, hugged his leg tightly, and raised his round head to look at him eagerly.

Xuan Mo hummed, poked and pinched her tender cheeks: "Little ghost, I'm going home with Daddy."

"go home?"

Xiaotuanzi didn't quite understand, and shook his head doubtfully, "Isn't this the home of Daddy General and Tangtang?"

"This is the military camp, and the General's Mansion in the capital is Daddy's home."

Tangtang tilted her head and thought for a long time: "From then on, will Tangtang live in the general's mansion? Will Daddy always be with Tangtang?"

Xuan Mo tapped the tip of her little nose, seeing her grinning and rubbing her little nose like a tickle, her heart softened: "As long as Daddy doesn't fight wars."

"Oh, if Daddy goes to war, there will only be Tangtang left in the General's Mansion. Can Tangtang take Huahua Tiaotiao and their friends to the General's Mansion?"

Xuan Mo's brows twitched: "There are grandparents, aunts and aunts in the house. They can accompany you when your father is away. Your friends, cough, don't bring them with you."

Otherwise, when the mighty herds of beasts enter the capital, the world will be in chaos.

"Okay, when shall we go home?"


Xiaotuanzi nodded: "Tangtang is going to say goodbye to Huahua, no, there is also brother Yangui, Tangtang has to go to him to say goodbye first."

The little fat claw of the little thing let go of his legs, turned around and ran, rushing forward.

Xuan Mo: "..."

Abandon your father and go find your brother?


Before Tangtang could take two steps, she heard something shattered behind her. She quickly stopped and looked back curiously.

Hey, why did the general's father drop his tea cup on the ground, and the general's father is still holding his arms?

It's broken, it must be because the general's father's injury hasn't healed yet.

Xiaotuanzi immediately ran back like a small windmill, frowned and hugged Xuanmo's arm: "Daddy General, does the wound hurt again, Tangtang will give you a whirl."

Xuan Mo pretended to be weak: "It's okay, it just hurts a little, you can go to Yan Gui."

Jiang Kai behind him: "..."

If I remember correctly, in the morning the general removed the medicine cloth from the wound and practiced the knife, saying that he was cured.

So the general practiced the sword too hard and broke his arm?

Xiaotuanzi, who didn't know anything, shook his little head like a rattle: "I won't go, I won't go, Tangtang stays here to take care of the general's father."

She tried her best to raise her little hand, helped Xuan Mo back to the handsome tent, and said to Jiang Kai behind him:

"Brother Jiang, the general's father's injury hurts again, Tangtang can't leave, please go and tell Brother Yangui to let him take medicine."

Jiang Kai: "..."

Xuan Mo raised his phoenix eyes halfway, feeling cool.

Jiang Kai's head was dripping with sweat, and he rushed out the door: "... I will inform Yan Gui at the end."

After running out the door, he remembered, no, Yan Ling is the lieutenant general of the general's younger sister, General Xuan Ning, and he will follow him when he returns to Beijing, so why didn't the general tell the lady?
Xiao Tuanzi, who was kept in the dark by the general's father, followed Xuan Mo in and out like a small shadow.

When packing his small package, he was always paying attention to Xuan Mo's injury, and he didn't leave Xuan Mo even half a step until he set off.

Sitting in the warm and gorgeous pony carriage, Xiaotuanzi ordered a little butterfly and let it out from the window, letting it bring a message to the master on the mountain, Tangtang is going to the capital.

Although Shizun, a big villain, never sent her any news after she left Yunwu Mountain, but she still missed Shizun very much.

Now I'm going to the general's father's house, and I'm farther away from the master. I don't know how the master's body is. Without Tangtang to accompany him, will his body hurt?

Xiaotuanzi tightly grasped the window of the carriage with two chubby claws, blinked her big eyes, watching the little butterfly fluttering its wings, bringing her thoughts and whispers to Yunwu Mountain.

Later, the scenery outside the window changed from bare mountains and forests to green forests and clear lakes, and changed to a particularly beautiful big boat, and finally returned to the small carriage.

The road gradually became lively. There were grandfathers and uncles carrying bamboo poles, as well as brothers and sisters selling flowers. The carriage stopped by a willow forest.

Xiaotuanzi's big eyes were bright, and his chubby body emerged from the window. He opened his chubby hands and waved at Xuan Mo beside the carriage: "Daddy General, are we home yet?"

Xuan Mo rode over and pinched her fleshy little earlobe: "No, your aunt is here to pick us up."

Tangtang immediately retracted into the carriage, raised her hand to touch her little womb, and the little hair on her forehead, fiddled with her belt, and got out of the carriage after tidying up.

I saw a horse coming galloping, and immediately sat a beautiful sister in a red cloak, with tall hair and a sword, looking very heroic.

Is this my aunt?

Xiaotuanzi blinked her big eyes, squatted on the carriage and looked at her.

Xuan Ning put the horse in front of Xuan Mo, whipped the whip and looked at him: "Don't be complacent, I'll pick up my niece, where is she?"

Xuan Mo snorted: "There is such a big dumpling on the carriage, can't you see it?"

Xuan Ning turned the horse's head, and his eyes just met Tang Tang's.

Xiaotuanzi in a red dress, with two round hairs combed, her big eyes flickering on her round and tender face, just like a glazed ball.

The sticky villain grinned sweetly when he saw her, revealing a mouthful of small white teeth, with two missing in the middle.


Xuan Ning covered her mouth, turned her face away and secretly smiled.

Xuan Mo: "... What's wrong with you?"

"Xuan Mo, just lie to me."

Xuan Ning gave him a disgusted look: "Such a cute little thing can be your daughter, you can see which part of your body is worthy of being a father, maybe you stole it from somewhere?"

Xuan Mo: "..."

Tangtang squatted on the carriage and looked left and right, not knowing what was going on, and her soft and soft voice called tentatively: "Aunt Ning?"

Hey, such a cute little thing is called my aunt, I feel very shy when I think about it.

Xuan Ning's heart trembled, he covered his face suddenly, and secretly laughed.

Seeing her like this, Tangtang was a little overwhelmed, and secretly stretched out her little claws to pull Xuanmo's clothes: "Daddy General, does Aunt Ning not like Tangtang?"

Xuan Mo sneered: "She likes you so much, she likes you crazy. Xuan Ning, can you be normal?"

Xuan Ning coughed lightly, put down his hands, and said to Xiaotuanzi in the gentlest voice: "Little Tang Baoer, can you come to Auntie, Auntie will take you to ride a horse?"

Xuan Mo: "..."

After you're crazy, come and grab his daughter, right?
(End of this chapter)

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