Chapter 273
Xiao Tuanzi has always been afraid that the world will not be chaotic. Hearing that Aunt Ning is going to bury someone, he can't wait to find a small shovel to dig the soil now:
"Aunt Ning, wait a minute, Tangtang asked a friend to help, dig a huge pit, and bury the silver-haired pig in it."

With quick hands and quick eyes, Gong Ziyun grabbed Xiaotuanzi who was kicking around with short legs: "I think you are a huge pit!"

Xiaotuanzi couldn't get away even if he ran, so he stretched his legs and paws and muttered, "Aunt Ning, save Tangtang."

Xuan Ning stared, and the cloak flew up like a raging fire: "Su dog thief, let go of me, Tang Baoer!"

"If you smoke again, you'll get my son's sweet boy, you hag!" Su Qingyun skillfully dodged Xuan Ning's whip.

Xuan Ning pressed his big face with another whip: "My surname is Su, grandma won't make you into shreds of meat today, so write the word Xuan upside down."

Su Qingyun turned her horse's head and was about to flee for her life. Bu Chen, who was watching the excitement, let out a long sigh, and called Xuan Ning: "A Ning, look at the box in your hand."

Xuan Ning was a little confused: "He, what's wrong with the box?"

She put down the whip, opened it, and it turned out to be empty.

I was excited just now, thinking that I found the Shark King's bone, who would have thought that Mr. Changling could be so cunning.

Bu Chen said: "Mr. Chang Ling got a bone of the Shark King from the black market, but he didn't give it to Emperor Zun or the emperor, which shows that there is still room for negotiation on this matter."

If not, he will let him have.

Xuan Ning immediately put away the whip: "Since the man is in our hands, we are not afraid that he will not hand over the real shark bone."

She leaned over and picked up Chang Lingjun, put it on the horse's back, and cupped her hands at Buchen: "I will borrow your medicine valley for two days."

Bu Chen immediately gave way: "Please."

Besides her, there were five or six female generals who followed Chang Lingjun with her.

Bu Chen and his party went back to the Valley of Immortal Doctors just to wait for Chang Lingjun to throw himself into the trap. They didn't expect things to go so smoothly, except for the fact that Chang Lingjun was beaten into a dog's head.

Everyone gathered together to discuss how to get him to hand over the shark bone.

Chang Lingjun was placed under house arrest in Penglai Pool for several months, sleeping most of the time.

After waking up, his attitude was also tougher, he didn't say where the Shark King's bone was, as if he would kill me if he wanted to.

Apart from being able to use the Gu on him to make him feel uncomfortable for a while, I didn't dare to do it too much, after all, it would not be good to fight again after being released home.

If Feng Yunxue hadn't secretly let him go with the letter, it would probably take a long time.

Bu Chen said: "Taking retreat as an advance, first remove the Gu from his body."

Xuan Ning disagreed: "What if there is no threat and you run away?"

Su Qingyun looked very proud: "As long as Brother Chen disagrees, no living thing can leave the Valley of Immortal Medicine, let me introduce—"

He swaggered over and pointed to the stool Xuan Ning was sitting on:

"There is poison on the stool, which can make you fall to the ground within five steps; there is also poison under the teacup, which can make you look like a madman for a moment..."

Although Xuan Ning didn't believe a word he said, but according to Bu Chen's ability, these things are still very possible.

So for a moment, Xuan Ning felt that his neck was a bit heavy.

Su Qingyun walked around her: "You know how powerful you are, from now on be gentle with me, my son, I will keep you safe and sound."

Seeing that Aunt Ning was about to suffer, Xiao Tuanzi, who was bouncing around between the tables and chairs, immediately lowered her head to Xuan Ning's ear:

"Rich dad lied to Aunt Ning that everything in the Immortal Doctor Valley is fine except for the poisonous flowers and plants."

The young master, who was about to be torn apart, said, "..."

Are you my daughter, are you my ancestor?
Then Gong Ziyun screamed and was sent flying with a whip.

Bu Chen prepared the tools to detoxify Gu, and Xiaotuanzi held it in his paws and followed behind to see the silver-haired pig.

Chang Lingjun was lying on the bed, his face was more swollen than before.

Xiaotuanzi giggled very unkindly, and then Buchen grabbed his little face and said, "Naughty Baozi."

After detoxifying the Gu poison, Chang Lingjun quickly regained consciousness.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a white and clean glutinous rice dumpling. He thought he was dreaming, and opened his mouth to take a bite——


The soft little slap stuck to his face, the part where the blood was bruised in the middle, so painful that Chang Lingjun almost flew off the beam:

"Come on, there are assassins!"

Xiaotuanzi hugged his shoulders and pointed his chin at him: "There is no assassin, it's Tangtang, the inedible Tangtang."

Chang Lingjun howled for a long time, and found that no one paid attention to him, so he was forced to calm down, his eyes were full of anger:

"I know you, Emperor Liang's brat!"

Xiaotuanzi did not show any weakness: "Tangtang also knows you, the big pig of Qi."

Chang Lingjun almost passed out again.

Since he was a child, no one has ever scolded him like this. How many heads have grown?
He was so angry that he slapped the bed and wanted to grab Xiaotuanzi and beat him up, but he didn't even put on his shoes, so he fell to the ground.

The Gu poison had just been detoxified, and there was no strength in his whole body. If he fell like this again, Chang Lingjun would almost grow into the ground, and he couldn't move.

Seeing that he had calmed down, Xiaotuanzi sat down in front of him with his short legs crossed:
"Big silver-haired pig, Tangtang wants to discuss something with you, is it okay?
Chang Lingjun's eyes were about to burst, and he raised his fingers weakly: "Little brat, you bully people too much, just wait, wait!"

Xiaotuanzi pouted:
"Can you sell the King Shark Bone to Tangtang? Or, if you want something, Tangtang will go find it and exchange it for your King Shark Bone, okay?"

Chang Lingjun squirmed twice on the ground, so angry that he couldn't choose what to say:

"I want your life, I want your father's life, I want the lives of all of you in the Liang Kingdom!"

Xiaotuanzi got up with hands and feet together: "Then you lie on the ground, big pig!"

She rattled to the yard and pawed and pawed for a long time. When she came back, she was holding a few black ants in her left hand and a big turtle in her right hand.

Xiao Tuanzi sat down in front of Chang Ling-jun again, first released the little ants in his left hand, and let them run and run in front of Chang Ling-jun.

One will run in a straight line, and the other will run in a curved line.

She also patted her paws and fanned the flames: "Big pig, look, how fast the ants run."

Chang Lingjun, who was struggling to move his fingers: "..."

Damn, is this girl raised by Emperor Liang a devil?
When Chang Lingjun was about to be tossed and crippled, the ants ran away.

Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, Xiaotuanzi put the big tortoise in front of him and crawled again, one step at a time, another step at a time.

She was still lying on the back of the turtle slowly, arching with it, and sighed: "Big pig, look, why the turtle walks so slowly, it's so annoying."

Chang Lingjun finally cried out of anger at her.

(End of this chapter)

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