I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 274 Is This Dad Going Cold?

Chapter 274 Is This Dad Going Cold?

When Feng Hanchu and his party arrived, they happened to see this once-in-a-century scene.

It is said that the king of Qi State, Chang Lingjun, who is said to be able to kill ten strong men with one punch, was lying on the ground crying bitterly.

A dumpling and a tortoise next to him looked at him as if they were watching a play.

Feng Hanchu circled Chang Lingjun three times:
"Oh, this panting creature on the ground is so familiar, what is it that blinds my eyes so that I can't recognize it?"

The three fathers next to him were also very cooperative: "Yes, what is this?"

Chang Lingjun: "...Feng Hanchu, even if I'm a ghost, I won't give you the Shark King's bone!"

Gong Ziyun stretched out his hand to support him:

"Mr. Chang Ling is offended when he said this. Liang Guo and Qi Guo are like brothers. What's yours is mine, and what's mine is mine. Come, come—"

Although his hands and feet are weak, Mr. Chang Ling has the backbone, and he threw him away bitterly: "Don't touch me, I'm fine, I'm just lying on the ground, and no one cares about me."

Everyone: "..."

as long as you are happy.

Feng Hanchu reclined in the imperial concubine chair, squeezed a gentle and charming smile, and began to take advantage:

"Chang Lingjun is also a generation of heroes, how can he lie on his stomach like this, and I don't have any lucky money, so get up!"

Chang Lingjun, who was forcibly pressed into the chair, had red eyes:

"Feng Hanchu, if you are a man, you can fight me with real swords and guns, and send a child to humiliate me, you can kill me!"

Feng Hanchu looked very surprised: "Small pastries?"

Xiaotuanzi twisted her body stubbornly: "He called Aunt Ning a hag, a blind girl, and Tangtang wants to avenge Aunt Ning."

Among the crowd, Young Master Yun whispered, "Actually, it's not considered scolding..."

After a few glances, Gong Ziyun became as quiet as a chicken.

Feng Hanchu continues to be a peacemaker:
"Since Mr. Chang Ling scolded me as a general of the Liang Kingdom, and my little pastry tortured you, the two cancel each other out, so I won't mention it."

Chang Lingjun: "..."

You are so good at calculating, what kind of emperor is it, is it not good to be an abacus?

Under his fire-breathing gaze, Feng Hanchu continued to add fuel: "However, regarding the matter of the Shark King's bone, I still want to have a good chat with Mr. Chang Ling."

Chang Lingjun was furious, his face flushed red:
"What the hell, Liang Guo put me under house arrest, just to tear myself apart, and when I return to the country, I will lead my troops to level Liangdu!"

The atmosphere suddenly fell silent, and a faint light flashed in Xuan Mo's eyes.

Feng Hanchu patted him on the shoulder, beckoned to be calm, and continued to say to Chang Lingjun:
"Gu, it was an accident when Buchen was treating Chang Lingjun's illness. Now it has been resolved, and Chang Lingjun can leave at any time."

Although 180 people did not believe it, Chang Lingjun stood up stubbornly out of yearning for freedom.

To his surprise, his hands and feet seemed to be warmed up, not as cold as when he was trapped in Penglai Pool.

He walked a few steps like a puppet, the threshold was close at hand, raised his leg, and stepped——

Haw, I fell a dog and ate shit.

Feng Hanchu's fussy voice came from behind him: "Oh, Mr. Changling has been ill for a long time, so hurry up and help him to lie down on the bed."

Chang Lingjun's two lines of hot tears were blown away in the wind.

After tidying this up, His Majesty the Emperor was in a good mood, and he went to coax his daughter with his hands behind his back: "Small cakes?"

Xiaotuanzi squatted at the side of the small table to share the food, and was about to send it to Yangui for supper, when he saw Daddy Meiyan's big face stretched out:
"Meiyan dad is also hungry, but you are already a mature dad, you have to learn to find food by yourself."

Feng Hanchu's heart skipped a beat: it's over, so indifferent, am I going to be cold?

In such a moment, he thought of countless scenes.

The other three fathers sat around eating, drinking and laughing with Little Pastry, and he was the only one in tattered clothes, walking hungry in the snow and ice.

The north wind blows, the snowflakes flutter, the poor father suffers so much.

Feng Han Chu imitated the appearance of a girl, lying on the edge of the table with her buttocks pouted, and stretched out two big palms:

"Are you angry, how about you beat daddy?"

Xiaotuanzi put down his chopsticks, covered the snack box, and shook his head: "Don't be angry, it's just that Tangtang doesn't want to talk to Daddy Meiyan right now."

Feng Hanchu felt that the sky was about to collapse, so he ran after her and grabbed her daughter's little claw:

"Little cake, why don't you find a stick to beat daddy, daddy will never fight back, daddy just wants to make little cake happy."

Xiaotuanzi reluctantly touched Daddy's big hand: "Meiyan Daddy is very important to Tangtang's heart, if Meiyan Daddy gets hurt, Tangtang will also be unhappy."

She picked up her snack box and walked away.

Three dads: Well done.

Then they were each kicked by Feng Hanchu: "Think of a way, how can I let the little pastry take care of me."

Xuan Mo: "Think of a way?"

Su Qingyun: "Get my daughter back?"

Bu Chen: "How many dishes in the evening, drink like this?"

Feng Hanchu: "..."

Why do I have to talk so much?

However, when he thought that his daughter abandoned him in order to meet the evil little brother, His Majesty's heart became even more blocked.

Xiao Yangui, with a demonic spirit in the demon, had just finished drinking the medicine when she saw a pink dumpling rushing in:
"Brother Yangui, are you hungry? Tangtang is here to deliver food."

She ran to the bed, and carefully lifted the quilt: "Brother Yangui is very good, and the medicine has been changed."

Yan Gui smiled slightly: "My brother hasn't seen my sister for two hours, is my sister going to see another brother?"

"No, no, no!"

Xiaotuanzi's little paws were swaying like a small windmill, and then he hugged his little belly and laughed and said about Chang Lingjun:
"Doesn't Big Pig look silly?"

Yan Gui didn't smile again: "Sister is upset, what happened?"

Xiaotuanzi's round face collapsed in an instant, and he sat in front of him with his short legs in his arms, with his little mouth pouted:

"Daddy Meiyan is here, Tangtang doesn't know how to meet Daddy Meiyan."

"Hitting the prince is a villain. The little follower who bullied the princess is with him. Tangtang wants to take revenge, but she is afraid that Meiyan's father will be hurt."

Yan Gui patted her little head: "Sister, have you forgotten, my brother told you that my brother will always protect you."

"So, brother will do what you don't want to do; brother will solve all your troubles."

"You have to stand on the highest place, brother will never let the dust touch you."

Xiaotuanzi shyly raised his claws to cover Xiaoyuan's face: "Hey, brother Yangui, why are you so nice to Tangtang?"

Yan Gui squeezed her chubby hand: "Brother should be nice to younger sister, do you think your general father is also nice to Aunt Ning?"

Xiaotuanzi was lost in thought: Really?

The general's father beat Aunt Ning when they met, but Tangtang and Brother Yangui didn't.

Maybe every sibling is different.


Xiao Tuanzi leaned over to Yan Gui's side, and asked in a low voice, "Is it true that Brother Yangui and Tangtang met for the first time in the general's father's Xuanwu camp?"

(End of this chapter)

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