Chapter 350

Xiaotuanzi's big eyes were shining, and he tilted his head to look at Meixian curiously:

"Wow, Aunt Meixian is the princess of Emperor Palace, why didn't Tangtang hear about it?"

Meixian shook her head and said: "The little Patriarch misunderstood, this slave's biological father is not Emperor Zun."

"Dizun was in the Qiang Kingdom back then, and the black-robed national teacher calculated that the horoscope of Nu's mother's birthday would be beneficial to Dizun's longevity, so Dizun forcibly took Nu's mother away."

"At that time, I was crying for my mother, but my father came up to hug me, and was hit on the head by the black robe envoy..."

Meixian shook her head and didn't say anything about the rest.

Xiaotuanzi was so anxious that she quickly jumped off Black Nose's back, took out a small handkerchief and wiped her tears:
"Don't ask Tangtang, and I don't know about Aunt Meixian. Aunt Meixian doesn't cry. If you cry, you will become a not-so-beautiful aunt."

She also pulled up a small flower next to it and handed it to Meixian: "Hey, Aunt Meixian who doesn't cry will be as beautiful as pretty flowers."

Meixian was immediately amused by her sugary words: "The little Patriarch is lucky to be a daughter, if he were a man, I don't know how many girls' hearts will be hurt in the future."

Xiaotuanzi didn't understand. A pretty sister would be coaxed and happy. How could she be hurt by Tangtang?
Tangtang is so cute, puji.

But Aunt Meixian is so sad, Tangtang will not say anything that makes her unhappy.

During this trip, Tuanzi failed to know Meixian's secret information organization in the Emperor's Palace, but got a jade pendant by accident, and he didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse.

Aunt Meixian's mother is still angry with her, won't she hang Tangtang up and beat her?
Thinking of that terrible scene, Xiaotuanzi shuddered all over, and then hid the jade pendant in the innermost pocket:

"Black nose, let's honk our horns and go back to the palace quietly, don't make any noise."

I don't know if the fathers and brother Yangui have finished fighting, if not...then run!
Running near the palace, Xiaotuanzi slipped down from Black Nose, and hid behind a pillar, sticking out his little round face to listen to the movement.

No one is arguing.

Phew, she ran behind the previous pillar like a little mouse again, and continued to murmur, but no one was fighting.

She ran seven or eight pillars in a row, and was almost at the gate of the palace. She stood on tiptoe and looked inside:

Well, my father and brother Yangui are not here.

Xiaotuanzi patted his little chest and strode forward with his little paws raised: "The cutest Tang in the world... Hey wow, who grabbed Tangtang's nape?"

Her claws and feet began to hang in the air, Ti Liu turned around and saw the cold face of Meiyan Daddy Junjun: "Hey, Meiyan Daddy is super beautiful today."

Although he has no resistance to the sweet talk of his daughter, as the king of a country, he still has to be imposing at critical moments.

Feng Hanchu said coldly: "Run away if you cause trouble, and I will break your short legs."

Xiaotuanzi hugged his short legs nervously, shrinking himself into a ball.

"Are you aware of being afraid?" Feng Hanchu hummed, "Go with Daddy, and clean up your little pastry!"

Xiaotuanzi pawed and pawed with hands and feet: "Don't, don't, help me, Daddy Meiyan is going to eat Tangtang—"

No matter how hard she struggled this time, Feng Hanchu did not soften her heart, and directly carried her back to the palace and threw it to the accompanying palace servants from the Shangyi Bureau:

"His Royal Highness's robes, one by one, for her to try on, as well as the crown and shoes, and those that don't fit should be repaired immediately."

This trip brought over a hundred large boxes from the palace, all of which were clothes and accessories of Tuanzi alone, all in preparation for entering the Emperor's Palace.

It took three days of trying before they were all packed up, and the remaining [-] or so were picked and picked, and loaded into the car together.

Xuan Mo was in charge of the safety of Qiang and Liang capitals, he assigned most of the people back to Beijing, and arranged for the defense of this place, so when he set off ten days later, only Su Qingyun and Bu Chen were left to accompany him.

On the day we left Qiangdu, the sky was still clear in the morning, but at noon, the sky was covered with dark clouds, the north wind was howling, and there was another snowstorm.

Xiaotuanzi has phoenix bones on his body, and there are wolves and lynx sand foxes in the carriage, so he is not afraid of the cold at all, so he ran into Feng Hanchu's carriage while resting.

Feng Hanchu and Su Qingyun went ahead to explore the way, only Buchen was left wrapped in a thick fur, snuggling by the brazier, his face was still blue from the cold, and he kept covering his eyes.

Xiaotuanzi called "Fairy Daddy" by the curtain, then gently crawled to his side, and sat in his arms:
"Immortal Daddy is not cold, Tangtang will keep you warm, Tangtang is warm, Immortal Daddy touches Tangtang's hands."

Bu Chen was afraid that the ice would hit her, so he held her little paw after several layers of clothes, and smiled like a bright moon:

"Everyone in the world says that a girl is daddy's caring little padded jacket, and it really is."

"That's right, that's right." Xiaotuanzi stretched out his small arms and hugged him tightly, "Father Immortal, fasten up the Tangtang padded jacket."

After warming Buchen for a while, she stretched out her claws to caress Buchen's white gauze, and said in a low voice, "Tangtang will heal Daddy's eyes."

Bu Chen gently felt the tenderness on his face: "Is your little secret related to Daddy's eyes?"

Hey, it was discovered, not good.

Xiaotuanzi's eyeballs rolled around, and he simply admitted it openly: "Yes, Daddy Daddy is really smart."

"I can't get it back. Dad lied to Emperor Zun that his eyes were the eyes of the phoenix. He had already found out when Dad carried you and fled from Emperor Zun's Palace to the foot of the mountain."

Emperor Zun became angry from embarrassment, hung Bu Chen's eyes at the gate of the palace, and let people shoot them through with thousands of arrows, and finally turned into a puddle of blood.

It was already too late when Xuan Mo and Su Qingyun went to grab it, and they had already been trampled on and disappeared.

Xiaotuanzi clenched his small fists, and caressed his white gauze: "Tangtang will definitely be able to do it, Immortal Daddy believes in Tangtang."

"Okay, Daddy believes in you."

The curtain of the carriage moved and was covered again.

Feng Hanchu and Su Qingyun, who had gone back and forth, heard the conversation between the father and daughter, and walked away without disturbing them.

Stop and go along the way, No.15, Xuan Mo rushed up with the death camp, and No.20 entered the extreme northern land.

After another eight days of rushing, they finally reached the sphere of influence of Emperor Zun Palace.

From the place where the car was parked, there is an endless sea, it snows all year round, and it is extremely cold. The only way to the Emperor Palace is the black iron flying kite.

These big iron birds are waiting secretly by the sea, and there is a woman sitting on the biggest flying kite in the middle.

The envoy of Emperor Zun who was in charge of welcoming him introduced to Feng Hanchu: "Princess Jincheng has missed Emperor Liang for a long time, and Emperor Zun authorized her to leave the palace to welcome her, fulfilling the princess's filial piety."

But in fact, Feng Weilan's face was icy cold, she didn't think about it at all, instead she looked proudly at Feng Hanchu and the dumpling in his arms:

"His Majesty Emperor Liang, Princess Liang, long time no see!"

(End of this chapter)

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