Chapter 351

As soon as Feng Han came over, she saw her expression, she was completely different from the beloved Princess Jincheng in Liangdu.

Now the girl's eyes are full of viciousness and hatred. If she has a knife in her hand now, she can run over and slash at him.

Feng Hanchu smiled slightly, and squeezed the little claws of the dumpling he was holding in his hand:
"Long time no see. Wei Lan saw that her father was so lucky. Little cake, please don't be like Miss Huang, otherwise father will be sad."

Without waiting for Xiaotuanzi to speak, Feng Weilan raised her head proudly:

"Emperor Liang was joking. Since I have a marriage contract with the Emperor's Palace, I am a member of the Emperor's Palace and have nothing to do with Liang Guo."

"Furthermore, before my mother was bestowed dead by Emperor Liang, I gave birth to a daughter of this palace, so don't let all the idlers come to seek relatives with this palace."

She turned her head coldly and said to the maid who followed her:
"In the future, if someone calls you sister or sister in front of me, they will all be beaten to death, do you hear me?"

Although the court lady obediently agreed on the surface, but the contempt flashed in her eyes, and she silently took a step away from her.

Xiaotuanzi touched Feng Hanchu's big hand, blinked his big eyes, looked at Feng Weilan and said:

"Don't worry, Tangtang has always only called you 'the bullying princess', the things you worry about will never happen."

Those who knew the inside story couldn't help laughing.

Feng Weilan's haughty expression, which she was trying to maintain, burst instantly. She really didn't expect to hear this harsh address in the extreme north land.

She clenched her fists as hard as she could, and without even looking at Xiaotuanzi, she directly ordered the emperor's envoys:
"What are you doing in a daze, go back to the palace, if it's late, be careful that the emperor will chop off your heads!"

The expressionless Emperor's envoys moved slowly, searched and boarded Feiyuan, and forcibly separated Xiaotuanzi and the four fathers.

The emperor's envoy stopped Feng Hanchu and the others: "The emperor specifically explained that Princess Jincheng and Princess Liang are siblings and should live in the same room to appear close."

"Furthermore, Emperor's Palace is a place that pays attention to etiquette. Men and women have different seats at the age of seven. From now on, the Princess and Emperor Liang will rarely meet each other, so as not to spread any gossip."

One sentence ignited everyone's anger, but Feng Hanchu waved his hand to signal them to calm down: "Thank you Emperor for being so thoughtful."

He turned to Xiaotuanzi again and said, "Little Pastry, when you arrive at the Emperor Palace, it's like you're at your own home, so don't be polite."

Su Qingyun also came over and explained: "My little Patriarch of the Su Clan will not be wronged anywhere, come on, Daddy has a knife here, take it."

The envoy of Emperor Zun was directly surprised by his unpretentious attitude: "Young Master Yun, Emperor Zun's palace prohibits spells and forbidden sharp weapons. Come and search your body."

When Xiaotuanzi was found here, Emperor Zun envoy was immediately stunned.

The little thing like a glutinous rice dumpling is wearing a pink and tender skirt with a lotus flower pocket around its waist. Although the pocket is not big, it has everything in it.

What kind of knives, hammers, scissors, small axes, and thin flying knives, flying needles, and flying awls are like a small arms shop, and they are thrown all over the place.

Finally, the bag was turned upside down, and there was a three-pronged fork that was about the size of a palm.

Emperor's Envoy: "..."

What is this for?
A particularly honest dumpling put its claws into the hidden pocket of its sleeve: "Tangtang also has missiles, look—"

She grabbed a handful and tossed it out.

The missile hit a black iron flying kite, and the flying kite was blown away. With a bang, it bounced off the ground and smashed into the sea.

Looking at the waves on the sea surface that were about to fly into the sky, the whole lake fell into a deathly silence.

Xiao Tuanzi, who did something bad, didn't feel anything wrong, and grabbed a handful of unremarkable small stones from his right sleeve:

"What about this, can Tangtang bring it?"

The Emperor's envoy observed it for a long time, and it looked like a child's stone, so there shouldn't be any problem, right?

But out of fear of this little glutinous rice ball, he still said something extra: "Dare to ask Your Highness, what is this thing and what is it for?"

Xiaotuanzi put the biggest one in front of him: "This is the flying shield that Master made for Tangtang to protect Tangtang."

Those who protect the children should be fine.

Just as he was about to say, take it with you, and then this unremarkable rock circled and took off.

There were several metal-like sounds of "hang, hang, hang" on the edge, and six sharp claws stretched out, and six new claws stretched out one after another.

In the blink of an eye, the small stone turned into a large shield like a spider's web, one foot high, and fell down with a whimper——

A gust of hurricane swept over, and a thin Regal Envoy was directly blown away.

The emperor envoy who was in charge of the body search was completely dumbfounded: "...No, I have to keep this too, and hand over everything else."

"It's really gone, Tangtang is not lying."

Emperor Zun asked her to tell no lies, and asked the maid to search both sides, and then took her to Feiyuan like a serious criminal.

Xiaotuanzi was not afraid at all, and looked very excited, waving his paws at the four fathers: "Tangtang is going to have thick hair, wait for the fathers in front."

Feiyuan's iron wings creaked, and Xiaotuanzi looked to the side along the gaps in the feathers, ah, it's Brother Yangui.

Those Emperor Zun envoys seemed to be very afraid of him, just like the expressions of the uncle generals and brothers of the Xuanwu camp back then.

She kicked her little feet inexplicably: Why, Brother Yangui is obviously a very good person.

The flying kite started and soon flew over the sea.

It's extremely cold here, and it's snowing, except for the flying kite next to it, everything is blurred.

On the left of the dumpling is Feng Weilan's flying kite, which is a head ahead of the others, and it is just in time to see her turn her face and look at it coldly.

Then I saw Feng Weilan raised the corner of her mouth and said something silently.

Xiaotuanzi didn't hear it, and was thinking about what bad things she could say, when Feiyuan suddenly felt that the creaking sound stopped slowly.

The flying kites next to her passed one after another, and she seemed to stay where she was.

What's the matter, Feiyuan is broken?
Xiaotuanzi completely pushed open the small carved window on Feiyuan's back, and the whistling cold wind rushed in, Feiyuan's iron head did not move, nor did it flap its wings.

She stood up cautiously, creaking——

Then with a whimper, Feiyuan led her down quickly.

Everything around became a paste, and the only thing clearly visible was the sea that was getting closer and closer.

Xiaotuanzi hugged his little head: What should I do?
The merman's tears were taken away, and if he fell like this, he would be knocked unconscious in Feiyuan, who else can save Tangtang?
I couldn't hear anything except the sound of the wind and the creaking of flying kites.

Xiaotuanzi flipped out the flying kite with hands and feet, looked at the sea that was close at hand, covered his eyes with his paws, and jumped straight down.

(End of this chapter)

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