I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 445 Mighty and Domineering Sugar Boss

Chapter 445 Mighty and Domineering Sugar Boss
Ever since listening to Tang Bi's words, Tuanzi has been resting on the tears of the shark, looking out with two big black eyes without blinking.

The reef pillars that keep flashing before the eyes look similar on the surface, but if you take a closer look, each one is different.

The one that ran past just now has a bump on its head, the one on the left has three layers of belly, and the one on the right has a hollow.

But what they have in common is that they are all inlaid together by oblate stones, piled up layer by layer.

"The gap in the stone is so big, but why doesn't the little fish pass through it?"

Tuanzi was curious while watching. Many fish were swimming near the stone pillars, but they never passed through the gaps between the stones. Instead, they would avoid them far away.

Tang Bi looked at the drawing paper in his hand, then at the stone pillar, and said, "The pattern on the stone pillar started from the gap."

Those patterns continued to extend along with the stone pillar itself, with no end in sight.

Tuanzi looked and saw the mound-like stone pillar slowly floating towards him.

The guy in charge of timing reminded that a quarter of an hour has indeed passed since Tang Bi spoke, which means that Tang Bi found out that he was right.

Yurenlei has been circling this sea area, no wonder it has been walking for almost two hours, and it is still walking, as if there is no end.

Logically speaking, a deserted island twenty miles away should arrive in the blink of an eye.

Just when everyone was at a loss, Yu Ji said:
"The temple of the Yuren Kingdom's Temple is underwater and guarded by 99 stone pillars engraved with spells. Once you step in, you can't get out again."

Su Qingyun grasped the key point keenly: "So how did our king come out in the first place?"

Yu Ji blushed rarely, cleared her throat and said: "...I begged Tang Mei for three days and three nights, and she let me go because she is also a fish."

Su Qingyun said "Oh" angrily: "Why don't you just 'beg'?"

Yu Ji: "...you talk too much, shut up!"

Just as Su Qingyun was about to carry her fan over to teach him why the flowers are so red, a small gecko-like ball fell from her arms:
"If you don't fight, don't fight, Tangtang knows how to get out."

Just in case before departure, Nie Fu'an and Su Chang'an brought over a dozen boxes of burning arrows and cicada arrows from the small workshop.

I consumed half a box of burning arrows just now, and the cicada arrows are still useless.

Tuantuan shook the Qianlisuo tied to his wrist: "When the time comes, Tangtang will tie the Qianlisuo to the cicada's arrow, and let the compass cicada lead the way and take everyone out."

As for how the compass cicada can tell the location of the deserted island...

Tuanzi ran to the piles of pirates with an arrow in his hand, let Cicada get acquainted with their smell, and then tied Qianlisuo to the arrow bundle and the treasure ship.

The cicada arrow floated slowly in the sea with the rope.

After walking for a while, the shark paused for tears, as if changing direction; after walking for a while and paused for more than a dozen times, the shark's tears began to rise.

The light became brighter and brighter, from dots to large patches, and finally with a "crash", the shark's tears surfaced.

Not far ahead is the coast.

The shore is yellowish yellow, with sand everywhere, not even a tree or grass. Now that the sky is clear, it is like flying sand and rocks.

Everyone was watching the movement on the deserted island, when they heard Xiaobao shout:
"That's right, it's here. There's our boss's earthen castle inside. It's huge. It can plant hundreds of acres of land, and the grain harvested can't be eaten up for several years."

Su Qingyun smiled: "On such a land, if a grain of grain can be grown, I will serve you wine with my ears."

Xiao Bao shrank back aggrieved, and tightly covered his ears.

The shark's tears were taken back, and the treasure ship stayed where it was.

The guys began to board the sentry tower to observe the movement on the island.

Tuantuan wiped the bald Mao Mao dry, and released it to the desert island, accompanied by Xiao Honghong on the ground.

The deserted island was quiet, except for the wind and the earth, there was not even a single person. After watching for a long time, he climbed down from the sentry tower:

"Tangtang asks you, did your former boss send all the pirates out to rob things?"

Xiao Bao shook his head: "I don't know, our boss listens to the boss, we only listen to the boss, what the boss said to the boss, we don't know."

Tuantuan stomped his little feet with great momentum: "From now on, you will listen to Tangtang."

Both Bald Mao Mao and Xiao Honghong came back, saying that there is nothing on the desert island, and the pirates probably all set off to grab the ship.

Everyone is ready to disembark.

Tuantuan was still squatting beside Xiaobao, and asked in a low voice:
"Does your former boss have any attire, such as wearing blindfolds, tattoos on arms and chest, or do you like to wear rough clothes?"

Xiao Bao shook his head: "No, Boss is very powerful and good-looking, but he likes to scare people and wears a strange mask."

Where can I find a mask now?
No matter, just do as the master said two days ago.

Tangtang first made himself a black blindfold, messed up his hair, and came out carrying a big knife. It must be very imposing, right?

After a while, everyone present was startled by Tuan'er's new look.

She had an eyepatch over her left eye, her hair was more messy than a bird's nest, and the word "Wang" was written on her small forehead, and three beards were drawn near her small mouth.

She was wearing a tiger-skin skirt with sleeves rolled up to her shoulders, with a small red snake coiled on it, and a big knife on her right shoulder.

On the small head stood a bald parrot in armor, flapping its wings and shouting in a high-pitched voice:
"Boss Tang slashed two with one knife, and swung three with one stick. He is mighty and domineering, and idlers avoid it!"


With a loud shout, the whole ship fell into silence.

Tang Bi, who was following the dumpling, had a "please let me die" expression on his face.

Although Bu Chen couldn't see the appearance of his daughter now, he understood the indescribable truth from Su Qingyun almost fainting and asking him to give her a hand.

Gong Ziyun was so frightened that his fan dropped: "Little Tang, what kind of stimulation did you receive? Tell Daddy that Daddy is getting old and can't stand it."

Xiao Tuantuan blinked his big eyes, shook his little head and made a tiger-eating expression, "Wow": "Isn't Tangtang fierce?"

Su Qingyun felt that she couldn't control herself, so she pushed Bu Chen: "My daughter is asking you something."


Tuanzi was happy, and rushed down the boat all the way: "Follow Tangtang to fight pirates, Chongya."


The moment everyone went ashore, the whole deserted island shook, and many big men with weapons rushed out from all directions.

The archers behind them drew their bowstrings and aimed at the treasure ship and the people who got on and off the treasure ship.

Tuanzi whirled his sword round: "Set up an ambush, Tangtang is not afraid, let your boss come out and fight with Tangtang."

Dad: "..."

Daughter, you are so tough, have you considered your father?
(End of this chapter)

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