Chapter 446
Su Qingyun looked at the big sword that was being danced like a tiger, and there were two heads of the dumpling, and asked Buchen sadly:

"Although you are a hypocrite, you look gentle and elegant on the surface, and this young master is even more suave, so she is so fierce, who can she follow?"

Bu Chen sighed for a while: "Follow Xuan Mo."

Su Qingyun nodded: "It makes sense, after all, he stabs people with a sword at every turn..."

Before the words were finished, a group of pirates rushed up, slashing with their knives.

Bu Chen and Su Qingyun subdued them lightly, and continued to follow behind to comment leisurely:
"Xiao Chenchen, you said that we are protected by our daughter, do you count as a father who eats soft food?"

"Then you can continue to eat." Bu Chen fixed him in place with one needle, and went to help his daughter chop someone up.

Su Qingyun was so angry: "Speak as you speak, why move your hands, you young man doesn't talk about martial arts, let me go, little Chenchen—"

A silver light flashed, and Gong Ziyun didn't even have a chance to move his mouth.

He could only watch Bu Chen show his talents beside Tuantuan, which made him a good-for-nothing father even more.

Hey, so angry!
Tuantuan was playing happily with a big knife in his hand, when he turned his head and found Bu Chen coming: "Hey, isn't the fairy daddy and the rich daddy together, it's so dangerous here."

Bu Chen slapped the two pirates flat with his palm, and patted her little head: "Daddy is reluctant to part with Xiao Tangtang working so hard, and doesn't want to eat soft rice."

Tangtang kicked a pirate over, and looked back at Su Qingyun, who seemed to be holding the sea god needle: "Then the rich dad is eating soft food?"

Bu Chen nodded: "Pirates are cruel, he may be afraid."

Su Qingyun: "?"

Young people not only don't talk about Wude, but also shameless, bah!

When Tuanzi heard this, he patted his chest and said to Su Qingyun: "Don't be afraid, rich daddy, Tangtang will protect you, hey, hey——"

Carrying a big knife, she rushed into the group of pirates like a small windmill, beating until the sky was dark, and she almost couldn't find the little round shadow.

Although everyone's force value is beyond the charts, there are a large number of pirates, and they can advance and retreat freely on the familiar territory. In less than a while, they surrounded them.

The man on the treasure ship wanted to shoot an arrow, but he was afraid of accidental injury, so he immediately panicked: "What should I do, the Patriarch and the young Patriarch are both on the desert island?"

"Those pirates seem to have a lot of explosives. The ground was shaken just now. I don't know how much is left. The ship can't withstand another explosion."

The more panicked they were, the happier the pirates were. They held up their swords and shouted: "Surrender, surrender, or I will kill you and throw them into the sea to feed the fish."

"Surrender quickly, don't surrender and shoot arrows, light the fire, let you die without a whole body, surrender quickly-"

Facing several times more enemies, the guys from the Su family were not afraid at all, and even shouted at them, making the pirates jump in anger.

Amidst the noise, Bu Chen turned his head and turned to Su Qingyun's direction.

Su Qingyun immediately took out the signal flare from her bosom, and slammed it into the sky, a red light flashed in the air.

"There are reinforcements. They are calling for reinforcements. Quick, kill them and grab the boat!"

I don't know which pirate yelled first, the encirclement suddenly became chaotic, and a group of people rushed up shouting and killing.

The men of the Su family protected Buchen and Tuanzi and retreated slowly. In an instant, thousands of arrows were fired, and the burning arrows ignited the grass roots, and the fire spread quickly.

The pirates didn't know the situation, so they stepped on them with their feet and beat them with their clothes. As a result, the fire couldn't be extinguished, and it burned bigger and bigger.

"There are demons, they have demons!"

The pirates had never seen a fire that could not be extinguished, so they panicked and kept backing away, not daring to get closer to the flames.

"What kind of witchcraft, it's just an arrow that has been manipulated."

The atmosphere of panic was stopped by a hoarse voice, and the pirates seemed to have taken a reassurance, and immediately became excited:

"The boss is here, the boss is here, we are saved!"

This momentum seemed to make them rush into the flames immediately, and they didn't seem to be afraid at all.

The moment Tuanzi heard the sound, he stretched his little neck, and his little feet and claws were still scratching:

"Let Tangtang take a look and see what their boss looks like!"

Suddenly, the chaotic pirates stood in several straight rows, leaving a road in the middle, and at the end of the road came a man dressed in black and wearing a blue mask.

He is not tall, but he is very imposing, and his steps are very brisk, driving the high ponytail on the top of his head to hop and hop, like a young man.

The closer he got, the more he felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity. Tuanzi hugged Buchen's neck and said in a low voice, "Tangtang seems to have seen him somewhere."

Gong Ziyun, who was eating soft rice, began to moan: "The good-looking ones are reunited after a long absence."

Tuantuan shriveled his small mouth: "That's not true, Tangtang can't see her face, but doesn't rich daddy feel familiar?"

Bu Chen always focuses on the key points: "I have met my parents, this is not familiar, why didn't I tell my brother?"

Su Qingyun hehe: "Our father who eats soft food is not worthy of talking."

Bu Chen: "..."

While speaking, the young man wearing the blue ghost tooth mask had already walked in front of everyone, raised his hand and pointed imposingly:
"Mr. Su, Godly Doctor Bu, Jincheng... Ah, wrong, Princess Liang, who traveled thousands of miles to this deserted island of mine to show the love between father and daughter. It's really disgusting. His mother opened the door for disgusting—"

All the pirates said in unison: "It's so disgusting!"

Tangtang: "..."

Bu Chen: "..."

Su Qingyun asked Bu Chen: "Hey, did you treat my father's illness and death?"

Bu Chen asked back: "Why don't you say that my mother went bankrupt shopping in Longyu Tower?"

"Fart, Longyulou is good and cheap."

"Is my brother's medical skills terrible?"

Even if it's dead, Su Qingyun doesn't dare to nod and say yes:
"That's strange, why did he hate you, me, and Tang Xiaoguai so much, did he rob his father or his mother?"

Bu Chen was thoughtful: "I'm going to ask the romantic and suave Mr. Yun, ah, brother, I forgot, if you are as romantic as you, it's still..."

"To shut up!"

Face and fate, of course men choose the former without hesitation!
Su Qingyun slapped Bu Chen fiercely, almost blowing his dog's head off, and then strode up to the boy:
"Who are you, little guy, you scold me when you come up, you were born and raised by your mother, you don't have any family rules!"

The masked boy clenched his knife tightly, and said viciously, "I have no father, no mother, and no rules, what can you do to me?"

Hearing what he said, a small head popped out from behind Su Qingyun: "Wow, so you are a San Wu boy."

Masked boy: "...Go to hell!"

He grabbed a big stick and threw it at Tuantuan.

As a domineering group, how could it be possible to be intimidated by this three-no boy, broke free from his father's embrace, and stretched out his claws:
"Hey, hey, take Ben Tangtang's big knife!"

(End of this chapter)

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