I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 585 The Beautiful and Peerless Big Monster

Chapter 585 The Beautiful and Peerless Big Monster

"You said, brother Jingyun feels completely different from before after he became an official."

On the bustling street, Tangtang has candied haws in one hand and roast chicken in the other, his cheeks are bulging into little buns, and his big eyes are still staring at the candied fried chestnuts on the side of the road.

Tang Bi bought a bag and came back, and peeled one by one for her to eat: "Junior brother has roughness in his chest, that is, he is shy in front of His Highness."

"Tang must have heard from his grandfather that his younger brother was fighting all the Confucians in the palace examination, overwhelming all the heroes, and even His Royal Highness the Crown Prince praised him very much."

"Several elders in the cabinet also said that the younger brother is the best number one scholar in decades, and keeping his filial piety did not destroy his ambition, but it was a kind of experience for him."

The more Tangtang listened, the more beautiful she became, as if everyone was praising herself: "Oh, that's really good... Hey, what's wrong with you, brother?"

From the corner of the eye, Yan Gui's hand holding the umbrella shook, and there was a lot of sweat on his forehead.

Tangtang hurriedly put all the food into the food box Tang Jiao was holding, and stood on tiptoe to wipe Yan Gui's sweat:
"Is it too hot, you don't feel well, brother, why don't we go back to the inn to rest for a while and look for it again?"

Yan Gui was not like usual, delicate and weak, begging his younger sister to take pity on him, he shook his head gently:

"It's nothing, the extreme north land is very cold all year round, I'm not used to the hot and dry Anyang. Let's go, Feng Mingxiu's disappearance is not a good omen."

On the day Dragon Boat left Anping Prefecture, Xie Jingyun was sent away, Tangtang led Yan back to Tang Bi, and Tang Jiao continued to visit privately in disguise.

Before they entered Anyang Prefecture, they received news that Feng Mingxiu and Shuishanzhuang Li'er had disappeared suddenly after arriving in Anhe Prefecture, and even the official who escorted them disappeared.

Xiaoyaojing and Youtanzong lost people, and they dug the whole Anhezhou three feet but couldn't find them, and they are still looking for them non-stop.

Tangtang vaguely felt that there was something negligent, but after going through it from beginning to end, she couldn't find a clue.

So they traveled day and night non-stop, and the tired ones were exhausted.

After a night of rest, he got up early in the morning and searched slowly along the route Feng Mingxiu had walked.

After walking for less than half an hour, Yan Gui's face became paler and paler, Tangtang helped him to sit in a cool place, and watched him carefully.

"On the road two days ago, something was wrong with my brother."

Tangtang took his hand to look left and right, and finally fixed his eyes: "Did you not take the pills that Daddy Daddy gave you on time?"

Yan Gui shook his head: "I ate it, didn't my sister watch my brother eat it?"

So what happened?

If my elder brother is not happy when he hears about elder brother Jingyun, he must tell Tangtang on the spot that this is uncomfortable, then it is uncomfortable.

Now he is trying to pretend to be very strong, there must be something wrong.

Tangtang pursed her mouth, pulled Xiao Honghong out of her sleeve and threw it on Yan Gui: "Xiao Honghong, search."


Before everyone could react, the little red snake had already slipped in from Yan Gui's sleeve, emerged from the neckline, and quickly swam onto Tangtang's shoulder.

Then Yangui was forcibly carried back to the inn by Tangtang.

The shopkeeper personally delivered the wound medicine and new clothes:

"Young Patriarch, don't worry, even if someone sees you along the way, the villain will send someone to seal it up, and your whereabouts will never be revealed."


Tangtang closed the door, took a deep breath, and untied Yan Gui's shirt.

The medicinal cloth on his back was almost soaked with blood and sweat, because he was dressed in black, so it was hard to spot.

Tangtang wiped his eyes, cleaned the wound, applied medicine, and then asked in a low voice, "Did you get bitten by the blood crow that night?"

Yan Gui smiled: "It's brother's fault, he shouldn't have treated you that way, he should be punished."

"No, it's Tangtang who wants to challenge one-on-one. My brother doesn't know that the leader of the realm is Tangtang. If it's someone else, isn't it natural for my brother to defeat him?"

Yan Gui's eyes were a little superficial: "Brother made three mistakes. First, he didn't know the identity of his younger sister. Second, he used a killer move on you. Third, he wanted to kill you at that time."

Tangtang blinked and blinked: "Then brother wants to compensate Tangtang for three things, but he can't hurt his body and punish himself."

Yan Gui agreed: "Okay."

Tangtang helped him bandage up, cast the spell of pulling Gu, and then put on new clothes for him:

"In case you are dishonest, Tangtang chose a white shirt."

Whatever she does, Yan Gui thinks it is good, and accepts it unconditionally: "White is also beautiful."

"Well, Tangtang thinks that my elder brother looks the best in the suzerain costume last time. He looks like the soul-stirring and unparalleled glamorous big monster mentioned in the scriptures."

Yan Gui laughed and swallowed a pill with her hand: "Your sister likes big monsters?"

Tangtang blushed, and laughed happily: "Tangtang only likes the big monster if he is an older brother."

Yan Gui didn't pay attention, and choked a mouthful of tea into his throat, coughing earth-shatteringly.

Tangtang didn't dare to pat him on the back, and turned around anxiously: "What's wrong, Tangtang said the wrong thing?"

"No, my brother thinks my sister likes someone as gentle as a god like Bu Miracle Doctor." Yan Gui coughed until tears welled up in his eyes, and the ends of his eyes were red.

Tangtang smiled like a big flower: "Fairy Daddy is as good-looking as a fairy, but the four daddies are all pretty, Tangtang likes them all."

"But my brother's good looks are different from that of my father's. Tangtang also likes it."

Yan Gui stuck for a moment: "From now on, father will be father, and elder brother will be elder brother. Let's put it together..."

Tangtang patted him on the shoulder boldly: "Don't worry, Tangtang is not stupid and won't call you daddy!"


Yan Gui buried his face in the pillow and didn't want to say a word.

Now I can't go.

Tangtang sent a signal to his subordinates, and by the way, ordered a wave of people from the Utan Sect to send them to continue looking for news about Feng Mingxiu.

Then she opened the door and was about to ask someone to prepare some food, when Tang Jiao rushed in: "Your Highness—"

"What, what's wrong?"

Tangtang closed the door tightly, put her back against it, and looked nervously at Tang Jiao's pale face: "Sister Tang Jiao, you were also bitten by the blood crow?"

Tang Jiao was dizzy: "No, I saw the black-robed national teacher. In the back kitchen, I ingested a cook's spiritual consciousness and ate it."


Tangtang's eyeballs were about to pop out: "It's not about training the evil army, what does it mean to eat divine consciousness?"

"In the Evil Army, the low-ranking national teachers will start offering sacrifices to the high-ranking black-robed national teachers."

After Yan Gui put on his clothes, he looked downstairs through the gap in the window: "Their cultivation level is not enough, and they will replenish it by eating their spiritual consciousness."

Tangtang: "Why sacrifice?"

Yan Gui's eyes turned cold: "It means that they are going to attack, and the evil army is about to come out of the Emperor Palace."

"This time the tenth-class black-robed national teacher will lead the army. Before the expedition, all other black-robed national teachers will become his sacrifices."

(End of this chapter)

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