Chapter 586

Tangtang opened her mouth wide: "Sacrifice? A tenth-class black-robed national teacher wants so many spiritual sacrifices at once, won't it, bang, drop it?"

Yan Gui smiled: "The national teacher will slowly convert them into cultivation bases and store them for emergencies, which is much faster than his own hard work."

"He raised so many black robes and red robes with cultivation base, and gave them the status and the privilege of wreaking havoc on the Seven Kingdoms, just for this day's deal."

Tangtang blinked and blinked: "Why don't Tangtang catch one and study it, so we can know the secret of the evil army?"

"Can't catch it."

Yan Gui said: "The low-level national teachers who sacrificed their spiritual consciousness will still be filled into the evil spirit army. The evil spirits are also divided into three, six or nine ranks. They are counted as generals who command the army and have their own numbers."

"Which army, battalion, division, and position do they belong to? These will all be listed in the Star Dou Formation. After being caught, the corresponding star positions will lose their luster."

Tangtang smiled and shook her little hand: "The Star Array, it has flaws."

"It's like when it's raining, snowing or foggy, you can't see the stars. At this time, if there is a missing star, who can find it?"

Yan Gui couldn't help but said: "This magic circle was also created by my sister?"

"That's right. Tangtang caught gophers in Yunwu Mountain back then. They were especially good at digging holes and running around. There was no other way. Tangtang had to use this magic circle to find them."

Yan Gui was silent for a while: "...So this magic circle is called 'Tang Tang Catch Mole'?"


Tang Jiao asked in a low voice, "Is that called 'Tang Tang Watching the Stars'?"


The two most likely ones were ruled out. Tangtang clapped her little hands proudly seeing how curious Yan Gui and Tang Jiao looked.
"This magic circle is called 'Can you see Tangtang', how about it, isn't it very powerful?"

Yan Gui: "..."

Tang Jiao: "..."

Thousands of troops can't keep up with my sister/His Royal Highness's naming waste!

Seeing their indescribable expressions, Tangtang lowered her head aggrievedly, not wanting to ask the question "Is Tangtang a naming king" anymore.

Yan Gui sighed: "How long can the magic circle be covered by rain and fog?"

"It needs to know where and when the formation was established. Tangtang will not call the wind and rain, and can only be determined according to the local celestial phenomena."

Yan Gui walked to the desk and drew a simple topographical map:
"Six hundred miles to the southwest from the extreme northern land, and five hundred miles to the northwest from the boundary marker between Qiang and Zheng, there is a bottomless grassy abyss, where the Star Array is."

"Tu Mengyan's plan is successful, the national division will leave the extreme northern land with the army, and the Star Dou Formation will be activated."

Tangtang clapped her little hands: "Got it, Tangtang let the little butterfly... Forget it, let the elders of Xiaoyaojing go and investigate."

"If the black-robed national teacher really uses this magic circle, Tangtang will do it."

Silverwing Butterfly...

After losing the phoenix bone, she hasn't contacted Mr. Runze or Emperor Liang for a long time, right?
Yan Gui was stunned, his hand tilted, and the ink drew a long ink mark on the paper.

Tangtang had already turned around and didn't see his stagnant expression: "Sister Tang Jiao, where is the black-robed national teacher and the cook, take Tangtang there quickly."

In fact, there was no need to look for it specially. When they went downstairs, they heard a commotion behind the inn, and some people were crying.

The two quickly ran back.

The shopkeeper has already chased away the onlookers and persuaded the guests to go back, but there are still many guys who have surrounded the backyard.

They have never seen anything like this.

The cook seemed to be possessed by an evil spirit, holding up the kitchen knife and pouting, pouting, and throwing his legs on the ground.

When I was tired, I squatted by the water tank, stuck my head in, and swam around like fish with both hands resting on the edge of the water tank.

Tangtang turned her head and glanced at Tang Jiao.

Tang Jiao lowered her head: "It was too hasty just now, I used the consciousness of a mermaid to save him, he should think he is a fish now."

Tangtang: "..."

All right, fish is fish.

She walked over and patted the shopkeeper on the shoulder: "Get out of the way."

"Why is the little Patriarch here? This person is bewitched. The villain has already invited the mage to come. You..."

Tangtang shook her head: "It's useless to anyone, send the mage away, don't let the news out, they're all gone."

"Yes Yes Yes."

The shopkeeper ran away in a flash, and the backyard became quiet in an instant.

Tangtang put his hand on the cook's head, and before he started looking for his taken away consciousness, he felt a chill around him.

The mob on the shoulders had already bristled its hairs, bowed its waist, kicked its paws and bared its teeth and growled in a low voice.

In front of the water tank stood a black-robed national teacher.

He was skinny, with sunken eye sockets, and he looked like a walking corpse. He was looking greedily at Tangtang and Tang Jiao:
"Princess Liang, Princess Yuren, okay, okay, okay..."

Tangtang pursed her mouth and directly snatched his consciousness: "Okay, lie down!"

After saving people, the cook returned it to the shopkeeper, and she asked Tang Jiao to carry the black robe into the room and lay it on the floor.

He took off his black robe and began to study from head to toe: "Why is every black robe national teacher so old?"

Yan Gui stuffed a meatball into her mouth: "Not every monk is as talented as Yunwu Mountain disciples."

"Ordinary monks have studied for half their lives, but they are only second- and third-class national teachers, so the higher the level, the fewer national teachers, and the more important the tenth-class national teachers are."

Tangtang rubbed her little hands happily: "Then, the tenth-class national teacher is quite powerful, but it is definitely not as good as the master."

Yan Gui smiled: "Yes, I heard that after Mr. Runze entered the Emperor's Palace, the national teacher has been unable to retreat."

Tangtang was happy, and continued to pick up the second-class national teacher's clothes.

As Yan Gui said, the level of this national teacher is quite low, and he has no secrets about the evil army.

On the contrary, his spiritual sense can still be used.

This second-class national teacher is very miserable. Apart from being a sacrifice to the national teacher and finding other spiritual consciousness to support him, he usually has nothing else to do.

There are quite a lot of spiritual senses collected, including men, women, old and young, traffickers and officials, as well as Shuishanzhuang Li'er and Feng Mingxiu.

Three pairs of eyes watched Feng Mingxiu in the Tangtang magic circle.

The last place he appeared was the abandoned well in the backyard of the Anhezhou official post. After his consciousness was taken away, he was thrown into the abandoned well.

There were many men and women who were thrown with him.

Tangtang pursed her mouth: "Why does this national teacher like water tanks and wells so much? Is it from your Yuren Kingdom, sister Tang Jiao?"

"No, nor is it a citizen of the Shark Demon Country."

"That's weird."

Tangtang blinked, then poked at the divine sense in his hand for a long time, sighed and said:

"He should have sacrificed many times, and his original appearance can no longer be found. Forget it, let's go save Stupid Piggy first."

(End of this chapter)

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