I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 587 Completely Kneeling

Chapter 587 Completely Kneeling

The official station is some distance away from the inn, and it is next to the lively official road.

There are a lot of people coming in and out here every day. It would be intimidating to drop directly from the sky to fish for people in the abandoned well, and you can't report to the authorities.

After all, Feng Mingxiu's identity is too special.

So Tangtang decided to wait until the moon was dark and the wind was high, before stealing the person out and sending him back to the capital.

Before that, she wrote two letters and sent someone to send them to Feng Mingyuan and Qian Shuang on the side of the guard of honor, so that they could be prepared just in case.

After finally waiting until the evening, the four of them set off.

Tang Jiao is in charge of watching the wind, Tangtang is in charge of fighting, Yan Gui is in charge of breaking the queen, and Tang Bi is in charge of protecting the queen.

Although Young Master Xiao rolled his eyes at this arrangement, Tang Bi was quite happy, you have today too!
Before entering the official post, they sat down in a nearby tea shop and asked the staff about the official post.

The fellow was very eloquent, pouring tea for them, and saying:

"This official post used to be Yizhuang. I don't know which master said that Feng Shui is good here. It was changed to an official post three years ago."

Everyone: "..."

Master, do you have a slightly unique taste?

The man said again: "However, the place where the corpses were parked was still locked with a big lock. If there is nothing to do, who would go there? It is far away from the backyard of the official post, and it is still haunted."


Tangtang's eyes lit up when he heard it, and he didn't let go of the guy, "What's the trouble?"

The guy almost poured water on himself, and looked at her strangely:
"Young master, you must be practicing spells and catching ghosts, right? Then you have come to the wrong place. Don't go, you will never come back."


If it wasn't for Tangtang's support, Tang Jiao could turn the table into water with a slap: "What did you say?"

The buddy really poured tea on himself now, and he was about to cry: "I really can't go, he's still so young."

"Last month, last month, two very old people came here. It is said that their morals are very high. As a result, two months have passed, and they have not been seen coming out of the official post."

Tangtang nodded: "I know, in the abandoned well in the locked backyard, the bones are exposed. I saw it at noon."


This time the guy completely knelt down, his expression pale: "Master, expert, I will tell you everything you want to know.

"I won't charge you for the tea, but you have to promise me that you will leave after asking, and don't tell anyone that you have been to my place, otherwise I won't be able to do business."

Tangtang smiled, and directly gave him two ingots of silver: "What about now?"

The guy jumped up from the ground immediately, took the money and said:

"Wait a moment, the master. The younger one will get you some refreshments. You can eat while listening to the younger one."

After finishing speaking, he also shouted loudly: "The master refreshes four butterflies!"

When he came back, he changed into cleaner clothes and laughed so hard that he couldn't see:

"Sir, please! Since three years ago, many people have disappeared in the backyard of this official post. There are officials on errands, ordinary people, and several batches of pigeons in the official post have been changed."

Tang Bi asked: "Then why didn't you report to the official?"

"I reported it, but it's useless. All the officials from the county government and the state government have come, and the soil in the backyard has been dug up to a thickness of three feet, but there is no one there."

"The magistrate of the county has no choice but to invite many capable people and strangers. Those who can pray for rain, breathe fire and swallow knives all came. They were either scared away by the yard, or they didn't come out after entering."

Everyone: "..."

Talented people and strangers are all jugglers, right?
The clerk sighed: "Later, I had to tell the people who entered the official post that they could walk freely in the front yard, and never go to the back yard, but there are always a few who feel that they are lucky."

Tang Bi asked again: "How many people have died in the past three years?"

"There are hundreds of people who have reported to the official, and there are still people who have not reported. It is almost 200 people."

Tangtang and Tang Jiaoyan glanced at each other, but there were only a dozen or so at the bottom of the well.

Tang Bi frowned: "Such a large number of missing people, why didn't they inform the state government office, and the governor didn't know about it?"

The clerk shook his head: "Don't bother with the affairs of the yamen, do you know whose territory Nan'an Sanzhou belongs to, Your Royal Highness the Empress Dowager!"

Tangtang poked the pastry with her chopsticks: "What happened to her?"

"Yo, young master, you are really not afraid of death!" The man looked left and right, and whispered, "His Royal Highness, those are the eyeballs of the emperor and the crown prince."

"Governor Feng Chunlin of Nan'an is Yanzhu's favorite minister. Master Feng is most troubled by strange things, who dares to tell him?"

Yan Gui glanced over, his eyes were cold.

Tangtang snorted coldly: "Master Feng is really quite majestic."

The clerk said: "Master Feng is a good official. He is neither greedy for money nor lustful, nor does he oppress the common people. He just likes to suppress those who practice magic arts. He will catch every one he sees."


The clerk beamed and said, "I heard that Mrs. Feng's mother abandoned her husband and son and ran away with a practitioner of magic."


Everyone glanced at each other silently. Governor Feng, who smiles like a Maitreya Buddha every day, has such a bumpy past?
Tangtang touched her little nose in embarrassment: "How do you know such, um, secret?"

"Master Feng is from Anhe Prefecture. That woman came back, and she came to give gifts after Master Feng passed the Jinshi examination more than ten years ago."

The man said mysteriously: "Guess what happened in the end, Master Feng beat him out, and almost told the emperor that he was not filial."

"Then Master Feng's mother never came back?"

"That's right. She was wearing gold and silver at that time, and she had hundreds of entourages. She must have married some prince or general. She might become the favorite concubine of some country. It's inconvenient to come back."

The guy thought for a while, clapped his hands and said, "By the way, I heard that when the woman came, she was riding a big iron bird that could fly."

"Black iron flying kite?"

Tang Tang Tang Jiao said in unison: "Isn't that something from Emperor Zun Palace?"

The buddy was still curious, looked at them and asked, "Do you know each other? You also know how to do magic tricks, right? If you know how to do it, hurry up and get reported to the police. Maybe Mr. Feng will come to arrest you soon."

Tangtang waved his hand: "We also heard that, hey, has that big iron bird that can fly come here?"

"No, Guanyigai has always been Yizhuang before it came here. What does such a big man come here for?"

After asking, Tangtang stood up to leave.

The guy still stopped him: "You really want to go, young master, how about this, the villain will give you a piece of silver, if you can't come out tomorrow..."

"What did you say!"

Tang Jiao grabbed his collar right then.

Tangtang hurriedly stopped her: "Calm down, sister, let's go."

After leaving the tea shop, she asked, "Is there any problem with that guy?"

Tang Jiao shook her head: "No, the consciousness is complete, and I can't feel the brand of the evil army."

Tangtang nodded, "Then let's catch ghosts."

(End of this chapter)

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