Chapter 588 You Are Arrogant

The four sat neatly in a row on the roof of the official post, with the round and big moon behind them.

Tangtang raised her neck: "Aw, woo woo—"

Then I heard a quick response from the mountains and dense forests near the official station, "Aww——"

The other three: "..."

Is it the same function to catch ghosts after the wolf howls under the moon, and to kill the enemy after blowing the horn before going into battle?

The continuous howling of wolves made this night extraordinarily weird. The people who got up at night in the official post retreated in as soon as they opened the door, and even the candles were extinguished.

Except for a few lanterns hanging in the front yard that were on, there was not even a little sound in the entire official post.

Tangtang was very satisfied, she jumped three times and then jumped onto the backyard wall.

Tang Jiao threw out a shark bead.

I saw the beads rolling forward non-stop along a pile of messy, green and yellow grass, and then stopped when they hit a big rock after rolling for less than two or three feet.

Nearby were tangled weeds and fallen trees, as well as two broken coffins turned upside down, rope planks, and tattered strips of white cloth hanging from the trees.

A few crows fluttered away overhead.

Time seems to freeze here.

Tangtang was still worried, and let the little monster and Xiao Honghong go.

The rustling sound in the haystack rang for a while, and then disappeared quickly. After a long time, the sound sounded again.

The mob in gray carried Xiao Honghong, who was licking its fur, back up to the wall.

Just as it was about to pounce on Tangtang, Yan Gui took it aside: "Say it here."

The little monster put down its tail cowardly, meowed at him a few times on purpose, and stretched out its curled paws.

Yan Gui thought the cat had found something in the grass, so he stretched out his hand.

The little monster meowed twice, and then gave Yan Gui a paw!

Yan Gui looked down at the three white marks on his palm: "..."

You are very arrogant!
Everyone: "..."

Hero, see you in the next life!
Tangtang silently grabbed one of the mob's legs and dragged it over: "Don't make trouble, tell me, what did you find?"

In the abandoned well, there are a group of people seen during the day. Underneath the people is a tunnel that can be freely entered and exited. It looks quite long, and Xiao Honghong asked her companion to find the exit.

Put aside the authentic ones, let's get Feng Mingxiu out first.

When walking in the grass nest, Yan Gui asked casually, "What did the cat say just now?"

Tangtang was stunned: "Abandoned well, corpses and tunnels."

Yan Gui showed her the cat's claw marks on his palm.

Tangtang covered her mouth and hehehe: "Little monster scolding brother, you stinky big white mouse!"

Yan Gui turned his gaze——

Seeing that something was wrong, the little black cat squatting on Tangtang's head meowed and ran away.

Tang Jiao had already gone down the well and carried Feng Mingxiu up.

The shackles on his hands have not been untied, and his body is dirty and smelly. His clothes are so torn that he can't find a whole piece of cloth, they are all hung on his body.

The face has slowly turned gray and white. If it was later, the person might be gone.

Tangtang returned his consciousness to him, grabbed a bunch of withered grass and stuffed it into his mouth, and then walked to the well:
"How many more?"

Tang Jiao waved her hand from below: "Your Highness, the last survivor is Zhuang Lier."

Tang Bi and Yan Gui arranged the fished people neatly. Including Zhuang Li'er, there were 200 people in total, which was far from the [-] people the guy said.

Tang Jiao put Zhuang Li'er at the end: "I saw that tunnel, there is wind, and the other end is not sealed."

"Then it depends on where the other end leads to."

Tangtang also returned Zhuang Li'er and Shuishan's spiritual consciousness, and after looking for it, she found something was wrong: "Where are the officials escorting them?"

Tang Jiao spread her hands, "There's nothing underneath."

Put the prisoners here, and get rid of all the officials. This black-robed national teacher is not high-level, so he is quite good at selecting people.

However, in his consciousness, the last place where the official messenger appeared was this dilapidated grassland and the abandoned well.

If the mob couldn't be found elsewhere, it might have been taken away along the tunnel, otherwise if he went out from the front yard, he would definitely be discovered.

Just when Tangtang looked around, Feng Mingxiu woke up and struggled.

Tangtang walked over with her hands behind her back, and kicked hard: "I, stop yelling and beating!"

Feng Mingxiu stared at her with wide eyes, he didn't dare to speak, but his nostrils were wide open, he was probably going to die of anger.

Tangtang knelt down and patted his face: "You were robbed, and your consciousness was also robbed. You almost became a living dead."

"Sister Tang Jiao and the one who carried you up, brother Yan Gui and senior brother Tang Bi who helped you here, I saved you, understand?"

Feng Mingxiu nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Tangtang was very satisfied: "Now, I will untie you, the premise is that you don't shout or scream, otherwise I will slap you in the dirt."

Feng Mingxiu's eyes rolled around, looking at Tang Jiao, then at Yan Gui and Tang Bi.

Finally, he found that the one in front of him seemed to be more talkative, so he nodded vigorously.

Tangtang pulled out the straw that had blocked him.

Feng Mingxiu just wanted to shout "Help", but when he saw Tangtang raised his hand, he swallowed it back quietly.

He coughed twice, spit out a few mouthfuls of ashes, wiped his mouth, and then stammered, "You, why are you here?"

"I came here to save you."

Tangtang casually told him about the situation: "...That's it, you're alive."

Feng Mingxiu looked at her suspiciously: "You, are you so kind?"

Before Tangtang could speak, Tang Jiao got angry, picked him up and threw him into the well without saying a word.

Tang Bi hurriedly stopped him: "Princess—"

Feng Mingxiu grasped the life-saving straw, and pulled Tang Bi with all his teeth and claws: "Tang Bi, hurry up, beg my prince for mercy, this shrew is going to throw me at the prince."

Tang Jiao glared at Tang Bi: "Why?"

Tang Bi made a salute: "Is it inappropriate to throw the third prince down like this? If he shouts loudly inside, he will attract people, and His Highness will not be safe. You should gag your mouth before throwing it away."

From elation to shock and despair, Feng Mingxiu was dumbfounded in just one sentence: "Tang Biyou..."

Tangtang hugged her small shoulders and followed: "How about it, have you thought about it?"

The third prince who can bend and stretch: "I'm sorry, Feng...seventh sister."

Tang Jiao was thrown to the ground by him, and he grinned from the fall, but he didn't dare to say anything else, and squeezed a smile that was uglier than crying.

Tangtang walked around him: "Did anything strange happen before you entered Anhezhou?"

Feng Mingxiu thought about it for a long time: "It's nothing strange, I keep on driving every day, eating and sleeping, I just hope to get to Hailing soon."

"But those who escorted this prince scare people every day, saying that this prince will definitely not be able to reach Hailing. As for them, you beat them hard."

Tangtang knelt down: "When did they start telling you they couldn't make it?"

(End of this chapter)

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