Chapter 597
Yangui stayed at Su's inn, Tangtang could easily find him.

What I didn't expect was that it was so late, Yan Gui didn't sleep, but was... taking a bath.

Her magic circle was a little sloppy, so that the place where she landed was in Yangui's bathtub.

When the water splashed by her fell down, looking at the beauty in the water opposite, the whole candy was almost out of breath:

"Big brother, Tangtang Tangtang is not, it is intentional, you, you, don't get me wrong, Tangtang swears..."

In order to show that she is not a complete female hooligan, she also raised three fingers vigorously.

Coincidentally, the little hand directly threw away the robe that Yan Gui had taken to shield himself in a panic.

Yan Gui: "..."

Tangtang turned her little head stiffly: I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I didn't mean to say it, but my hands are so honest.

When it's over, will my brother beat me?

She curled herself up into a ball, hugged her little head tightly, and argued weakly and feebly:
"Brother, you have to believe that Tangtang is really good."


There was a sound of water, followed by a chuckle: "Before my sister left, I tried my best to invite my brother to stay in your inn, so it was because of..."

"No, no, it's all a misunderstanding, brother, listen to Tangtang's explanation..."

A candy that turned into a prawn stood up from the bathtub without thinking about his own life——

After seeing Yan Gui's wet hair draped over his shoulders and a large piece of skin exposed from his untied coat, he squatted back into the bucket silently and swallowed.

"Really, it's really not for peeking at my brother taking a bath, ugh..."

The more he explained, the quieter he sounded, as if he didn't quite believe what he just said.

Yan Gui looked at her weak, pitiful and helpless little back, smiled lightly and shook her head, put on her outer robe, and wrapped her little head with a clean towel:

"Sister, come out first, and be careful not to catch a cold."

Tangtang held onto the towel tightly: "No, no, no, the water is very hot, so I don't catch cold. Tangtang thinks it's very good here, very good."

Yan Gui's eyes were full of smiles. He walked up to her, lifted a corner of the towel, and looked at her big dodgy eyes:
"Sister, the water will eventually be cold, and this is my brother's bathtub."

Big eyes popped out of the towel, and the smile turned into a crooked moon: "No, it's coming out..."

"Little thing, I suddenly remembered something, your..."

With a "squeak", the door was pushed open, followed by Xue Hairong who had covered her face with flower petals.

While sticking it, he walked around the screen, and then saw everything in front of him.

The little thing was wet and his clothes were disheveled. The sugar doll was soaking in the bathtub, her two big eyes were either panicked or dazed, and she foolishly grabbed a lock of Yan Gui's hair.

Looking horizontally and vertically, it is the scene of the crime.

Xue Hairong turned around: "I'll come back tomorrow, excuse me."

After taking two steps, he suddenly felt that something was not quite right.

After reacting, Xue Hairong threw off the petals on his face, pulled out the medicine pestle from the back of his waist, and threw it at Yan Gui:
"Xiao Yangui, I think of your mother's life-saving grace, so I treat you as my own son... Bah, grandson, what did you do to my sugar baby!"

"How old is she, are you acting recklessly just because of your surname Xiao? If I don't beat you into medicine dregs today, I won't be the king of the Xuehai Clan!"

Yan Gui was confused, dodging left and right: "Mr. Xuehai, listen to my explanation..."

"Bah! Explain what a fart!"

Xue Hairong danced vigorously with a medicine pestle: "This old man is a man, you can still fool this old man with your flamboyant intestines, you will die!"

"Don't take it, don't take it, uncle, calm down!"

Tangtang saw her brother being chased and beaten by her uncle, so she quickly crawled out of the tub, wrapped in a towel and followed behind.

"Uncle, it's not what you see..."

Xue Hairong picked her up and let her sit on his shoulders: "Could it be that he has done something? Little beast, wait until Yunwu Mountain flattens Emperor Zun Palace!"

Yan Gui's eyes froze, and he closed the door behind his back.

No one knows what kind of trick he used, he took Tangtang, subdued Xue Hairong, and pushed him against the wall:
"have you had enough!"

He turned cold, the gods and ghosts dare not approach him.

Xue Hairong swallowed nervously: "What do you want to do, you are too deceitful!"

Yan Gui didn't bother to pay attention to him, threw the pestle into his arms, turned around and wiped Tangtang's hair: "Sister came to look for brother, what do you want to say?"

Tangtang buried herself in the big towel and said in a low voice, "Brother Prince is missing. I'm worried about my brother, so I want to come and see you."

"Brother heard about it."

Yan Gui patted her little head to comfort her, knocked on the window twice, and gave some instructions to the outside in a low voice, and then said:

"Don't be afraid, if it's really Qiangjun or Dizun's fault, brother can always get news from here."

"My brother is worried about you too."

Yan Gui squatted down, opened the towel, looked into her big wet eyes:

"The disappearance of the prince is no accident. No matter what they want to do, the next target is you."

Tangtang nodded: "It's because Emperor Zun felt that Daliang didn't listen to him, and Lord Qiang wanted to take revenge, and they were in collusion, that's why they took action against Brother Prince."

"If they dare to come, Tangtang will fight with them, Tangtang is not afraid."

Yan Gui patted her little head: "Okay, brother knows that you are brave, but when it comes to marching and fighting, you should listen to the opinions of the general king and the protector of the country."

"As for the government, my younger sister has three hundred followers, all of whom are celebrities who can plan strategies. I often discuss with them when I encounter problems. My younger sister is a wise and mighty little phoenix."

Tangtang tilted her head and looked at him: "Brother, why is he talking so strangely today, do you have something to hide from Tangtang?"

"There are some things, but now is not the time to explain."

There was a knock on the door outside, Yan Gui got up, pulled Xue Hairong aside and opened the door, and took the burden from the stranger:

"These are clean clothes. My sister went to the inner room to change them. Go back to Bieyuan earlier. Don't let the genius doctor and Mr. Su worry."


Tangtang blinked, and obediently ran to hide behind the screen to change clothes, but her eyes and ears were always focused on the outside.

Uncle Xuehai and Brother Yangui didn't speak, but they gave each other something, like a small medicine bottle?

Is my brother hurt so badly?
When she went out, Xue Hairong and Yan Gui seemed as if nothing had happened.

Yan Gui came over and tied her hair up with a hairpin: "From now on, when my brother is not around, I must keep this hairpin with me at all times, and don't leave it."

Tangtang touched it: "Remember."

"There is one more thing, just as important as this."

Yan Gui nodded her little head: "In case the prince cannot be found, you must return to the capital immediately before the capital is in chaos, and become the emperor."

(End of this chapter)

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