I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 598 Don't Look at Other Men

Chapter 598 Don't Look at Other Men

Aunt Empress said so, although Master and Brother Nie Fu'an didn't say it clearly, they also meant the same.

Tangtang blinked: "Brother, do you know something?"

Yan Gui shook his head, looked into her eyes and laughed: "I don't know, brother and sister are just a pawn."

And chess pieces are not worthy to know the secrets of chess players.

Tangtang also laughed, waved her fist and said solemnly:

"Then that chess player is really unlucky. Brother is super fierce, and Tangtang is also very fierce. Sooner or later, he will be defeated."

Yan Gui poked her small fist: "If you have strength in your hands, you will be more fierce. Do you understand what brother means?"


Tangtang stood on tiptoe, leaned close to his ear and asked in a low voice, "If Tangtang becomes the empress, will my brother come to see Tangtang on the day he ascends the throne?"

Yan Gui's eyes trembled, and he clenched his fingers tightly.

"What are you doing, what are you doing?"

Xue Hairong, who was beaten against the wall and did not dare to come down, saw this scene, and his blood rushed to the top of his head, so he immediately killed him with a medicine pestle.

He swung the two little dolls away with a club: "What are you talking about whispering, if you insist on sticking together, come, let me listen."

The interrupted Tangtang pursed her mouth, looked at him with her arms around her shoulders and moaned:

"Uncle, have you gained weight recently, the little flowers on the skirt are all burst by you!"

When Xue Hairong heard it, her hair stood on end, and rushed to the bronze mirror with a swoosh to take a left and a right photo:

"Are you fat? Is your face round? It seems a little, and there are a few more wrinkles. It's over..."

Yan Gui ignored his crazy words and walked over to touch Tangtang's little head:

"What brother can't do can't be guaranteed. The only thing that can be guaranteed is that brother will definitely be there on the day my sister gets married."

"That will be three years later." Tangtang drooped her head, "Brother is leaving again. Last time it was four years, this time it will be three years. It's been a long, long time..."

Yan Gui knelt down and looked into her big reddish eyes: "Sister, if you bear with it, the world will be peaceful, and brother will always be with you."

Sounds ok.

Tangtang rubbed her face, feeling aggrieved: "Do you keep your word?"

"I lied to you as a puppy."


Yan Guixiao: "You."

Tang Tang was very angry: "You puppy, your whole family is puppies!"

Yan Gui laughed: "...Okay, brother is a puppy."

Tangtang was satisfied now, and asked again: "Can Tangtang still use 'Tangtang Moves Mountains' to see my brother in the future?"

Yan Gui coughed lightly: "If there is a chance, brother will find a way to give you the address, but try to avoid brother bathing, time, okay?"

Tangtang was ashamed, but she never admitted her mistake: "What if it's not good?"

Yan Gui: "..."

You just said it wasn't intentional.

How is this different from what you said?

Yan Gui's ears turned red: "Not good, not good... just, forget it..."

Seeing that he was on the verge of talking, Tangtang covered her mouth and laughed:
"TangTang knows it, she will never make the same mistake. If TangTang is not careful next time, Yan Gui can also come and see TangTang..."

Yan Gui covered her small mouth and said fiercely: "Feng Chenyue, listen to me, you are not allowed to look at other people, especially men!"


Tangtang's little head is like a chicken pecking at rice.

Anyway, it was Feng Chenyue who agreed, not Su Junqing, and besides, Bu Anlan and Xuan Yu didn't agree either.

Yan Gui seemed to have read her careful thoughts, and said righteously: "Bu Anlan, Su Junqing, and Xuan Yu are not allowed to watch!"

Tangtang: "..."

This, is it so strict?
But seeing how serious his brother looked, Tangtang could only nod cowardly.

Well, if you don't watch it, don't watch it, whoever sees who is Brother Yangui!
Yan Gui did not let this eccentric naughty ghost go so easily: "Don't allow others to look at you!"

Tangtang agreed to this request quite quickly, not only using his small brain, but also using his hands and feet: "Yeah."

Only then did Yan Gui hesitate to let her go: "If it can't be done..."

"Tangtang will become as fat as Master Xuehai!" Tangtang swears to the sky with a smile.

One sentence puts two people down.

Yan Gui: "..."

Xue Hairong had just finished comforting herself, because she was so swollen because of giving medicine to Xiaoxiong day and night, but when she heard Tangtang's words, she immediately ran back to the mirror and doubted her life.

Tangtang sticks out her tongue: "Brother should also take care of himself."

She also took out the token on her body: "If you have time, give it to the uncle. He can go to any shop of the Su family to pick up the skirt at will. No money."

Xue Hairong held up the mirror and poked her head out: "Have you finally found out your conscience?"

Tangtang pouted: "Tangtang's conscience has always been beautiful and good, these are thanks to master for taking care of brother."

Xue Hairong felt guilty for a moment: "You don't have to be so polite, in fact, uncle, just do it smoothly, in case you get carried away with joy and hurt the little thing..."

Tangtang grinned and threatened: "Then you will grow old overnight."

Xue Hairong was so frightened that she almost flew into the sky: "Take your jade token and go this way."

He directly pushed the angry little nephew out.

Tangtang grabbed the door frame and poked his head: "Remember to think about Tangtang, think about it when you eat, oops when you walk..."

Xue Hairong almost slammed the door on her face.

Soon, there was no sound outside, and when he opened the door again, there was only a jade tablet engraved with the word Su lying on the ground.

He leaned over to pick it up.

"Ah Yue has already found out."

Yan Gui walked over, and said lightly: "She is afraid that you will die if you don't do your best, so I left this thing to remind you, Mr. Xue Hai, don't let her down."

Xue Hairong, one head and two older, put away the jade plaque respectfully: "When I met you two, I was really unlucky in eight lifetimes, and each had more heart than the other."

"Mr. Xuehai is absurd."

Xue Hairong rolled her eyes: "I'm praising my little nephew, what does it have to do with you?"

Yan Gui smiled inscrutablely: "Of course it has nothing to do with Yan Gui at this time."

"Hey, what do you mean by that?" Xue Hairong's head was buzzing, and he couldn't help but think of the scene when he came in just now.

"I'm warning you, little thing, don't think about my sugar baby, don't say she's still young, and it's nothing to do with you when she grows up."

"Let's not talk about her four fathers, her brothers and sisters, there's no one in Yunwu Mountain that you can afford to offend."

Xue Hairong said while chasing Yangui, he turned around suddenly and almost bumped into a big somersault: "What, what are you doing, you scared me to death."

Yan Gui glanced at him: "What does it have to do with you?"

Xue Hairong: "..."

It's your opposite!

You wait for me, if you can succeed, unless the clouds and mists fall, the golden crow and the sea dry up.

(End of this chapter)

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