I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 609 How Did You Become a Sausage Mouth?

Chapter 609 How Did You Become a Sausage Mouth?
Quan's eyes moved from Ming Wuci's knife to her face, it was light, soft and not aggressive at all.

But at that moment, Ming Wuci's whole body was like a broken kite, flew up inexplicably, and fell heavily outside the crowd.

"Fog Ci, what's going on here?"

Qian Shuang led someone to run in from the outside, and hurriedly supported her: "Why are you still vomiting blood, call the imperial doctor."

In an instant, the room was in chaos, and the palace people all moved away from Quan, not even daring to look at him again.

Tangtang ran down from the bed barefoot, squatted next to Ming Wuci, felt her pulse, and gave her a pill:
"I got an internal injury and I want to recuperate, so I will keep it in my yard, and there is no need to send it back."

"Yes." The palace people hurriedly carried Ming Wu Ci to the side room to recuperate.

Only then did Tangtang turn her head to look at Quan: "Head of the Hai Clan, you are committing a crime by trespassing on my room!"

"Even if General Ming kills you, you deserve what you deserve. If you resist, do you want to rebel?"

"Do not."

Quan became anxious, and took a few steps forward to pull her sleeve, but he didn't know what to think of, so he retreated silently.

His eyes were filled with tears, and he lowered his head, dropping them, muttering, repeating "no".

Tangtang frowned: "Because you saved the Shark Demon Lord and put down the tribe's rebellion, I will forgive you this time, and you will never appear in front of me again in the future."

"no, do not want."

Quan shook his head desperately, clenched his fists tightly, resolutely refusing to leave here.

"His Majesty--"

Qian Shuang persuaded in a low voice: "At this time, it is better not to provoke him, the life of the king is tied to him, and he can't distinguish between good and evil, and he is difficult to control. Let's talk about it after finding the spiritual core?"

Tangtang nodded, asked someone to take away her things, and then said to Quan: "You like this place, so just stay here."

Quan watched her figure drift away in disbelief.

There was a commotion early in the morning, and the atmosphere in the whole villa was weird.

After Tangtang had breakfast, he summoned several officials from Anhe Prefecture, and then let the long-awaited subordinates of Xiaoyaojing come in:
"Did you see that big four-legged snake after cleaning the battlefield? Is it still in the miasma forest?"

I follow you to see me and I see you, and then said: "I saw it, it was in the swamp forest, but it was taken away by the disciples of Youtan Sect."

Tangtang blinked her eyes: "You Tanzong, where did they take it? Do they still want to use four-legged snakes to raise Gu?"

"The disciples of the Youtan Sect said that their big witches and maidens have raised Gu for decades, and they have raised all kinds of weird things. They have never seen such a big four-legged snake."

Tangtang sighed: "When you meet little four-legged snakes, they are the only ones who will become Gu. Send someone to tell them that the four-legged snake is my friend, and I will exchange it with something else."

She suddenly remembered something and slapped the table:
"No, when I signed the contract with my elder brother, Youtanzong wanted to listen to Xiaoyaojing's words. Now that my grandfather wants a four-legged snake, they have to give it to them as grandchildren. What is the exchange!"

The subordinates flew excitedly when they heard it: "That's right, you should be so stubborn!"

"My subordinates have long been displeased with those little bastards of the Youtan Sect. The master is a four-legged snake. If you don't dare to give it up, dig up the ancestor's grave!"

The subordinates went out clamoring, and after a while, they came back dejectedly: "Master..."

Tangtang was buried in a pile of reports in the dark, seeing their expressions, his eyes went dark at that moment:
"What's the matter, your ancestral graves were taken away by them?"

The subordinates shook their heads: "The four-legged snake is no longer in Hailing Mansion. The great witches took it to Shiwan Mountain, saying that they want to study it in the sect."

Tangtang: "...and then?"

"The apostle's level is too low to enter Shiwan Mountain. Only the suzerain, the great witch and witches can enter there. Among the people I know so far, only Princess Tang Jiao can contact me."

Tangtang's head hurts: "Then why don't you contact her?"

Subordinate coughed lightly: "It's like this. Princess Tang Jiao missed and worried about Mr. Jing'an, fearing that he would be injured on the front line, so she secretly ran to Futu Town two days ago."

"So, when Princess Tang Jiao returns to Shiwan Mountain, I'm afraid the four-legged snake has already become a Gu."

Tangtang: "..."

Sister Tang Jiao, why didn't you choose the general's father as your saint?
"Forget it, let the subordinates in Futu Town find out where the Shiwan Mountain is, and I will go there myself."


Tangtang put away her things, ran to Bu Chen and Su Qingyun's yard first, and told them about going to Shiwan Mountain.

"You don't need to ask Tang Jiao about this," Bu Chen put down the medical book in his hand, and fed her a piece of pastry, "Your rich dad lived there for a long time."

Young Master Yun, who was lying on the bamboo chair, narrowed his eyes: "Ah, about three or five years ago, I was not much older than Tang Xiaoguai at that time."

Tangtang's eyes widened: "Rich daddy is going to Shiwanshan to do business?"

Bu Chen sneered: "Be a Gu slave."

"He was bewitched by a woman from southern Xinjiang, he stopped doing business, his father, mother, and master didn't want him anymore, and he held a sincere heart in front of her, but 'Pa Ji' broke into pieces."

Su Qingyun smashed the fan on his head: "...Are you finished?"

"It's not over!"

Bu Chen picked up the fan, and casually paste a pinch of medicinal powder on it:

"Xuan Mo, Feng Hanchu and I found you after a narrow escape. Not only did you not want to repent, but you also wanted to coax us into being Gu slaves for that woman. How shameless you are?"

Young Master Yun was discouraged, and whispered: "Didn't I have no consciousness at that time, didn't I go away with you?"

Bu Chen snorted: "It's Gu who left with us, should he stay there?"

Gong Ziyun jumped up against the case and snatched the fan: "You can tell if you want to beat or scold, you have a strange mood, who do you look down on?"

Bu Chen: "I look down on you!"


Without saying a word, Su Qingyun rushed up with her fan in her hand, but when she was halfway through the rush, she fell right there.

The agility of the fall made Tangtang stunned for a while, seeing him sprawled all over, he didn't know where to help him:
"Rich Daddy, why are you walking and wrestling like little Amu... Hey, Rich Daddy, why did your mouth turn into a sausage mouth?"

Su Qingyun: "No, no, no, no..."

Tangtang turned her head silently: "Fairy Daddy, what did Rich Daddy say?"

"He called me an old bastard!"

Bu Chen put away the book, prepared the medicine box, and took a light look at Su Qingyun:
"Brother made it clear that he poisoned you, can you catch it, and blame me for looking down on you, little trash!"

Su Qingyun: "..."

Tangtang hurriedly ran over to help him up: "Calm down, rich dad, you won't suffer if you bear it for a while, and you won't be fooled if you take a step back."

Su Qingyun: "...Mmmmm."

Tangtang looked at Bu Chen for help.

Buchen picked up the medicine box and picked up the girl: "Let's go together, to Shiwanshan!"

(End of this chapter)

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