I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 610 Happiness Is Yours

Chapter 610 Happiness Is Yours
Young Master Yun, who was still cursing at first, saw that his daughter had been abducted, and immediately followed him: "Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm))"

Tangtang has given up on communicating with this silly father now, and asked Buchen in a low voice:
"What did rich daddy say again?"

Bu Chen said, "He asked if we should leave like this?"

Tangtang turned her head, trying not to hurt Rich Daddy with her excited gaze:

"That's right, call Brother Yuji, find his spirit core and replace it immediately, and then he will be free."

Originally, Qian Shuang wanted to follow, but Tang Tang stayed behind to take care of Ming Wuci:
"Sister Wuci is sick and needs someone to take care of her, and the Forbidden Army and Qianlongwei need someone to lead her."

"Also, what if the trapped Sea Clan patriarch runs away without anyone watching?"

Quan is indeed a problem.

From his appearance until now, except for not hurting Tangtang, as long as he is close to him, there is no one who will not suffer.

Speaking of this, Tangtang was still very worried: "He is like an arrow on a bowstring, it can fly out to hurt people at any time."

"Sister Qian Shuang, you are the most experienced. If something doesn't look right, run away. Anyway, his spiritual core is in our hands, so we are not afraid that he will run away."

Qian Shuang nodded: "Your Majesty, come back soon."

"Southern border is dangerous everywhere, and that spring is not a good fish at first glance. Let him go quickly, and His Majesty can get out of the sea of ​​suffering as soon as possible."

They parted ways outside the Biezhuang, Qian Shuang watched Tangtang and his party disappear into the magic circle, and then entered the Biezhuang:

"What about Quan, still unwilling to eat?"

The palace man said: "Yes, since His Majesty got angry, he doesn't eat or drink and ignores people."

"How did the rice and water come in, and how did they bring them out as they were? The servants saw that his tail was dry and cracked, how pitiful?"


Qian Shuang smiled coldly: "That's what he deserves! Didn't you see when he hurt General Ming?"

Even though he said so, Qian Shuang still decided to check the situation. If he really starved to death, Yu Ji's spirit core would be broken if it was useless after getting it back.

But when she entered Quan's yard, she was dumbfounded: "Where's the person?"

She searched inside and outside the house, not to mention fish, not even a single scale was found.

The imperial guards guarding the spring were also stunned, they had never encountered such a difficult character before.

His Majesty cast a magic circle in the yard, and dozens of people outside stared at it, but when they said nothing, they disappeared.

Qian Shuang got very angry.

But think about it carefully, this strange murloc can even break out of His Majesty's magic circle, how could a few forbidden soldiers see him?

Either everyone is beaten to the ground by him, or he beats everyone to the ground, the result is the same, so why struggle?

Qian Shuang turned her gaze to the direction where Tangtang left. Could it be that this ghostly patriarch slipped away with His Majesty?

When she thought of Yaoli Yaoqi staring at His Majesty, she shuddered.

On the other side, Tangtang has already reached the vicinity of Shiwan Mountain.

The Hundred Thousand Mountains soar into the clouds, connecting the sky and the earth, and stretching endlessly.

It is said that someone who has counted the tops of the mountain told the people that there are actually only 99 mountain tops in Shiwan Mountain.

The last one was cut off by Emperor Zun Yuanzu with a precious knife because of its ugly appearance. From a distance, it looks bald and bright, which is very characteristic.

Bu Chen pointed to the bright mountain and said: "Hundreds of years ago, it became the secret place of the Gu people in Southern Xinjiang."

"They breed Gu to kill people there, so it has always been the most... place to please your rich daddy in the whole mountain."

Su Qingyun: "?"

Is there something wrong with my ears, or is there something wrong with your expression?
Tangtang couldn't understand what he was saying, out of complete trust in Buchen, she asked in a low voice:
"What did Rich Daddy say now?"

Bu Chen: "He misses the days of being a gu slave very much, it was one of the few happy times in his life."

Su Qingyun: "?"

are you human?

Tangtang was dumbfounded, and while looking for the road to Youtanzong, she was still asking:

"Why, Tangtang has read in the book that Gu slaves have escaped death and are full of fear every day. Rich dad is really different."

"That's natural. Your rich dad has love in his heart, so he can overcome everything naturally."


Before doing it, Su Qingyun touched her lips, which were swollen like two strings of sausages, to warn herself how uneconomical it was to fight with a stinky and shameless person.

Yu Ji listened silently for a while, and couldn't help but feel sincere admiration for Gong Ziyun for the first time:

"It turns out that Mr. Su Jinjin is a man of temperament. I am disrespectful and disrespectful. I have misunderstood you before."

"For the sake of your sincerity, if any Gu breeder takes a fancy to you, I will definitely give you to him, so that you can reminisce about that time gone by."

Su Qingyun: "Oh!"


"What did he say?" Two pairs of curious eyes looked at Bu Chen at the same time.

Bu Chen said without changing expression, "He agreed."

Su Qingyun: "..."

Anyway, Bu Laogou has not been a human being for a long time, he is not angry or angry, he is not angry when he bites his teeth, and he is not angry when his fist is swollen.

Tangtang and Yuji held out their thumbs at the same time: "Rich Daddy/Su Jinjin is really a character!"

Su Qingyun: "..."

Happiness is yours, not mine.

While walking on the high mountain road, everyone listened to Bu Chen talk about Mr. Su's great achievements in the past.

When it came to the end, Su Qingyun began to doubt her life, whether she had really done those foolish things that Bu Chen said.

Later, Buchen finally stopped, and everyone lost their way and kept going around in circles, commonly known as ghosts hitting the wall.

Tangtang pointed to a tree and said, "I've passed by it three times. Look, there are still mob marks on the tree trunk."

And here, according to Su Qingyun's recollection, they were almost at the foot of the abandoned hill on Shiwan Mountain, but they were still spinning around in place.

"There really are ghosts!" Yu Ji hid herself tightly behind Tangtang

His trembling voice and artificial posture make people deeply doubt that the operation of singing and singing can really be done by a fish as stupid as him?

Bu Chen took some anti-drug pills and distributed them:

"Where did the ghosts come from? It's just that we were controlled by the formless, shapeless and soundless Gu as soon as we entered the Shiwan Mountain. Who are they...?"

Just halfway through speaking, his eyes pierced sharply behind him.

All eyes followed, and they saw that the short grass behind them moved slightly, as if something was brushing gently, it was a person.

"come out!"

Everyone shouted in unison, and stood up alone in the grass.

He was wearing a close-fitting black bunt, and he looked very energetic, and the twinkling light in his eyes made people feel happy.

However, a candy completely collapsed.

Everyone didn't ask Quan how he ran out of Biezhuang, and told him directly: "You can follow us by yourself, but don't get too close, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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