I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 612 Do Something Bad Now

Chapter 612 Do Something Bad Now

"Looking down from the sky, Shiwan Mountain looks like a huge bowl, and everything in the bowl is Gu raised by the Youtan Sect."

Tangtang took his hand off the spring's head: "For example, trees, the fruits on the trees, and the stones buried in the soil are all."

"The moment everyone enters Shiwan Mountain, it is equivalent to entering this bowl and becoming a part of Gu."

"If you use spells and martial arts without authorization, it will disturb the big Gu of Shiwanshan, and all other Gu will also be affected, resulting in an unstoppable danger."

Yu Ji's eyes widened in disbelief: "Is Xiao Yangui crazy? Isn't he afraid of putting himself in it?"

Tangtang turned to look at him: "Brother is the Gu raised by Empress Xia Ji."

Yu Ji was speechless.

Bu Chen motioned him to be calm and calm down, and asked Tangtang, "We have to walk to the end of the Shiwan Mountain before we can meet the Great Witch of the Youtan Sect?"

"According to theory, it looks like this."

Tangtang smiled and shook her finger: "But Tangtang has never been reasonable, so now I have to do something bad and let them come to you on their own initiative. Isn't it much faster?"

Bu Chen nodded: "It makes sense, what are you going to do..."

Before he finished asking, Tangtang had already started.

She twisted her waist, twisted her legs, spun around in place several times, and rushed towards the big tree five wide by her side with lightning speed.


A large lump hit the tree trunk.

The group of four onlookers were stunned:

Girls are good everywhere, but they are quite useless to raise.

If His Majesty the Empress of the Liang Kingdom died in Shiwan Mountain, who would she turn to for reasoning?
If the owner hits a tree, will Yu Ji also hit it? Will her head be flattened and she become a stupid fish?

When everyone was thinking wildly, Tang Tang, who had hit the tree, came back shaking his head: "Hehehe——"

Bu Chen touched her little head nervously: "...do you know who I am?"

"Immortal Daddy," Tangtang looked at him strangely, "Why is Tangtang's destructive power so amazing, has Immortal Daddy been affected?"

Seeing that she was fine, Bu Chen was relieved: "Hey, what are you doing for hitting a tree?"

Tangtang squinted her eyes, pointed at the tree and said, "Look, fathers—"

There was a faint sound, creaking, crackling, and a crack appeared in the middle of the trunk of the big tree that she had plunged into just now.

Everyone watched this spectacle in silence.

The tree was cracked from the middle, and fell down in response, and three nearby trees fell along with it, thump, thump, thump——

The afterglow of the setting sun is very clear and bright.

The four eyes shifted from the split tree to Tangtang, and they all raised their thumbs up.

Tangtang also clapped his hands curiously: "It's all a small matter. If it wasn't for fear of causing too much trouble, Tangtang could bring down the entire forest with his bare hands."

Quan on the side couldn't help showing awe.

As the three big trees fell, it caused a series of reactions around. The inexplicable wind blew, and the fallen leaves on the ground were swept into the air and hit the birds.

The screams of flying birds pierced the tranquility of Shiwan Mountain, and there was also a muffled rumbling sound in the distance, as if something was shaking.

Soon the surrounding stones were also rolling on the road, and the stream slowly stopped.

The fish that jumped out of the water with a string of water droplets seemed to be caught by something, and stayed three inches from the surface of the water.

The mountain flowers, grass, trees, birds and insects all quieted down, and the sun that was about to set in the distance was also stuck in the mountains.

Everything was still, even sound and movement.

Tangtang could only see Bu Chen's mouth opening and closing, as if talking about something, but there was no sound at all, even Su Qingyun, who was falling down, was much, much slower as he supported him.

She was so strange that she called out to Daddy, but she couldn't even hear the sound.

When she lowered her head, she raised her hand with pauses, like lotus root joints fished out of the water.

Tangtang blinked, looked at Yu Ji, and finally at Quan.

Of all people, only Quan is normal, precisely because this normality makes him look so weird.

He pulled Tangtang's cuff, brought it to his side, tightened it bit by bit, finally took Tangtang's hand, and stuck it to his forehead.

"Don't be afraid."

Listening to what he said, Tangtang couldn't hear her own voice, but she still wanted to ask, could such a change attract the big witch?

Quan nodded: "Wait."

Tangtang asked again: "Did you also work as a Gu slave here before? Why are you so familiar with everything about Shiwanshan?"

Quan showed a blank expression, shook his head and said, "No."

Tangtang pursed her mouth.

This patriarch is really too powerful, he hides his spiritual consciousness so tightly, if he didn't take the initiative to release it, who would know the secret of the hundred thousand mountains hidden in the spiritual consciousness?

People who practice magic arts in the world are only superficial, and the real masters are either in Yunwu Mountain or Emperor Zun Palace.

Emperor Palace? She didn't know that in Yunwu Mountain, apart from the master and the three uncles, there was really no one who was her opponent.

I didn't expect the new patriarch of the Hai Clan to be so powerful, is he getting closer to the tenth-class black-robed national teacher?
Tangtang was a little excited inside, and asked Quan directly: "Do you have a master, who is he?"

Quan shook his head: "No."

"Then how did you manage to control your own consciousness?"

Even Tangtang was careful when controlling it, otherwise she would go mad if she didn't stay or use too much force.

Quan still said no: "I won't lie."

Could this be the legendary talent?

When Tangtang went to test his consciousness again, it was gone again, and the picturesque Shiwan Mountain became a mysterious place again.

Quan didn't move, she didn't move, the two of them stared wide-eyed.

Later, Quan couldn't bear it anymore, let go of Xu's left hand, put a big red butterfly into Tangtang's palm, and smiled shyly.

The big butterfly was bigger than Tangtang's two hands, standing on her fingers fluttering its wings, the setting sun shone bright red.

When the great witches and witches of Utan Sect came to see this scene, all seven of them were ill.

Isn't this butterfly the young master's soul butterfly?
From the suzerain to the disciples of the Youtan Sect, everyone has a soul sacrifice, which can be saved after death. If the soul sacrifice dies, then the real soul is gone.

Zongli punished the most heinous people, usually by destroying their soul sacrifices.

Therefore, let alone hold such an important thing in your hand and play with it, you will be silenced if you take a second look at it, not to mention that it is Xiao Yangui's soul sacrificial bone butterfly.

It is being held in the hands of the infinitely powerful Empress Liang, in case she misses it...

The witches and witches were about to cry, so they quickly untied the curse to restore them to normal:
"Your Majesty, we have something to discuss. Even if you want You Tanzong, we can offer it with both hands. Just don't kill this butterfly."

(End of this chapter)

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